150 Ebooks gratis para Traductores e Intérpretes

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Diciembre 2013

150 Ebooks gratis para Traductores e Intérpretes

[e-Book]  Mapping best multilingual business practices in the EU European Commission. Texto completo: http://alturl.com/yt5yb

The digital age and globalisation have together changed the European business environment for good. As companies and their employees deal with different languages and cultures on a daily basis, multilingualism can no longer be considered just as an asset or a competitive advantage, but rather as a fact of life. Thus, multilingualism has become a global issue as well as a transversal issue within organisations, since digital communication is erasing national and linguistic boundaries. Faced with this multilingual reality, companies have adopted a number of innovative business practices described in the case studies carried out in European companies. These include intercomprehension (the parallel use of different languages which have similar structures and vocabularies), collaborative interpretation and use of language technology tools, such as machine translation. However, social networks and collaborative methods have led to increasingly complex and technical content. Human resources will always be needed to validate translations, both the machine generated and the human variety. As well as case studies and analysis, this study on multilingual business practices contains a set of recommendations to enhance multilingualism in business. These include the development of multilingual business strategies, the establishment of a European Observatory of Multilingual Business Practices, a quality label for multilingual European company websites translated into more than four languages, and support for the European Company Statute

[e-Book]  Quantifying quality costs and the cost of poor quality in translation: Quality efforts and the consequences of poor quality in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation. Luxemburg, European Commission,. Texto completo: http://www.poliglotti4.eu/docs/Publis/quality_cost_en.pdf

The present study makes the case that quality efforts in translation are indispensable and worth paying for, as these costs actually save money in the long run. It aims to provide a methodology for calculating: 1. The quality-related costs, i.e. quality investment, which in addition to quality control measures in the translation activity includes recruitment, training, IT and translation tools, terminology, etc. 2. The costs of poor quality, i.e. the costs of corrigenda, poorly written originals, IT problems, poor quality of external translations, as well as the costs, financial or otherwise, for the Commission, the EU and society in general. The first part will put the concepts of «quality», “quality costs” and the «cost of poor quality» in a theoretical framework. After that, the study will provide an overview of DGT’s activities that have an impact on the quality of its translations, and indicate how the costs and benefits of DGT’s quality efforts and the costs of poor quality for DGT can be quantified (chapter 4). Chapter 5 will look into the consequences of poor quality outside DGT, i.e. for the Commission and EU companies and citizens, followed by the conclusions in chapter 6

(1997). [e-Book]  BBT Book Production Series. Volume 2: Readings in General Translation Theory. Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall. Texto completo: http://www.bbt.se/Manuals/Readings%20in%20General%20Translation%20Theory%20(EN).pdf

The present volume of the BBT Book Production Series is a collection that gives the BBT translator some basic theoretical understanding about the nature of translation, provides him with knowledge about principal approaches to translation, and broadens the range of his information of language. In selecting the articles, we have asked ourselves: (1) How useful will they be for the BBT translator’s immediate work, and (2) Will a layman translator be able to understand them? Thus we have rejected some major works that are considered to have played a great role in the development of linguistic thought. Instead we have included quite a few papers about Bible translation, considering their greater relevance to BBT translator’s needs

(2002 b). [e-Book]  The Guide to Translation and Localization : Preparing Products for the Global Marketplace. Portland, Oregon, ATA. Texto completo: http://www.unicamp.br/~hans/mc750/lingo_guide_book.pdf

The search for professional linguists should start with the American Translators Association (ATA). Founded in 1959 and headquartered in Washington, DC, ATA is the United States’ largest association of  professional translators and interpreters (with over 8,500 members in more than 60 countries). ATA’s primary goals are to foster and support the professional development of translators and interpreters and to promote the translation and interpreting professions. ATA members have the opportunity to become credentialed in any of 25 different  language combinations by passing one of ATA’s accreditation examinations. ATA translators and interpreters are at the forefront of this new era in communication and welcome the opportunity to help global businesses succeed. ATA is very pleased to join Lingo Systems in publishing this fourth  edition of the award-winning Guide to Translation and Localization­Preparing Products for the Global Marketplace. This book provides users of translation and localization services with the information  needed to have critical business and marketing materials translated and localized to effectively reach customers and suppliers around the world.  This guide gives you insight into the complicated process of transferring messages across languages and cultures. More importantly, it helps you do business internationally.

(2004). [e-Book]  Guía de oportunidades profesionales para traductores e intérpretes en organizaciones internacionales. Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación. Texto completo: http://www.maec.es/es/MenuPpal/Oportunidades/Informacion/GOPparaTraductoreseInterpretes/Documents/c840fc2b84a94035bb9731ab8f1567a3guiatradfinal.pdf

El incremento de la presencia de españoles y la difusión del idioma español en las instituciones y organizaciones internacionales constituye uno de los objetivos estratégicos de la política exterior y multilateral de España. Para atender a dicho objetivo, el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación está impulsando una política sistemática de promoción de la presencia de españoles en organizaciones internacionales que implica el desarrollo de diferentes programas y acciones en los ámbitos de la información, la formación y el desarrollo normativo. Para ello, este Ministerio ha creado la Unidad de Funcionarios Internacionales, nombrando a su frente a un Embajador en Misión Especial. Su finalidad consiste en desarrollar, con vocación esencial de servicio público hacia la ciudadanía, diferentes iniciativas en dichos ámbitos. La Guía ofrece una información completa sobre las oportunidades profesionales para traductores e intérpretes en aquellas instituciones y organizaciones internacionales que tienen el español como lengua oficial, así como sobre los diferentes apoyos a la traducción ofrecidos por las organizaciones internacionales. Con ella se pretende dar a conocer las oportunidades profesionales en el ámbito de la traducción e interpretación tanto entre los expertos e interesados como entre universidades, colegios profesionales, y otras entidades relevantes de la sociedad española.

(2004). [e-Book]  Guide to localization management, Rubric. Texto completo: http://www.issco.unige.ch/en/research/projects/ecolore/localisation/Components/White%20Papers/Guide%20to%20Localisation%20Management.pdf

Localization can bring a great deal of value to a company. Many world-class companies already generate in excess of 60% of their revenue outside of their core domestic market, forging relationships with many global markets rich with opportunities. It is only logical that for many products and services, localized versions generate better results and engender deeper loyalty with your target audience. However, localization can be a complex process and requires effective management. Effective localization management can generate tremendous cost ef ciencies in the production process. Taken to its optimal level, it can change the way in which a company develops its core products and authors its source content. A company ideally translates these ef ciencies across departments, resulting in further localization production gains in an ongoing ef ciency-generation cycle. This can lead to solid “production return-on-investment (ROI)”.Producing versions of products and services to be sold globally can generate signi -cant revenue increases. Through proper collaboration with executive management and other departments, localization management can help the company to achieve not only production ROI, but also “business ROI” objectives. These would include increasing global revenue and market share, satisfying global customers, enhancing global brand equity, reducing relative support costs and positively affecting the company’s share price.

(2004). [e-Book]  A National Code of Ethics for Interpreters in Health Care. Washington The National Council on Interpreting in Health Care  Texto completo: http://hospitals.unm.edu/language/documents/ncihc.pdf

As the profession of health care interpreting in the United States matures and evolves, the importance of creating shared understandings of what is considered high quality and ethically appropriate principles and practices in the field becomes imperative.  To this end, the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care identified three steps that needed to take place on a national level in order to standardize the expectations that the health care industry and patients should have of interpreters and to raise the quality of health care interpreting.  The first step was to create and build support for a single Code of Ethics that would guide the practice of interpreters working in health care venues.  The second step was to develop a nationally accepted, unified set of Standards of Practice based on the Code of Ethics that would define competent practice in the field.  The third step was to create a national certification process that would set a standard for qualification as a professional health care interpreter.

(2008). [e-Book]  Developing Quality Cost Effective Interpreting & Translating Services For Government Service Providers In Ireland. Ireland, Government Service Providers In Ireland. Texto completo: http://www.nccri.ie/pdf/Interpreting%20and%20Translating%20Services.pdf

Over the past few years, the NCCRI has been involved in working with Government bodies to improve services to members of minority ethnic groups. This work has ranged from involvement in drafting the National Action Plan Against Racism (2005–2008) (NPAR) and in contributing to intercultural strategies arising from commitments in the NPAR, such as the Health Services Executive’s National Intercultural Health Strategy 2007–2012; to managing cross-border research on improving services to minority ethnic groups in Ireland, Scotland and Northern Ireland.1 Throughout this work, a recurring theme has been the need for  professional, accurate, high quality interpreting and translating services for people with low proficiency in English; this was confirmed in the NCCRI Advocacy Paper2 Interpreting, Translation and Public Bodies in Ireland: The Need for Policy and Training in 2007

(2008). [e-Book]  Professional Standards and Ethics for California Court Interpreters. San Francisco, Judicial Council of California. Texto completo: http://www.courts.ca.gov/documents/Ethics_Manual_4th_Ed_Master.pdf

This manual is intended to inform interpreters of their professional and ethical responsibilities so that they are better able to deal with the difficulties that commonly arise in matters involving non-English-speaking parties in the judicial system. It also serves as a reference and springboard for discussion in conjunction with the Judicial Council Ethics Workshop, which is provided as an integral part of the education and certification or registration of court interpreters in the State of California. In addition to the regulations and recommendations provided here, it is important to note that different courts have their own rules and ways of conducting business. It is the interpreter’s duty to learn and follow these rules as well. In the courtroom, the judge is the final arbiter of what is appropriate. The more prepared and informed you are about professional practices and the purpose of established norms and principles, the more you, together with all officers of the court, will be able to further the interests of justice. This manual is based largely on the rules and principles set forth in rule 2.890 of the California Rules of Court  (“Professional conduct for interpreters”, see appendix A); California Standards of Judicial Administration  adopted by the Judicial Council of California for interpreted proceedings (Standard 2.10 and Standard 2.11;  see appendix C); the Standards for Performance and Professional Responsibility for Contract Court  Interpreters in the Federal Courts (see appendix E) and W. E. Hewitt, Court Interpretation: Model Guides for Policy and Practice in the State Courts, Publication R-167 (Williamsburg, Virginia: State Justice Institute,  1995).

(2009). [e-Book]  Congreso Mundial de Traducción Especializada. La Habana, Unión Latina. Texto completo: http://dtil.unilat.org/cmte2008/actas/Actas%20CMTE.pdf

El Congreso Mundial de Traducción Especializada fue celebrado en el año 2008, que fuera proclamado por las Naciones Unidas Año Internacional de los Idiomas. En ese contexto, con el propósito de destacar la importancia del traductor como uno de los factores primordiales en la preservación de la diversidad lingüística, el Congreso congregó a diversos especialistas que trataron múltiples aspectos de la profesión del traductor bajo el gran lema “Lenguas y diálogo intercultural en un mundo en globalización”. Contó con cerca de 300 participantes, en su mayoría traductores, provenientes de los cinco continentes que pudieron expresarse en los cinco idiomas oficiales del Congreso: español, francés, inglés, portugués y ruso. Así, se ofrecieron durante este encuentro una variedad de comunicaciones que estudiaron, desde un punto de vista más político que científico, diferentes facetas de la traducción a escala internacional. Los grandes temas en los que se clasificaron las ponencias fueron: • La traducción en organismos internacionales y en las patentes y normas • Traducción automatizada • Herramientas lingüísticas y recursos en línea • Corpus lingüísticos y estudios de caso • La profesión del traductor: especialización, formación y sinergias • “La traducción es muy cara y lenta” o mentiras del monolingüismo

(2009). [e-Book]  La traduction à la Commission: 1958-2010. Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/publications/studies/translation_european_commission_fr.pdf

Some evidence why translation was crucial to the building of Europe ­ and how our translators help to make the European Union accessible to all.

(2009). [e-Book]  Programme for quality management in translation. Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/publications/studies/quality_management_translation_en.pdf

Overview of measures taken by the European Commission’s translation service to ensure sustained quality management in translation.

(2009). [e-Book]  Web translation as a genre Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/web-translation-as-a-genre-pbHC8009160/downloads/HC-80-09-160-EN-N/HC8009160ENN_002.pdf?FileName=HC8009160ENN_002.pdf&SKU=HC8009160ENN_PDF&CatalogueNumber=HC-80-09-160-EN-N

Why is translating for the web fundamentally different from translating legal texts? This study sheds some light on the work translators do for EUROPA ­ the EU’s multilingual website.

(2010). [e-Book]  Étude portant sur la contribution de la traduction à la société multilingue dans l’Union européenne Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://www.lt-innovate.eu/system/files/documents/1348-Contribution%20de%20la%20traduction%20%C3%A0%20la%20soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9%20multilingue%20dans%20l%E2%80%99Union%20europ%C3%A9enne%202010.pdf

Economic, cultural, legal and political dimensions of translation in the EU, and different countries’ perceptions of translation. Translation (transposing a text from one language into another) unquestionably plays a major role in today’s world (daily life, information, interaction, cultural and economic activities, etc.) – and that role is growing with globalization and the consequent proliferation of interactions in which the partners speak different languages. In an ordinary day, a European citizen may drink coffee imported from Peru, on which the label has been translated, read an article in a newspaper translated by a news agency, check his or her emails on a localized interface installed on a computer with a localized operating system, read a translated Finnish novel in the bus or tube, operate a machine tool at work, of which the manual is translated, use an automatic translation website to obtain up-to-date news on events in Iceland, go home to watch a TV series with subtitles, and so on.

(2010). [e-Book]  Study on the size of the language industry in the EU. Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/study-on-the-size-of-the-language-industry-in-the-eu-pbHC8009985/downloads/HC-80-09-985-EN-N/HC8009985ENN_002.pdf?FileName=HC8009985ENN_002.pdf&SKU=HC8009985ENN_PDF&CatalogueNumber=HC-80-09-985-EN-N

A study on the rapid growth of the language industry, covering translation, interpreting, software localisation, website globalisation, language technology and related fields. Includes country factsheets.

(2011). [e-Book]  Libro Blanco de la traducción y la interpretación institucional : conocer para reconocer. Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores. Texto completo: http://ec.europa.eu/spain/pdf/libro_blanco_traduccion_es.pdf

La idea de elaborar un Libro Blanco sobre la situación de traductores e intérpretes en la Administración española se lanzó en la II Jornada de Traducción y Terminología Institucional, celebrada en la primavera de 2009. El objetivo era realizar una radiografía lo más amplia posible de las condiciones en las que trabajan estos profesionales y, en función de unos resultados que ya preveíamos poco halagüeños, formular las pertinentes propuestas para una reforma que sigue siendo acuciante en el sector que nos ocupa. Con este fin y a título particular, aunque con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea y del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, los integrantes de la Red de Intérpretes y Traductores de las Administraciones Públicas (RITAP) hemos trabajado para obtener la instantánea más precisa posible de esa figura un poco borrosa que es la del traductor o el intérprete que trabaja en los servicios administrativos. Esa imagen está adquiriendo caracteres más nítidos en los últimos tiempos, gracias a la aparición de reportajes periodísticos o de noticias ­ no siempre lisonjeras­ que se refieren a nuestra profesión. Sin embargo, lo cierto es que buena parte de la actividad de los organismos públicos, incluso la defensa de algunos derechos fundamentales de las personas, sería muy difícil ­o directamente imposible­ sin la labor de profesionales de la traducción/interpretación y que ello no siempre se ve recompensado por las condiciones de trabajo que la Administración les ofrece. Es preciso decirlo en voz bien alta: aunque existen excepciones, las condiciones en las que se desarrolla el trabajo de los traductores e intérpretes en nuestro sector público distan mucho de ser las adecuadas. El presente Libro Blanco ha sido elaborado por los integrantes de la Red de Intérpretes y Traductores de la Administración Pública (RITAP): Elhassane Benhaddou Handi, Maite Fernández, Catalina Fiol, Ramón Garrido Nombela, Luis González, Alfonso Mantecón Sancho, M.ª Dolores Ortigosa Lorenzo, Sonsoles Plaza Blázquez, Bárbara Navaza, Leandro Valencia Alonso

(2011). [e-Book]  Libro de estilo interinstitucional de la Unión Europea (UE) Bruselas,Luxemburgo, Unión Europea Texto completo: http://bookshop.europa.eu/es/libro-de-estilo-interinstitucional-2011-pbOA3110655/downloads/OA-31-10-655-ES-C/OA3110655ESC_002.pdf?FileName=OA3110655ESC_002.pdf&SKU=OA3110655ESC_PDF&CatalogueNumber=OA-31-10-655-ES-C

Esta obra, publicada en 1997 en once lenguas y más tarde ampliada a veintitrés, constituye un proceso de armonización lingüística único en su género. Su objetivo es convertirse en la herramienta de referencia de todos los documentos escritos por la totalidad de instituciones, órganos y organismos de la Unión Europea. Para llevarla a cabo, fue necesario crear un Comité de Dirección Interinstitucional, Comité que designó a una serie de representantes en cada institución y para cada lengua que realizan su trabajo bajo la tutela de un grupo de coordinación radicado en la Oficina de Publicaciones. El esfuerzo de armonización necesario entre prácticas a veces divergentes se realiza teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de multilingüismo de las instituciones, que exige que los textos en todas las lenguas oficiales sean comparables, al tiempo que se respeta el carácter específico de cada lengua. La primera parte contiene las normas de estricta aplicación para la redacción de los actos publicados en el Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea, mientras que en la segunda figuran las principales normas técnicas y de redacción relativas a las publicaciones de carácter general. Por otro lado, además de las convenciones específicas de cada lengua, reagrupadas en la cuarta parte, los veintitrés grupos han logrado ponerse de acuerdo en una serie de convenciones de trabajo, comunes a todas las lenguas, que figuran en la tercera parte de la obra. Esta constituye un auténtico catalizador del proceso de armonización entre todas las lenguas y en todas las instituciones. En principio, las convenciones uniformes que figuran en el Libro de estilo prevalecen sobre cualquier otra solución que pueda proponerse o que se haya utilizado anteriormente, por lo que su aplicación es obligatoria en todas las fases del procedimiento escrito. Por último, esta obra pretende, ante todo, impulsar la interacción dinámica entre todos sus usuarios, ya que, por su propia naturaleza, es objeto de una actualización permanente.

(2011). [e-Book]  Lingua Franca: Chimera or Reality? . Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/language-technologies/docs/lingua-franca-en.pdf

The intensification of exchanges in our globalised world has dramatically increased the need for a common language. More and more often this common language is English, considered by many to be today’s lingua franca and only secondarily the mother tongue of specific communities of speakers. The issue, however, is extremely controversial and raises as many questions as it tries to answer. English is not the first language to play this role, other languages have been used as lingue franche in the past and others may therefore acquire this status in the future. Moreover, the concept of lingua franca itself is often questioned. Before examining the status of English in order to see whether it can be considered a lingua franca or, more precisely, today’s lingua franca, the very concept of lingua franca needs to be defined more precisely. In addition, a review of other lingue franche can provide a clearer image of how they develop and disappear, as well as the needs they are supposed to meet, in relation to the present situation. Based on the definition, this study will focus on the lingua franca as a vehicular language which allows inter-comprehension among people speaking different mother tongues, as a neutral language or jargon of which nobody can claim ownership, but also as the mother tongue of one of the parties in the exchange. Based on this analysis, the second part of the study will be devoted to English to try and define more precisely its new status as a global language and to explore the implications of this new role

(2011). [e-Book]  Research into barriers to translation and best practices : A study for the global translation initiative Conducted by Dalkey Archive Press. March 2011, Dalkey Archive Press. Texto completo: http://www.dalkeyarchive.com/html/WYSIWYGfiles/file/Global%20Translation%20Initiative%20Study.pdf

For the purposes of this report, “contemporary works in translation” include: literary fiction, poetry, drama, literary criticism, and creative on fiction. The Anglophone world includes: the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This report examines translations of contemporary works from any languages in the world into English. In the university survey, “funders” include those who provide government and university funding, as well as foundations and individual philanthropists. In the publishers and translators’ survey, “funders” include all bodies that provide funds for literature (whether domestic or foreign, agencies, foundations or individual philanthropists).

(2012). [e-Book]  Crowdsourcing translation: Studies on translation and multilingualism. Luxembourg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/publications/studies/crowdsourcing_translation_en.pdf

The advent of the Internet  and its rash development in the past few decades have revolutionised our habits and patterns of behaviour. It offers huge opportunities for communication or access to information, but is often blamed for disrupting human relations. We all ­ and especially young people ­ spend more and more hours in front of the screen. An increasing number of tasks, which in the past involved direct human contacts, are now performed through a  machine ­ from carrying out banking transactions or buying plane  tickets, to playing interactive games with people living thousands of kilometres away, or even donating money for a worthy cause. However, new forms of communication are emerging thanks to the Web, notably the Web 2.0 ­ web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interaction and collaboration among users and creation of user-generated content, like social networks, blogs, and wikis. Among these applications, crowdsourcing deserves great attention. The term crowdsourcing was created at the end of the 1990s to indicate a new way of getting work done, by involving the ‘crowd’. It is constantly gaining ground and has by now penetrated a wide range of highly diversified areas. And yet, it remains for many an obscure concept. What does crowdsourcing exactly mean and what does it imply, notably in translation where it has lately become a hot topic?

(2012). [e-Book]  Intercomprehension: Exploring its usefulness for DGT, the Commission and the EU, European Commission. Texto completo: http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/intercomprehension-pbHC3012594/?CatalogCategoryID=ffIKABstvy4AAAEj0JEY4e5L

Intercomprehension is a relatively new field in linguistic research, which has focused mainly on the usefulness of intercomprehension in language teaching. The present study aims at broadening this scope. The study does not pretend to be academic, but to describe how intercomprehension is used in organisations, companies and society at large, and look into how the European Commission could benefit from intercomprehension. Intercomprehension refers to a relationship between languages in which speakers of different but related languages can readily understand each other without intentional study or extraordinary effort. It is a form of communication in which each person uses his/her own language and understands that of the other(s). Intercomprehension is used in society, education and the business world. Since its precondition is the existence of more languages, the same as for translation, it seems logical to explore to what extent translation can benefit from intercomprehension. The study aims to examine the potential of intercomprehension for: society and the European citizens, multilingualism within the European institutions

(2012). [e-Book]  Open translation tools, flossmanuals.net. Texto completo: http://en.flossmanuals.net/_booki/open-translation-tools/open-translation-tools.pdf

The first wave of the internet revolution changed expectations about the availability of information a great deal. Information that was stored in libraries, locked in government vaults or available only to subscribers suddenly became accessible to anyone with an internet connection. A second wave has changed expectations about who creates information online. Tens of millions of people are contributing content to the modern internet, publishing photos, videos, and blog posts to a global audience. The globalization of the internet has brought connectivity to almost 1.6 billion people. The internet that results from globalization and user-authorship is profoundly polyglot. Wikipedia is now available in more than 210 languages, which implies that there are communities capable of authoring content in those tongues. Weblog search engine Technorati sees at least as many blog posts in Japanese as in English, and some scholars speculate that there may be as much Chinese content created on sites like Sina and QQ as on all English-language blogs combined.

(2012). [e-Book]  Study on language and translation in international law and EU law : final report : prepared by the research team of P & V International, European Commission, Directorate-General for Translation Texto completo: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/publications/studies/language_translation_international_eu_law_en.pdf

The study on Language and Translation in International law and EU law explores the role of language and translation in the global environment with special regard to legal instruments. Divided into four thematic chapters and supported by two case studies, the study gives an overview of the language regime applied in international fora, presents the language-related aspects of the treaty-making powers of the EU, including the specific translation methods of treaties concluded by the EU and the impact of the terminology of international law on EU legislation, highlights the main regulatory instruments of international law on language rights and identifies the role and nature of linguistic rights, investigates the relationship between linguistic diversity and economic efficiency in view of the smooth functioning of the internal market and in a broader context, based on two case studies (one on labelling and the other on patents). The research was based on a thorough analysis of the relevant literature and of other publicly available documents, on replies received to previously prepared questionnaires and on personal interviews

(2013). [e-Book]  English Style Guide: A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission 2013, European Commission Directorate-General for Translation. Texto completo: http://ec.europa.eu/translation/english/guidelines/documents/styleguide_english_dgt_en.pdf

This Style Guide is intended primarily for English-language authors and translators, both in-house and freelance, working for the European Commission. But now that so many texts in and around the EU institutions are drafted in English by native and nonnative speakers alike, its rules, reminders and handy references aim to serve a wider readership as well. In this Guide, ‘style’ is synonymous with a set of accepted linguistic conventions; it therefore refers to recommended in-house usage, not to literary style. Excellent advice on how to improve writing style is given in The Plain English Guide by Martin Cutts (Oxford University Press, 1999) and Style: Toward Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams (University of Chicago Press, 1995), and the European Commission’s own How to write clearly, all of which encourage the use of good plain English. See also Clear English ­ Tips for EU translators, Tips on translating from Slovak into English and A brief list of misused English terms in EU publications. For reasons of stylistic consistency, the variety of English on which this Guide bases its instructions and advice is the standard usage of Britain and Ireland (for the sake of convenience, called ‘British usage’ or ‘British English’ in this Guide). The Guide is divided into two clearly distinct parts, the first dealing with linguistic conventions applicable in all contexts and the second with the workings of the European Union ­ and with how those workings are expressed and reflected in English. This should not be taken to imply that ‘EU English’ is different from ‘real English’; it is simply a reflection of the fact that the European Union as a unique body has had to invent a terminology to describe itself. However, the overriding aim in both parts of the Guide is to facilitate and encourage the writing of clear and reader-friendly English. Writing in clear language can be difficult at the Commission, since much of the subject matter is complex and more and more is written in English by (and for) non-native speakers, or by native speakers who are beginning to lose touch with their language after years of working in a multilingual environment. We must nevertheless try to set an example by using language that is as clear, simple, and accessible as possible, out of courtesy to our readers and consideration for the image of the Commission. In legislative texts, accuracy and clarity are of course paramount. But legal or bureaucratic language that we might regard as pompous elsewhere has its place in both legislation and preparatory drafting, though the specialist terms must be embedded in rock-solid, straightforward English syntax. In some cases ­ departmental memos or papers for specialist committees ­ we may regard ‘Eurospeak’ as acceptable professional shorthand; searching here for ‘plain English’ periphrases wastes time and simply irritates readers.

Aas, A. (2004). [e-Book]  The reception of Alice in Wonderland and Winnie-the-Pooh by Estonian children: issues of translation and translatability. Tartu University of Tartu Library. Texto completo: http://dspace.utlib.ee/dspace/bitstream/handle/10062/1154/Aas.pdf?sequence=5

The reception of Alice in Wonderland and Winnie-the-Pooh by Estonian children: issues of translation and translatability. DSpace/Manakin Repository

Ahmedaja, A. (2011). [e-Book]  European Voices II, Böhlau Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15347

Although the fundamental meaning of basic terminology is well established for every scholarly discipline, many concepts are often questioned and redefined. In the case of ethnomusicology, this process is all too familiar, as researchers within the discipline focus on the most diverse of music cultures. The manifold worldviews of the resource persons, as holders and presenters (in both meanings of the word) of a tradition make the matter more complex. Such a situation has particular significance in the context of multipart singing because of the specific musical aesthetics and vocabularies established among singing groups. Additionally, it is accentuated by processes of change within every musical culture and those of ethnomusicology.Examining this question from the viewpoint of folk terminology means primarily considering specific and individual concepts of cultural listening, in the sense of ‘paying attention’, ‘con-centrating’ and ‘focusing on’. These concepts are established on the one hand through the processes of music listening and music making and on the other hand through the local dis-course, in which singers and musicians as well as local communities are very much involved. The discourse as a communication category with which people communicate about the claim to validity of rules also plays an important role in processes of legitimating and power within the community. An essential part of the discourse is singing itself. The music therefore becomes the object and subject of research. Of particular relevance in this framework are questions of gender, applying to communities in which women practice multipart singing and others where they are mostly listeners, although contributing decisively in the discourse processes.A specific role become issues of brain research. In this context the functionality of an exact motor control system within the body for precise timing, sequencing and the spatial organisation of movements during musical performance become particularly important. Performing and listening to music are culturally conditioned, but they are at the same time natural human abilities. Therefore the study of underlying processes is crucial and promises to uncover fun-damental properties of the human brain.The different theoretical viewpoints in the first three chapters of the book are followed by ap-proaches of a «Lexicon of Local Terminology on Multipart Singing in Europe». These reflect the situation of a few but different communities and areas in Europe, helping to obtain additional insights into the topics in question.<p>Die grundlegende Bedeutung der Terminologie steht für jede Wissenschaft zwar außer Streit, viele Termini werden aber oft in Frage gestellt und immer wieder neu definiert. In der Ethnomusikologie ist dieser Vorgang eine all zu bekannte Erscheinung, beschäftigen sich doch die Forscher dieser Disziplin mit unterschiedlichsten Musikkulturen. Die mannigfaltigen Weltanschauungen der Gewährspersonen, die gleichzeitig Träger und Darsteller (im doppelten Sinn des Wortes) der jeweiligen Tradition sind, machen die Frage noch komplexer. Dieser Zustand nimmt in Fragen vokaler Mehrstimmigkeit eine besondere Stellung ein, auf Grund der eigenen musikalischen Ästhetik und des eigenen Vokabulars, die sich unter Sängergruppen etabliert haben. Er wird zusätzlich durch Änderungsprozesse in jeder Musikkultur und jene in der Ethnomusikologie betont.Diese Frage vom Blickwinkel der Volksterminologie zu erkunden, erfordert zuerst spezifische und individuelle Konzepte des kulturellen Hörens im Sinne von ‚Aufmerksamkeit schenken’, ‚sich konzentrieren auf’ und ‚Aufmerksamkeit ausrichten auf’ in die Untersuchungen mit einzubeziehen. Diese Konzepte sind einerseits durch Prozesse des Musikhörens and Musikmachens, andererseits durch den lokalen Diskurs, in dem Volkssänger- und -musikanten, wie auch die jeweilige lokale Gemeinschaft mitwirken, etabliert.Der Diskurs als jene Art der Kommunikation, durch die sich Personen über den Geltungsanspruch von Normen verständigen spielt eine wichtige Roll in den Prozessen von Legitimation und Macht innerhalb einer Gemeinschaft. Ein wesentlicher Teil des Diskurses ist das Singen selbst. Die Musik wird daher Objekt und Subjekt der Untersuchungen. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind in diesem Zusammenhang Gender-Fragen. Sie betreffen Gemeinschaften in denen Frauen aktiv in der Praxis der vokalen Mehrstimmigkeit teilnehmen sowie andere, in denen sie vor allem Zuhörerinnen sind, trotzdem aber eine entscheidende Rolle in den Diskurs-Prozessen spielen.Eine spezifische Rolle kommt Fragen der Hirnforschung zu. Besonders wichtig in diesem Zusammenhang ist die Funktionalität eines exakten motorischen Kontrollsystems innerhalb des Körpers für die präzise Zeitmessung, die Sequenzbildung und die Raumorganisation der Bewegungen während der musikalischen Interpretation. Musikinterpretation und -hören sind kulturell bedingt, aber sie sind gleichzeitig natürliche menschliche Fähigkeiten. Die Untersuchung der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse ist daher entscheidend und verspricht die Entdeckung grundlegender Merkmale des menschlichen Gehirns.Die unterschiedlichen theoretischen Blickwinkeln in den drei ersten Kapitel des Buches werden von Annäherungen an ein «Lexikon der lokalen Terminologie zur vokalen Mehrstimmigkeit in Europa» gefolgt. Diese widerspiegeln die Situation weniger aber unterschiedlicher Gemeinschaften und Regionen in Europa und helfen zusätzliche Einsichten zu den gestellten Fragen zu gewinnen.

Amy, C. and N. Alistair (2009). [e-Book]  Sounds in translation : Intersections of music, technology and society, ANU E Press Texto completo: http://epress.anu.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/whole_book31.pdf

Sounds in Translation: Intersections of music, technology and society joins a growing number of publications taking up R. Murray Schafer?s challenge to examine and to re-focus attention on the sound dimensions of our human environment. This book takes up his challenge to contemporary audiologists, musicologists and sound artists working within areas of music, cultural studies, media studies and social science to explore the idea of the ?soundscape? and to investigate the acoustic environment that we inhabit. It seeks to raise questions regarding the translative process of sound: 1) what happens to sound during the process of transfer and transformation; and 2) what transpires in the process of sound production/expression/performance. Sounds in Translation was conceived to take advantage of new technology and a development in book publishing, the electronic book. Much of what is written in the book is best illustrated by the sound itself, and in that sense, permits sound to ?speak for itself?.

Amy, C. and N. Alistair (2009). [e-Book]  Sounds in translation : Intersections of music, technology and society. Texto completo: http://epress.anu.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/whole_book31.pdf

Sounds in Translation: Intersections of music, technology and society joins a growing number of publications taking up R. Murray Schafer?s challenge to examine and to re-focus attention on the sound dimensions of our human environment. This book takes up his challenge to contemporary audiologists, musicologists and sound artists working within areas of music, cultural studies, media studies and social science to explore the idea of the ?soundscape? and to investigate the acoustic environment that we inhabit. It seeks to raise questions regarding the translative process of sound: 1) what happens to sound during the process of transfer and transformation; and 2) what transpires in the process of sound production/expression/performance. Sounds in Translation was conceived to take advantage of new technology and a development in book publishing, the electronic book. Much of what is written in the book is best illustrated by the sound itself, and in that sense, permits sound to ?speak for itself?.

Aneca (2004). [e-Book]  Titulo de Grado de Traducción e Interpretación: Libro Balnco. Madrid, Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación. Texto completo: http://www.aneca.es/var/media/150288/libroblanco_traduc_def.pdf

Se trata de un proyecto bien estructurado, bien documentado y con una planificación del título, por lo que respecta a competencias, perfiles y distribución de créditos coherente, si bien se plantean dos posibilidades bastante diferentes. Hay que destacar la exhaustividad de las informaciones presentadas y la presencia de gráficos y valoraciones de los mismos que ayudan significativamente a interpretar los datos. Se valora especialmente la inclusión de una amplia Introducción en la que se revisa la tradición universitaria de estos estudios en España y se justifica la pertinencia del título y su relación con otros títulos del actual catálogo. Asimismo, la inclusión de tabas, gráficos y anexos es muy adecuada. Por lo que respecta al aspecto de contenidos, se valora muy positivamente la inclusión de un apartado de valoración de ventajas e inconvenientes de la implantación del título con 180 o 240 créditos, ya que da idea de la profundidad con que se ha abordado por parte de la comisión el aspecto de la duración de los estudios en relación con las competencias y perfiles. La titulación que proponen responde, en principio, a los parámetros exigidos por Europa. Por tanto, pensamos que cumple con los objetivos de la convocatoria. Estudio presentado por los centros españoles que imparten la actual Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación, en el marco de la segunda convocatoria de ayudas para el diseño de planes de estudios y títulos de grado de la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (programa de convergencia europea)

Arnswald, U. (2009). [e-Book]  In Search of Meaning : Ludwig Wittgenstein on Ethics, Mysticism and Religion, KIT Scientific Publishing Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15092

The essays collected in this volume explore some of the themes that have been at the centre of recent debates within Wittgensteinian scholarship. In opposition to what we are tentatively inclined to think, the articles of this volume invite us to understand that our need to grasp the essence of ethical and religious thought and language will not be achieved by metaphysical theories expounded from such a point of view, but by focusing on our everyday forms of expression.

Arribas Abeledo, A. (2012). [e-Book]  La interpretación judicial: el intérprete de la Ciutat de la Justícia. Texto completo: http://www.recercat.net/handle/2072/179272

Austermühl, F. and C. Mirwald (2010). [e-Book]  Images of Translators in Localization Discourse, T21N. Texto completo: http://www.t21n.com/homepage/articles/T21N-2010-08-Austermuehl,Mirwald.pdf

This article aims to determine the image of professional translators in the localization industry. Based on a corpus consisting of white papers published by leading industry representatives and applying mainly quantitative analysis methods, we identify an increasing degree of industrialization within the language services market. The consequence of this development is a marginalization of the translator within professional translation processes. This image of the translator projected in industry discourses of localization is in stark contrast to the one that has been established by Translation Studies.

Austin, M. and M. T. Decker (2010). [e-Book]  Peculiar Portrayals: Mormons on the Page, stage, and Screen, Utah State University, University Libraries Texto completo: http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1080&context=usupress_pubs

In a time when Mormons appear to have larger roles in everything from political conflict to television shows and when Mormon-related topics seem to show up more frequently in the news, eight scholars take a close look at Mormonism in popular media: film, television, theater, and books.Some authors examine specific works, including the Tony-winning play Angels in America, the hit TV series Big Love, and the bestselling books Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith and The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint. Others consider the phenomena of Mormon cinema and Mormon fiction; the use of the Mormon missionary as a stock character in films; and the noticeably prominent presence of Mormons in reality television shows.

Bahameed, A. S. (2009). [e-Book]  Think–Aloud Protocols: Translating Proverbs: Applying think-aloud protocols to hadhrami proverbs:  towards a descriptive model of the translation process London Sayyab Books. Texto completo: http://www.sayyab.org/template22/Think.pdf

Think–Aloud Protocols: Translating Proverbs is the first monograph published by Sayyab Books to meet the need for a specialist-publishing house. The aim is to enhance translation studies by providing the reader with high-quality books and monographs in the field of translation in general.

Baker, M. and K. Malmkjaer (2001). [e-Book]  Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies. New York, Routledge. Texto completo: http://carynannerisly.wikispaces.com/file/view/Routledge+Encyclopedia+of+Translation+Studies.pdf

The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies has been the standard reference in the field since it first appeared in 1998. The second, extensively revised and extended edition brings this unique resource up to date and offers a thorough, critical and authoritative account of one of the fastest growing disciplines in the humanities.

Bassnett, S. (2002). [e-Book]  Translation Studies. New York Routledge. Texto completo: http://api.ning.com/files/dr4uED1PkapL07icH9wXM5XA4W3rj3PqKPicAf1aWBuFIyMMli4EPgyoK*QYA9VqbTik1N9mvZK5xuMOpd-SFKM3THrMHPIO/TranslationStudies3rdEdBassnettSusanRoutledge.pdf

In the late 1970s a new academic discipline was born: Translation Studies. We could not read literature in translation, it was argued, without asking ourselves if linguistics and cultural phenomena really were ‘translatable’ and exploring in some depth the concept of ‘equivalence’. When Susan Bassnett’s Translation Studies appeared in the New Accents series, it quickly became the one introduction every student and interested reader had to own. Professor Bassnett tackles the crucial problems of translation and offers a history of translation theory, beginning with the ancient Romans and encompassing key twentieth-century work. She then explores specific problems of literary translation through a close, practical analysis of texts, and completes her book with extensive suggestion for further reading. Twenty years after publication, the field of translation studies continues to grow, but one thing has not changed: updated for the second time, Susan Bassnett’s Translation Studies remains essential reading

BBC (2007). [e-Book]  Directrices Editoriales: Valores y Criterios de la BBC. Madrid, Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid. Texto completo: http://www.bbc.co.uk/spanish/specials/150_valores/pdf/valores_bbc_todo.pdf

Es un Manual extenso, detallado, casuístico, meditado y fruto de la experiencia y de un trabajo continuado y riguroso. No es un Manual para despacharlo en un rato, ni para una lectura apresurada o selectiva. Es un Manual de referencia, de consulta y reflexión. Eso nos animó a traducirlo al español para repartirlo a todos los colegas, impreso y en su exacto contenido. Pedimos autorización a la BBC que nos la dio inmediatamente con la única exigencia de que una vez traducido les enviáramos una copia. Aunque el Manual puede parecer largo, detallista, muy minucioso, su interés es evidente y por eso lo reproducimos íntegro sin selección de textos, ni resta, adición o adaptación al caso español. Se trata de un texto abierto, al que se van incorporando modificaciones permanentes como fruto de la experiencia y de la reflexión. Y es un texto profesional, no teórico, aunque tiene mucha teoría y mucha doctrina, pero que nace desde la experiencia, desde lo concreto y práctico. Un texto que da para una asignatura académica completa, troncal, anual, que debería ser imprescindible y obligatoria en nuestras facultades de Periodismo. Cada uno de sus capítulos da para una semana de clase, para casos prácticos y para muchos trabajos complementarios de refutación o afirmación. En España, la influencia y vigencia de “libros de estilo” y similares es modesta, muy limitada, más aparente que efectiva. El debate profesional sobre la técnica y el perímetro del trabajo es infrecuente en los medios. Probablemente es una de las causas de los males de la profesión. Si en la BBC, a pesar de la evidente preocupación por los estándares de calidad de su trabajo, se producen conflictos, problemas y deficiencias, ¿cómo no las va a haber en países donde este debate está por producirse?

Besamusca, B. and A. Bouwman (2009). [e-Book]  Of Reynaert the Fox : Text and Facing Translation of the Middle Dutch Beast Epic Van den vos Reynaerde. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12703

The mid thirteenth-century Dutch beast epic Van den vos Reynaerde is a fascinating reworking of the most popular branch of the Old French Roman de Renart and one of the finest examples of this popular genre, consisting of a lengthy cycle of animal tales which provided a satirical commentary on human society. Featuring the archetypal sly fox, the epic is also one of earliest examples of a longer literary work written in the Dutch vernacular. This charmingly illustrated edition contains the first-ever version of the Dutch text with a facing English translation, making the undisputed masterpiece of medieval Dutch literature accessible to international scholarly audiences otherwise unable to read the narrative in the original. The critical text and the parallel translation are accompanied by an introduction, interpretative notes, an index of names, a complete glossary, and a short introduction to Middle Dutch, making it an excellent choice for undergraduate or graduate study of medieval European literature.<p>Het dertiende-eeuwse meesterwerk van de middeleeuwse Nederlandse letterkunde, Van den vos Reynaerde, wordt samen met een moderne parallelvertaling in dit boek uitgegeven. De hedendaagse vertaling, die in het Engels gesteld is om een zo groot mogelijk publiek te bereiken, volgt de middeleeuwse tekst op de voet. Een inleiding en literair-historische aantekeningen geven de lezer volop steun bij het begrijpen van het middeleeuwse werk. Het boek bevat tevens een glossarium op de volledige woordvoorraad en een beknopte introducleerling tie op het Middelnederlands. Deze uitgave is zeer geschikt voor gebruik in het hoger onderwijs.

Bielsa, E. (2005). [e-Book]  Globalisation as Translation: An Approximation to the Key but Invisible Role of Translation in Globalisation, CSGR Texto completo: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/1956/1/WRAP_Bielsa_wp16305.pdf

Two fundamental features of globalisation are the overcoming of spatial barriers and the centrality of knowledge and information. These developments, which result in the increased mobility of people and objects and a heightened contact between different linguistic communities (mass tourism, migration, information and media flows) signal, in spite of the predominance of English as a global lingua franca, an exponential growth in the significance of translation, which becomes a key mediator of global communication. Yet language and translation have been systematically neglected in the current literature on globalisation. This article critically examines current theories of globalisation and interrogates their lack of attention towards translation. It formulates an attempt to understand the significance of translation in a global context, conceptualising its analytical place in globalisation theory and its key role in the articulation of the global and the local.

Boaglio, G. (2012). [e-Book]  Geschichte der italienischen Literatur in Österreich, Böhlau Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15290

The present monograph focuses on the history of Italian literature and language in Austria’s Habsburg past, covering the period from the Peace of Campoformido between Napoleon and Francis II in 1797 to the end of the Habsburg monarchy in 1918. The study reveals that Italian court poetry was amazingly alive in the 19th century as it gradually had been adapted to the changes in the fields of politics, society, and the press. After analyzing the end of the golden era of Italian poetry in Austria, the author presents Archduchess Maria Beatrice d’Este and her literary circle. She was the last patroness of Italian artists and poets and kept up the old-style tradition of court poetry until her death in 1829. During the 19th century, however, this tradition faced an ever increasing popularization, with Italian language books and instruction getting more and more common. The Italian language was never discriminated against in the Habsburg monarchy. On the contrary, it was even extensively taught at universities because officials with a good command of Italian were needed both in the federal government and in the Italian regions of the monarchy. Moreover, the Habsburgs’ language policy favored the publication of quality papers and literary magazines in Italian. The study also deals with Italian school books and anthologies for schools in the Italian parts of the monarchy, which were usually written and published in Vienna. In the last part of this chapter, records of the future Emperor Franz Joseph’s Italian instruction are presented and analyzed on the basis of archive materials. Anachronistically, court poetry survived the 1848/1849 revolution and continued until World War I. The Emperor was popularized in jubilee editions, newspapers, and ceremonies, but also in the Italian poetry which was no longer of high quality, but still instrumental in presenting Franz Joseph as the «father of the nation».<p>Der Friede von Campoformido (17.10.1797) zwischen Napoleon und Franz II. ist der Ausgangspunkt dieser Monographie, die auf die Geschichte der italienischen Literatur und Sprache in jenen Länderteilen der Habsburgermonarchie fokussiert ist, die dem heutigen Österreich entsprechen. Der Endpunkt ergibt sich aus dem Zusammenfall der Monarchie im Jahr 1918. Die Studie zeigt, dass sich die Huldigungsdichtung in italienischer Sprache im 19. Jahrhundert in Österreich den neuen Gegebenheiten des Pressemarktes, den veränderten politischen Verhältnissen und den soziopolitischen Entwicklungen angepasst hatte und erstaunlich lebendig war. Nachdem die Gründe und die Modalitäten für das Ende der goldenen Epoche der poetischen Tradition in italienischer Sprache in Österreich beleuchtet werden, widmet sich der Autor der Künstlergruppe um Erzherzogin Maria Beatrice von Este, die in Wien die letzte Gönnerin italienischer Künstler und Dichter wurde und die Tradition der Hofdichtung bis zum ihrem Tod 1829 nach altem Muster pflegte. Diese Tradition ist im 19. Jahrhundert jedoch mit einer fortschreitenden Popularisierung konfrontiert, wobei sich die Sprachlehren des Italienischen und der Sprachunterricht wachsender Beliebtheit erfreuten. Die Sprachpolitik der Habsburgermonarchie stellte das Italienische als Kultursprache nie in Frage. Im Gegenteil, die Behörden förderten das Erlernen der Sprache an den Universitäten, um die Anzahl der sprachkundigen Studenten zu erhöhen, die später als Beamte in der Zentralverwaltung wie auch in den italienischen Kronländern eingesetzt werden konnten. Außerdem begünstigte die Sprachpolitik das rege Erscheinen von anspruchsvollen Zeitungen und literarischen Zeitschriften in italienischer Sprache. Da in den italienischen Kronländern der Unterricht in Italienisch erfolgte, behandelt die Studie auch italienische Schulbücher und literarische Schulanthologien, die in Wien gedruckt und meistens auch verfasst wurden. Im letzten Teil dieses Abschnittes wird aufgrund zahlreicher Archivmaterialien der Italienischunterricht des zukünftigen Kaisers Franz Joseph dargestellt und analytisch untersucht. Die Hul igungsdichtung überlebte die Revolutionsjahre 1848/1849 und setzte sich anachronistisch bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg fort. Die unaufhaltsame Popularisierung der Kaiserfigur fand in unzähligen Prunkwerken zu den Herrscherjubiläen, in Zeitungen, Festen aber auch durch italienische Dichtung statt, die zwar keinen hohen poetischen Wert mehr hatte, doch zur Stilisierung Franz Josephs als Vater der Nation beitrug.

Boberg, C., S. Ash, et al. (2005). [e-Book]  The Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change, De Gruyter Texto completo: http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/178229

The Atlas of North American English provides the first overall view of the pronunciation and vowel systems of the dialects of the U.S. and Canada. The Atlas re-defines the regional dialects of American English on the basis of sound changes active in the 1990s and draws new boundaries reflecting those changes. It is based on a telephone survey of 762 local speakers, representing all the urbanized areas of North America. It has been developed by Bill Labov, one of the leading sociolinguists of the world, together with his colleagues Sharon Ash and Charles Boberg. The Atlas consists of a printed volume accompanied by an interactive CD-ROM. The print and multimedia content is alsoavailable online. Combined Edition: Book and Multimedia CD-ROM The printed volume contains 23 chapters that re-define the geographic boundaries of North American dialects and trace the influence of gender, age, education, and city size on the progress of sound change; findings that show a dramatic and increasing divergence of English in North America; 139 four color maps that illustrate the regional distribution of phonological and phonetic variables across the North American continent; 120 four color vowel charts of individual speakers. The interactive multimedia CD-ROM supplements the printed articles and maps by providing a data base with measurements of more than 100,000 vowels and mean values for 439 speakers; the Plotnik program for mapping each of the individual vowel systems; extended sound samples of all North American dialects; interactive applications to enhance classroom presentations. Online only Version: Print and Multimedia Content The online only version offers simultaneous access to the print and multimedia content to all users in the university/library network; presents a wider selection of interactive data, maps, and audio samples that will be recurrently updated; provides students with concurrent access to research material for classroom assignments. Key Features: a multimedia reference tool, overthrows previously heldhypothesesin North American dialectology, sound samples on CD-ROM easily accessible through clearly designedinteractive maps. System Requirements for CD-ROM and Online only version: Windows PC: Pentium PC, Windows 9x, NT, or XP, at least 16MB RAM, CD-ROM Drive, 16 Bit Soundcard, SVGA (600 x 800 resolution). Apple MAC: OS 6 or higher, 16 Bit Soundcard, at least 16MB RAM. Supported Browsers: Internet Explorer, 5.5 or 6 (Mac OS: Internet Explorer 5.1)/Netscape 7.x or higher/Mozilla 1.0 or higher/Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or higher. PlugIns: Macromedia Flash Player 6/Acrobat Reader.; William Labov and Sharon Ash, University of Pennsylvania, USA; Charles Boberg, McGill University, Montr?al, Canada..; «»ANAE is very much a standalone piece. […] But such splendid isolation is the privilege of the giants of a discipline, and giants in the world of scholarship is definitley what the authors of this volume are. This is a landmark study, a unique reference point of dialectological scholarship for decades to come and an inspiration for generations of linguistics.»»Edgar W. Schneider in: English World-Wide 1/2008 «»The ANAE is a massive collection of dialect data and an unprecedented accomplishment in North American English dialectology.»»Joshua Wilbur in: English Language and Linguistics 1/2007 «»ANAE is a landmark study that will shape research trends for years to come.»»Matthew J. Gordon in: Linguist List 17.2299 Coverage in the press: «»Talking the Tawk»» The New Yorker»»Sound Decision: New Atlas Divides the US by Dialect»» The Chicago Tribune and CubaNow.net»»Continental Drift»» The Pennsylvania Gazette»»Is there a Rocky Mountain Accent»» New West»»North American Dialects»» National Geographic»»Mayor’s Accent Deserts Boston for New York»» New York Times»»It’s not the Sights, it’s the Sounds»» New York Times»»Mapping North American English»» Associated Press

Bogucki, . (2010). [e-Book]  Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and Practices. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Texto completo: http://www.c-s-p.org/flyers/978-1-4438-2500-9-sample.pdf

Translator and interpreter training has recently received ample attention, manifested in numerous articles, books and conference papers. However, many central issues still appear controversial. Should translation and interpreting be taught within the curricula of language studies or

independently? What is translator competence made up of? Which of its elements can be developed through practice and which require coaching? What kind of translators and interpreters, if any, are «born, not made»? In an attempt to address these and other questions as well as to exchange experience and expertise regarding translation curricula in Poland and abroad, the Department of Translation Theory and Practice, part of the Chair of English Language and Applied Linguistics at Lodz University, has organised two conferences under the title «Teaching Translation and Interpreting»; the first was held in April 2008, the second almost exactly a year later. The present volume is an outcome of these two events. It is meant as a response to the developments in translation didactics which result from the recognition of the role of the  translator/interpreter and the consolidating status of Translation Studies. The rationale behind the publication is manifold. First, there is evidently a need among translation scholars and translators to exchange information on the process of becoming a translator – issues like the optimum profile of a translation adept, the most efficient methods for guiding students who wish to pursue the career or balancing formal education with practical training. What is more, the volume hopes to offer an opportunity to discuss the design of translation and interpreting teaching tracks as they actually function in different institutions within Poland and across Europe. The contributions talk about the challenges and solutions in a translation and interpreting classroom by combining theory and practice, hence allowing for implementation of the different methods in real-life situations. As the authors come from a number of institutions and countries, the volume offers varied perspectives on analogous issues to arrive at a comprehensive up-to-date account but also to discuss outlooks for the future.

Bogucki, . (2010). [e-Book]  Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and Practices Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Texto completo: http://www.c-s-p.org/flyers/978-1-4438-2500-9-sample.pdf

Translator and interpreter training has recently received ample attention, manifested in numerous articles, books and conference papers. However, many central issues still appear controversial. Should translation and interpreting be taught within the curricula of language studies or independently? What is translator competence made up of? Which of its elements can be developed through practice and which require coaching? What kind of translators and interpreters, if any, are «born, not made»? In an attempt to address these and other questions as well as to exchange experience and expertise regarding translation curricula in Poland and abroad, the Department of Translation Theory and Practice, part of the Chair of English Language and Applied Linguistics at Lodz University, has organised two conferences under the title «Teaching Translation and Interpreting»; the first was held in April 2008, the second almost exactly a year later.

Broekhuis, H. (2013). [e-Book]  Syntax of Dutch: Adjectives and Adjective Phrases. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15375

The Syntax of Dutch will be published in at least seven volumes in the period 2012-2016 and aims at presenting a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of Dutch. It is primarily concerned with language description and not with linguistic theory, and provides support to all researchers interested in matters relating to the syntax of Dutch, including advanced students of language and linguistics. The two volumes Nouns and Noun Phrases discuss the internal make-up as well as the distribution of noun phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of determiners (article, demonstratives), numeral and quantifiers; the use of noun phrases as arguments, predicates and adverbial modifiers.<p>De afgelopen vijftig jaar zijn er talloze wetenschappelijke en vaak specialistische werken over grammatica verschenen. In diezelfde periode is echter niet alleen de discussie over grammatica veranderd, maar ook de presentatie van formele structuren en de interpretatie van informatie. Gedegen antwoorden over de structuur van een bepaalde taal zijn daarom niet eenvoudig te vinden. Syntax of Dutch slaagt hier echter uitstekend in. Het werk richt zich op één enkel kernaspect van de Nederlandse grammatica: de zinsbouw of de syntaxis. Ondanks het specialistische onderwerp bestaat het uit maar liefst zeven delen, waaraan in totaal meer dan tien jaar is gewerkt. Het resultaat is een uniek naslagwerk voor taalkundigen én geïnteresseerde leken die meer willen weten over de syntactische eigenschappen van de Nederlandse taal

Cerezo Merchán, B. (2012). [e-Book]  La didáctica de la traducción audiovisual en España: Un estudio de caso empírico-descriptivo. Castellón, Universitat Jaume I. Departament de Traducció i Comunicació. Texto completo: http://www.tesisenred.net/bitstream/handle/10803/83363/bcerezo.pdf?sequence=1

La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del área de la Traducción e Interpretación, y más concretamente, en el ámbito de la didáctica de la Traducción. Se trata de un estudio empírico-descriptivo de la didáctica de la traducción audiovisual (TAV) en España a nivel universitario. Los cambios educativos que trae consigo el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, la reciente implantación de materias de traducción audiovisual en la universidad española y el enorme desarrollo del que ha gozado la traducción audiovisual en estos últimos años, nos sitúan en el momento idóneo para reflexionar sobre la didáctica de esta modalidad de traducción en nuestro país.

Chakhachiro, R. [e-Book]  Translating Irony: An Interdisciplinary Approach With English and Arabic as a Case in Point. London Sayyab Books. Texto completo: http://www.uws.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/183476/Translating_Irony_-_An_Interdisciplinary_Approach_.pdf

The main  premise of this book is that the translation of irony is not amenable to conventional translation theories. Taking English and Arabic as a case in point, the way speakers of this pair of languages employ this pervasive tool to express their attitude reflects the linguistic and cultural distance between these languages, and adds a significant translation problem to the interpretive challenge.

Coulthard, M. and A. Johnson (2010). [e-Book]  The Routledge handbook of forensic linguistics, Routledge. Texto completo: http://metro-natshar-31-71.brain.net.pk/articles/9780415463096-The%20Routledge%20Handbook%20of%20Forensic%20Linguistics.PDF

Cummings, W. (2007). [e-Book]  A chain of kings : the Makassarese chronicles of Gowa and Talloq. Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=13337

The chronicles of Gowa and Talloq are the most important historical sources for the study of pre-colonial Makassar. They have provided the basic framework and much of the information that we possess about the origins, growth, and expansion of Gowa during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. During this period Gowa and its close ally Talloq became the most powerful force in the eastern Indonesian archipelago, and historians have relied heavily on the chronicles to chart the developments of this period. Available for the first time in English translation, the two texts will offer historians and other scholars an invaluable foundation on which to base interpretations of this crucial place and time in Indonesian history.This volume is required reading for scholars of pre-modern Southeast Asia, including historians, linguists, anthropologists, and others.William Cummings is an associate professor of history at the University of South Florida. He is the author of Making blood white; Historical transformation in early modern Makassar (2002) and numerous articles about Makassarese history and culture.

De Zordo, O. (2008). [e-Book]  Saggi di anglistica e americanistica. Firenze, Firenze University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12629

«Saggi» brings together the results of the research activity carried out on the PhD course in English and American Studies (Department of Modern Philology, University of Florence). The contributions relate to the theatre, narrative, poetry, autobiographical writing and correspondence, and range from the Renaissance up to the present day. The heterogeneity of the material illustrates the free choice of the young academics who, in the climate of collaboration that was established, decided to address the technical and editorial aspects of the book as a team in the open access editorial workshop of the Department.<p>»Saggi» raccoglie i risultati dell’attività di ricerca svolta all’interno del Dottorato di Anglistica e Americanistica (Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna, Università di Firenze). I contributi toccano il teatro, la narrativa, la poesia, la scrittura autobiografica e la corrispondenza, spaziano dal Rinascimento alla contemporaneità. L’eterogeneità del materiale testimonia la libera scelta dei giovani studiosi i quali, nel clima di collaborazione che si è creato, hanno deciso di curare l’aspetto tecnico redazionale del volume collettivamente, nel Laboratorio editoriale open access del Dipartimento.

Dethier-Ronge, M. (1989). Sobre unos problemas de traducción. Actas del IX Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas : 18-23 agosto 1986 Berlín, Frankfurt ; Main : Vervuert, 1989. 1: 103-112. http://cvc.cervantes.es/literatura/aih/pdf/09/aih_09_1_009.pdf

Así quisiera suministrarles una serie de problemas prácticos con los que se enfrentaron mis estudiantes. Me doy cuenta de que, en muchos de los casos, es difícil dar una resolución tajante que obedeciera a las reglas de la teoría de la traducción, sin vacilar. Se ha establecido firmemente que no basta una enseñanza práctica para formar traductores. Y no sería digno de su nombre el instituto que no daría a los alumnos

una base lingüística seria.

Díaz Fouces, Ó. and M. García González (2008). [e-Book]  Traducir (con) software libre Granada, Comares. Texto completo: http://scans.hebis.de/21/23/66/21236666_toc.pdf (sumario)

Durán Muñoz, I. and G. Corpas Pastor (2011). [e-Book]  El trabajo ontoterminográfico aplicado a la traducción de textos del turismo de aventura (español, inglés, alemán): fases de preparación, elaboración y edición. Málaga

Universidad de Málaga Texto completo: http://www.medtrad.org/panacea/IndiceGeneral/n33-Tribuna-Fort.pdf

Esta tesis doctoral aborda la necesidad de elaborar recursos terminológicos dirigidos a traductores para satisfacer sus necesidades concretas a la hora de realizar traducciones de textos especializados. En este sentido, ofrece un estudio de los diferentes recursos terminológicos disponibles en la actualidad y propone una metodología de trabajo basada en la ontoterminografía para elaborar dichos recursos. Así, en el capítulo I se lleva a cabo una revisión exhaustiva del estado de la cuestión en terminología y terminografía, concretamente en la terminografía basada en corpus y la terminografía basada en ontologías, y se analiza la influencia de las disciplinas lingüísticas afines: la Lingüística de Corpus, la Lingüística Computacional y la Lingüística Cognitiva. El capítulo II se centra en las competencias traductoras y en las necesidades documentales de los traductores a la hora de realizar traducciones de calidad y propone una metodología basada en la ontoterminografía para elaborar recursos terminológicos para traductores según los resultados de una encuesta ad hoc realizada para conocer las necesidades y expectativas de estos usuarios. Tras el establecimiento de la propuesta metodológica en el capítulo II, en los siguientes capítulos se presenta la aplicación de dicha metodología en un dominio específico: el turismo de aventura, y para unas lenguas de trabajo determinadas: español, inglés y alemán. En el último capítulo, además, se procede al diseño, implementación y evaluación de una aplicación informática integradora, flexible y novedosa (Trandix) a fin de satisfacer las necesidades de los traductores con respecto a la búsqueda y consulta terminológica.

Durand Guiziou, M.-C., F. A. Muñoz Ojeda, et al. (1994). Los falsos amigos en su contexto. Actas del II Coloquio sobre los estudios de filología francesa en la Universidad española : (Almagro, 3-5 de mayo de 1993), [Cuenca] : Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 1994: 103-110. http://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/613643.pdf

Este trabajo se inscribe dentro de una línea de investigación sobre los falsos amigos, fruto de unas observaciones pedagógicas llevadas a cabo en el aula universitaria y que han dado lugar a varias publicaciones (véase Gonzalez Santana R.D. y al., 1993a) y 1993b)). La presente comunicación está orientada hacia las implicaciones de estos falsos amigos en la adquisición de la competencia traslativa así como a su tratamiento mediante unas aplicaciones prácticas. Los falsos amigos dan lugar a faltas que perjudican la comunicación en el aprendizaje del francés lengua extranjera. El contacto entre dos lenguas vecinas ­como el castellano y el francés­ da lugar a numerosas interferencias1. El problema de las palabras supuestamente amigas en el plano semántico LM/LE y LE/LM (lengua materna/lengua extranjera) tiene igualmente consecuencias importantes en la adquisición de la actividad traslativa.

Faiq, S. and A. Clark (2010). [e-Book]  Beyond Denotation in Arabic-English Translation London Sayyab Books. Texto completo: http://sayyab.org/template22/STS2.pdf

This book is theoretically practical and practically theoretical. It seeks to establish a dialogue between the various theories of language use beyond denotation and applications that relate theory to practice with reference to translation. The book will surely be enjoyed by those looking for theories and their relevance to Arabic/English translation­theories that can also be applied to other languages­and by those looking for practical testing of such theories.

Fairchild, G. and K. Rai (2011). [e-Book]  Perdido en la traducción: The Opportunity in Financial Services for Latinos. Virginia, University of Virginia. Texto completo: http://www.darden.virginia.edu/web/uploadedFiles/Darden/Tayloe_Murphy_Center/Research/LatinoReport.pdf

This report is the culmination of over a year of research, engaging multiple researchers and methodologies to answer our research questions. We marshal data from a number of sources in our analyses, including state and federal demographics, educational and financial statistics, surveys, interviews and anthropological fieldwork with Virginia’s Latino households. While many fingerprints are on the work you find here, we at the Tayloe Murphy Center take responsibility for any errors or oversight

Fernández Álvarez, E. (2011). [e-Book]  Refranes y refranes modificados en la prensa alemana: propuestas prácticas de traducción al español a partir de ejemplos de la Süddeutsche Zeitung. Texto completo: http://gredos.usal.es/jspui/bitstream/10366/115569/1/DTI_FernadezAlvarezE_RefranesyRefranesModificados.pdf

[ES] El estudio de esta tesis supone una novedad al intentar sentar las bases para una orientación traductológica desde la que no se suele considerar la cuestión de la equivalencia. Al mismo tiempo, ofrece el marco teórico necesario para comprender los procesos de modificación, el porqué de la aparición de refranes, casi siempre modificados, en la prensa alemana y los factores considerados para su trasvase al español. El objetivo principal se concreta en demostrar la elevada frecuencia con la que se emplean las paremias alemanas en la actualidad y como segundo objetivo, emprender una búsqueda de soluciones traductológicas para las paremias modificadas.; [EN] The study of this thesis is newfangled at the try to lay the foundations for an orientation from which translation studies not usually considered the issue of equivalence. At the same time, offers the theoretical framework necessary to understand the processes of change, the reason for the emergence of proverbs, usually modified in the German press and the factors considered for shift to the Spanish. The main objective is to demonstrate the high specific frequency of German proverbs are used today and as a second objective, to undertake a quest for translation solutions to the proverbs modified.

Fernández García, J. R. (2003). [e-Book]  La Traducción en el mundo del Software Libre: Análisis del estado de las herramientas lingüísticas, proyectos actuales y necesidades de la comunidad del software libre. Texto completo: http://granada.sourceforge.net/jasl3/ponencias/ponencia9.pdf

Análisis de las herramientas lingüísticas de que dispone la comunidad de software libre, de los proyectos de traducción y de los desafíos que presenta el tratamiento informático de los lenguajes naturales.

Frances, M. and R. S. Benjamin (2007). [e-Book]  The Social Effects of Native Title : Recognition, Translation, Coexistence. Australia, ANU E Press Texto completo: http://epress.anu.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/whole_book28.pdf

The papers in this collection reflect on the various social effects of native title. In particular, the authors consider the ways in which the implementation of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth), and the native title process for which this Act legislates, allow for the recognition and translation of Aboriginal law and custom, and facilitate particular kinds of coexistence between Aboriginal title holders and other Australians. In so doing, the authors seek to extend the debate on native title beyond questions of practice and towards an improved understanding of the effects of native title on the social lives of Indigenous Australians and on Australian society more generally. These attempts to grapple with the effects of native title have, in part, been impelled by Indigenous people?s complaints about the Act and the native title process. Since the Act was passed, many Indigenous Australians have become increasingly unhappy with both the strength and forms of recognition afforded to traditional law and custom under the Act, as well as the with socially disruptive effects of the native title process. In particular, as several of the papers in this collection demonstrate, there is widespread discomfort with the transformative effects of recognition within the native title process, effects which can then affect other aspects of Indigenous lives.

Freixa, A. and J. G. López Guix (2010). [e-Book]  Actas Del Ii Coloquio Internacional «Escrituras De La Traducción Hispánica»  San Carlos De Bariloche, 2010. Cerdanyola del Vallé, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Texto completo: http://www.traduccionliteraria.org/coloquio2/actas/Actas_Bariloche_2010.pdf

El presente volumen recoge un conjunto de textos que tienen como origen las intervenciones de conferenciantes y ponentes invitados al II Coloquio Internacional «Escrituras de la Traducción Hispánica», que tuvo lugar en San Carlos de Bariloche entre el 5 y el 7 de noviembre de 2010,  acogido por  la Sede Andina de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (Argentina). Al igual que el primer coloquio, acogido por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Austral de Chile en el 2008, este segundo coloquio fue el ámbito de presentación no sólo de investigaciones en torno a la traducción, sino también de experiencias traductoras, tanto en las mesas de discusión como a través de talleres. La aspiración de los organizadores fue que esta perspectiva amplia, inclusiva, permitiera sumar la reflexión de los propios traductores a las miradas más teóricas o académicas, con el objetivo de intercambiar ideas y debatir sobre la reescritura hispánica, tanto peninsular como latinoamericana, de otras trdiciones literarias y culturales, sobre su presente y su historia, así como sus razones, usos, aciertos y desaciertos.

Galán Mañas, A. (2009). [e-Book]  La enseñanza de la traducción en la modalidad semipresencial. Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació. Texto completo: http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/5275/aha1de2.pdf?sequence=1


Esta tesis ha tenido como objetivo elaborar una propuesta pedagógica para la enseñanza de la traducción en la modalidad semipresencial. Dicha propuesta pedagógica partiendo del enfoque por tareas de traducción, así como de la formación por competencias, ha abarcado tres materias: iniciación a la traducción, traducción científico-técnica y traducción jurídico-administrativa, y distintas combinaciones lingüísticas: del inglés, francés y portugués al español. Concretamente, las unidades didácticas que se han propuesto son las siguientes en las combinaciones lingüísticas que se especifican en cada caso: – Iniciación a la traducción: · Traducción de referentes culturales (del inglés, francés y portugués al español) · Traducción de textos narrativos (del inglés, francés y portugués al español) – Traducción científico-técnica: · El mercado laboral de la traducción científico-técnica (del inglés, francés y portugués al español) · La traducción de un manual de instrucciones (del inglés, francés y portugués al español) · La traducción de un documento técnico en soporte audiovisual (del inglés al español) – Traducción jurídico-administrativa: · La traducción jurada y la traducción jurídica (del portugués al español) · La clasificación y caracterización contrastiva de los géneros jurídicos (del portugués al español) · La traducción de textos administrativos (del portugués al español)

Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H., G. Budin, et al. (2008). [e-Book]  LSP Translation Scenarios, ATRC Group. Texto completo: http://www.translationconcepts.org/pdf/MuTra_Journal2_2008.pdf

The present volume highlights a selection of contributions to the topic ofLSP Translation Scenarios within the Marie Curie Conference Series MuTra: Multidimensional Translation held between 2005 and 2007 at Saarbrücken, Copenhagen and Vienna. In Part I and II, it discusses fundamental theoretical concepts in LSP translation from text terminology to intercultural discourse, including the interrelationship of knowledge and text with reference to translation and simultaneous interpreting. In Part III and IV, it portrays the technological support offered by computerized applications and offers an authentic example of how LSP translation is taught at post-graduate level today

Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H., G. Budin, et al. (2008). [e-Book]  LSP Translation Scenarios: Selected Contributions to the EU Marie Curie Conference. Vienna  2007. Viena, ATRC Group. Texto completo: http://www.translationconcepts.org/pdf/MuTra_Journal2_2008.pdf

The present volume highlights a selection of contributions to the topic of LSP Translation Scenarios within the Marie Curie Conference Series MuTra: Multidimensional Translation held between 2005 and 2007 at Saarbrücken, Copenhagen and Vienna. In Part I and II, it discusses fundamental theoretical concepts in LSP translation from text terminology to intercultural discourse, including the interrelationship of knowledge and text with reference to translation and simultaneous interpreting. In Part III and IV, it portrays the technological support offered by computerized applications and offers an authentic example of how LSP translation is taught at post-graduate level today.

Gerzymisch-Arbogast, H. and S. Nauert [e-Book]  Challenges of Multidimensional Translation : Saarbrücken 2-6 May 2005 : Proceedings. Saarland, Advanced Translation Research Center (ATRC). Texto completo: http://www.translationconcepts.org/pdf/MuTra_2005_Proceedings.pdf

The following article is a revised and updated version of the opening address to the first event of the Marie Curie conference series ‘Multidimensional Translation’ (MuTra) held on May 2nd, 2005 in Saarbrücken. It describes the concept and methodology of Multidimensional Translation as a research project proposed to and accepted for funding by the European Union. The EU’s generous financial support made it possible to develop the topic as described below and provide momentum to a research area in intercultural communication transfer which integrates the disparate subfields of audiovisual translation, audiodescription, theater translation, knowledge management & LSP translation and various types of interpreting within a framework of a common theoretical profile. My special thanks go to the European Union for making this possible and to all contributors o this conference on translation in its multidimensional forms.

Ghazala, H. (2011). [e-Book]  Cognitive stylistics and the translator. London Sayyab Books. Texto completo: http://www.sayyab.org/template22/STS4.pdf

Stylistics and Translation are two well established fields which are usually treated separately as two independent disciplines. However, in this work they have been presented as two interdisciplinary subjects in the area of translation studies. This is made possible through the extraordinary importance of style in translation. The book is set out in two parts. The First Part of this book has been assigned to different schools of stylistics, old and new, Arabic stylistics, stylistic analysis, style and choice and the distinguished position of style in language studies of texts, especially literary texts in theory and practice.

Gildenhard, I. (2011). [e-Book]  Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53–86: Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation, Open Book Publishers Texto completo: http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/96

This volume provides a portion of the original text of Cicero’s speech in Latin, a detailed commentary, study aids and a translation. Ingo Gildenhard’s commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both high school and undergraduate level. It will also be of help to Latin teachers and to anyone interested in Cicero, language and rhetoric, and the legal culture of Ancient Rome. A free online interactive edition is also available.

Gomez Gómez, C. (2011). [e-Book]  Traduciendo en Comunidades de Software Libre. San Francisco, California, Sol OpenSystems. Texto completo: http://www.nibbler.es/cms/documentos/articulos/pdf/traduciendo-en-comunidades-de-software-libre

Este documento viene a complementar las principales ideas expuestas en la ponencia que presenté, con motivo de las “VI Jornadas de Software Libre 2011”1, bajo el título “Traduciendo en comunidades de software libre”. Su propósito es el de orientar, de una manera práctica, la forma de colaborar con una comunidad de software libre, tratando de esclarecer algunos de sus entresijos. Se usará la Traducción como una de las formas de colaboración posible, sin que sea necesario tener que ser un programador o experto en software. Al mismo tiempo, se plantea y trata de responder algunas cuestiones importantes: ¿Cómo funciona una comunidad de software libre?; ¿Qué caracteriza la traducción de software?; ¿Cuál es la motivación de las comunidades?. En definitiva, su fin último persigue impulsar una nueva andadura en las formas colaborativas.

González Davies, M. and R. Oittinen (2008). [e-Book]  Whose Story? Translating the Verbal and the Visual in Literature for Young Readers. Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Texto completo: http://www.c-s-p.org/flyers/9781847185471-sample.pdf

The book1 you’re holding in your hands is based on two seminars coordinated by Maria González Davies and led by Riitta Oittinen at the University of Vic, Spain, in 2003 and 2005. At the seminars, doctoral students and researchers from around the world met and discussed issues related to translating, not only the verbal, but also the visual in literature for young readers.

González, L. and P. Hernúñez (2004). [e-Book]  Las palabras del traductor: Actas del II Congreso «El español, lengua de traducción» 20 y 21 de mayo, 2004 Toledo Bruselas, ESLETRA. Texto completo: http://www.esletra.org/Toledo/html/libro.pdf

Este volumen recoge las ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas en el II Congreso «El español, lengua de traducción», que, dedicado al tema «Las palabras del traductor», se celebró en San Pedro Mártir, sede de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídico-Sociales de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha en Toledo, los días 20 y 21 de mayo de 2004. Unos doscientos especialistas venidos de todo el mundo se reunieron para escuchar y consultar a una treintena de reconocidos especialistas de la traducción procedentes del mundo institucional, académico y empresarial. En sus ponencias y comunicaciones dibujaron estos oradores una amplia panorámica de la materia esencial del traductor, la palabra, esa plastilina versátil y fructífera con la que crea y recrea nuevas ideas, y más en concreto su sistematización lógica y orgánica, pues, cuando termina un trabajo de recomponer pensamientos ajenos, queda en sus manos una masa de conocimientos cuya compilación en diccionarios, tesauros, glosarios, vocabularios, listas, etc., volverá a ser útil, a él o a sus colegas. Sin duda algunos nombres  importantes quedaron fuera del programa, pero el abanico de intervenciones representa fielmente lo que se hace actualmente en los diferentes campos de la traducción al español.

González, L. and C. Las Heras (2010). [e-Book]  La traducción y la interpretación contra la exclusión social: Actas de la Jornada «La traducción y la interpretación contra la exclusión social»: Madrid 1 de octubre de 2010. Madrid, Representación de la Comisión Europea en España. Texto completo: http://ec.europa.eu/spain/pdf/actas-jornada-traduccion-y-la-interpretacion-contra-la-exclusion-social-1-octubre-2010_es.pdf

El 1 de octubre de 2010 se celebró en la sede de la Representación de la Comisión Europea en España, dentro de las actividades del Año Europeo de Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social, la Jornada «La traducción y la interpretación contra la exclusión social», organizada por la Dirección General de Traducción y el Servicio de Traducciones de la CEAR (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado), con la colaboración de las Universidades de Alcalá y Salamanca y del Ministerio de Sanidad, Políticas Sociales e Igualdad. Participaron en este encuentro beneficiarios de los servicios públicos de traducción e interpretación, profesionales de la traducción, la interpretación y la mediación social, responsables de servicios sociales o asistenciales en asociaciones y ONG, profesores y representantes institucionales.

Gordo Peleato, R. (2007). La traducción de las expresiones militares estandarizadas en las películas del género bélico. 35: 11-30. http://www.miscelaneajournal.net/images/stories/articulos/vol35/11_.pdf

Cuando la audiencia española prototípica asiste a la proyección de una película del denominado género bélico o simplemente de contenido militar, raramente es consciente de la falta de sincronía de contenido que a menudo sufre la traducción audiovisual de la jerga militar. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la traducción de cinco tipos distintos de expresiones militares estandarizadas: expresiones militares estandarizadas adecuadamente traducidas respecto a su uso profesional; construcción de un nuevo texto: expresiones estandarizadas `pseudomilitares’; expresiones militares estandarizadas traducidas de un modo equivocado respecto a su uso profesional; la traducción del `lenguaje radio’ y por Ultimo la traducción de algunas fórmulas de `cortesía militar’. Este estudio sigue la Teoría de la Relevancia (Sperber and Wilson 1986, 1995) y se basa especialmente en la investigación desde una óptica relevantista que lleva a cabo Gutt (1991, 2000), de algunos de los problemas que plantea la traducción. Concluimos el artículo exponiendo el hecho de que aunque muchas expresiones militares estandarizadas han sido traducidas de un modo equivocado (en cuanto a su uso profesional), la traducción audiovisual de este tipo de expresiones estandarizadas puede considerarse válida para una audiencia prototípica, siempre y cuando las características superficiales de ambas expresiones original y traducida sean similares, y las connotaciones mi¬litares de la expresión doblada al español suenen lo suficientemente `militares’ como para activar en la audiencia española su conocimiento enciclopédico sobre ese caso en particular. En estos casos, la traducción que se ha llevado a cabo se basa en la comparación de interpretaciones y no en la clásica reproducción de palabras. (A)

Gordo Peleato, R. (2007). La traducción de las expresiones militares estandarizadas en las películas del género bélico. 35: 11-30. http://www.miscelaneajournal.net/images/stories/articulos/vol35/11_.pdf

Cuando la audiencia española prototípica asiste a la proyección de una película del denominado género bélico o simplemente de contenido militar, raramente es consciente de la falta de sincronía de contenido que a menudo sufre la traducción audiovisual de la jerga militar. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la traducción de cinco tipos distintos de expresiones militares estandarizadas: expresiones militares estandarizadas adecuadamente traducidas respecto a su uso profesional; construcción de un nuevo texto: expresiones estandarizadas `pseudomilitares’; expresiones militares estandarizadas traducidas de un modo equivocado respecto a su uso profesional; la traducción del `lenguaje radio’ y por Ultimo la traducción de algunas fórmulas de `cortesía militar’. Este estudio sigue la Teoría de la Relevancia (Sperber and Wilson 1986, 1995) y se basa especialmente en la investigación desde una óptica relevantista que lleva a cabo Gutt (1991, 2000), de algunos de los problemas que plantea la traducción. Concluimos el artículo exponiendo el hecho de que aunque muchas expresiones militares estandarizadas han sido traducidas de un modo equivocado (en cuanto a su uso profesional), la traducción audiovisual de este tipo de expresiones estandarizadas puede considerarse válida para una audiencia prototípica, siempre y cuando las características superficiales de ambas expresiones original y traducida sean similares, y las connotaciones mi¬litares de la expresión doblada al español suenen lo suficientemente `militares’ como para activar en la audiencia española su conocimiento enciclopédico sobre ese caso en particular. En estos casos, la traducción que se ha llevado a cabo se basa en la comparación de interpretaciones y no en la clásica reproducción de palabras. (A)

Gross, S. (2006). [e-Book]  Internationalization and Localization of Software. Michigan, Eastern Michigan University. Texto completo: http://www.emich.edu/compsci/projects/steffen_gross_thesis.pdf

This thesis is a review paper that covers and summarizes the way software is prepared for international markets nowadays. Internationalization and localization of software are the key topics this thesis deals with. Therefore it first analyzes and portrays major differences in culture and language and gives advice about how to deal with these differences when developing internationally usable software. Then it describes some internationalization recommendation for helping to prepare software for easy localization. In this context a standard encoding scheme for international characters and text is explained. Furthermore, an example is provided of how internationalization and localization of software is done by means of a popular existing operating system platform. Finally, some commercial software localization tools and Open Source XML standards are shown making the processes of internationalization and localization easy and efficient.

Gunn, A. (2008). [e-Book]  Open Translation Tools:Disruptive Potential to Broaden Access to Knowledge, Open Society Institute. Texto completo: http://www.aspirationtech.org/files/AspirationOpenTranslationTools.pdf

Open Translation Tools was co-organized by Aspiration and Multimedia Institute (MI2), and was supported by the generosity of the Open Society Institute, with additional support for participant travel provided by TechSoup. The OTT07 agenda was collaboratively developed by participants and event organizers in the time leading up to and during the gathering, and the proceedings were directed using Aspiration’s collaborative approach to event facilitation.

Hatim, B. and J. Munday (2004). [e-Book]  Translation: An advanced resource book. New York, Routledge. Texto completo: http://rahbar.iauq.ac.ir/imagesMasterPage/Files/rahbar/file/Translation-An%20Advanced%20Resource%20Book_041528306X.pdf

Translation, both commercial and literary, is an activity that is growing phenomenally in today’s globalized world. The study of translation, an interdisciplinary field known as Translation Studies, has also developed enormously in the past twenty years. It interfaces with a wide range of other disciplines from linguistics and modern languages to Cultural Studies and postcolonialism. This book attempts to investigate both the practice and the theory of translation in an accessible and systematic way. It is designed specifically with the needs in mind of students of Masters degrees and nal year undergraduates in translation or applied linguistics, research students beginning to investigate the eld, and practising translators who wish to examine the theory behind the practice. It is hoped that it will also provide useful insights and examples for more experienced researchers.

Haul, M. (2009). [e-Book]  Stele und Legende : Untersuchungen zu den keilschriftlichen Erzählwerken über die Könige von Akkade, Universitätsverlag Göttingen Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14604

to be completed<p>Überlieferte Originalstelen mit Inschriften der großen Könige Sargon undNar m-Sîn von Akkade, die im 23. Jahrhundert v. Chr. als erste ein Weltreicheroberten, sowie mündlich tradierte Sagen haben diesen beiden Königen einenherausragenden Stellenwert in der historischen Erinnerung der Babylonier undAssyrer verschafft. Dies führte zu einer Reihe erzählender Werke, die zum Teilwie echte Heldenlieder gestaltet sind, zum Teil sich aber auch als authentischeKönigsinschriften gebärden.Das Verständnis dieser heterogenen Textgruppe in verschiedenen Fragerichtungenzu erhellen, ist das Ziel vorliegender Studie. Zu den Fragestellungen gehören dieBestimmung der Gattungen, denen die Texte angehören, und ihre Scheidung vonden authentischen Königsinschriften, die durch das Merkmal der Fiktionalität gekennzeichnetist. Des Weiteren soll die zum Teil hohe literarische Qualität dieserWerke herausgearbeitet werden. Schließlich wird untersucht, inwiefern sich andiesen Werken die Mechanismen und Bedingungen ihrer Überlieferung ablesenlassen, ob sie Spuren eines mündlichen Sargon- und Nar m-Sîn-Sagenschatzesaufweisen und welche literarischen Funktionen sie erfüllten.

Heemskerk, E. M. (2007). [e-Book]  Decline of the Corporate Community : Network Dynamics of the Dutch Business Elite. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12826

From its inception, big business in the western industrialised world has been organised in national business communities. Central elements of these business communities are corporate board interlocks that constitute the notorious ‘Old Boys Network’. This corporate elite connects the centres of corporate governance. In recent times, these networks of the corporate elite show signs of decline. Heemskerk investigates how the decline of the old boys network in the Netherlands has affected Dutch capitalism. Combining formal network analysis with insights from interviews with key corporate elite members, he shows how during the last quarter of the 20th century the Dutch business community has disappeared. This is interpreted as a drift towards a liberal market economy. However, as the study shows, even in a liberal market economy corporate directors need social networks to communicate and coordinate their strategic decisions. Hence, the corporate elite shift its meeting network to private and informal circles. To order this book, mail to «mailto:orders@aup.nl«>orders@aup.nl<p>Sinds jaar en dag verbindt het ‘Old Boys Netwerk’ de top van het bedrijfsleven in een hecht netwerk. Maar sinds enige tijd vertoont dit elitenetwerk tekenen van verval. Heemskerk brengt dit uiteenvallen scherp in kaart, en hij is daarbij een van de eerste onderzoekers die grondig reflecteert op de onderliggende oorzaken hiervan. Het boek geeft inzicht in de bestuursnetwerken van de top van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Het brengt de verschuivingen in het netwerk in kaart en laat zien hoe sociale relaties binnen de ‘corporate elite’ ook in de 21ste eeuw van groot belang blijven. De studie heeft een zeer rijke empirische basis. De eerdere analyse van het netwerk van 250 bedrijven in 1976 is aangevuld met nieuwe gegevens over 1996 en 2001, waardoor er een unieke vergelijking over tijd mogelijk is geworden. Elitenetwerken staan momenteel erg in de belangstelling. Deze publicatie sluit qua thematiek goed aan op het recent verschenen boekje van de Volkskrant over de serie ‘De top 200 van Nederland’. Behalve voor onderzoekers is dit boek uitermate geschikt voor (top)managers en commissarissen van grote bedrijven, (management) consultants, bedrijfsadviseurs en studenten aan de internationale business schools.

Hiligsmann, P., L. Rasier, et al. (2011). [e-Book]  Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde, Academia Press. Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15223

Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde (“Dutch from the point of view of pronunciation acquisition and contrastive linguistics”) gives an overview of linguistic research carried out on Dutch by specialists from different parts of Europe. As the title suggests, the book covers two topics: (1) recent developments in the research into the pronunciation of Dutch as a second or foreign language, including research into pronunciation norms and the teaching of pronunciation; (2) recent theoretical and methodological developments in contrastive linguistics providing new insights about various cross-linguistic issues, including translation.

Hiligsmann, P., L. Rasier, et al. (2011). [e-Book]  Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde, Academia Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15223

Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde (“Dutch from the point of view of pronunciation acquisition and contrastive linguistics”) gives an overview of linguistic research carried out on Dutch by specialists from different parts of Europe. As the title suggests, the book covers two topics: (1) recent developments in the research into the pronunciation of Dutch as a second or foreign language, including research into pronunciation norms and the teaching of pronunciation; (2) recent theoretical and methodological developments in contrastive linguistics providing new insights about various cross-linguistic issues, including translation.

Júnior Silva, P. A. d. (2010). [e-Book]  Análisis de errores: estudio de las estructuras verbales y discursivas en el aprendizaje del español- le por parte de alumnos brasileños (producción escrita). Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca. Texto completo: http://gredos.usal.es/jspui/bitstream/10366/76568/1/DLE_Silva_Junior_PA_Analisis_de_errores.pdf

[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer las dificultades que poseen los alumnos de dos niveles de la Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte de la Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Espa??ola, en las estructuras verbales y discursivas, a trav??s de an??lisis cualitativo y cuantitativo.

Kant, I., M. C. Pievatolo, et al. (2011). [e-Book]  Sette scritti politici liberi, Firenze University Press. Texto completo: http://eprints.rclis.org/15848/

Hyper-textual, open access Italian translation of Kant’s seven major political writings. Its preface tries to explain why the translations of classics should be open access and open licensed. The editor’s annotation to the essay «On the Injustice of Reprinting Books» contends that Kant, far from being an intellectual property forerunner, builds his thesis on the relationship between the author and the public and justifies the publisher’s right only as far as he is acting as a spokesperson.

Ketelaar, E., J. Dijck van, et al. (2006). [e-Book]  Sign Here! : Handwriting in the Age of New Media. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12869

Sign Here! Handwriting in the Age of New Media features a number of articles from different fields, reaching from cultural and media studies to literature, film and art, and from philosophy and information studies to law and archival studies. Questions addressed in this book are: Will handwriting disappear in the age of new (digital) media? What happens to important cultural and legal concepts, such as original, copy, authenticity, reproducibility, uniqueness, and iterability? Where is the writing hand to be located if handwriting is performed not immediately ‘by hand’ but when it is (re)mediated by electronic or artistic media? Sign Here! Handwriting in the Age of New Media is the first part in the series Transformations in Art and Culture.<p>Zal het handschrift verdwijnen in het tijdperk van de nieuwe (digitale) media? En wat gebeurt er dan met culturele en juridische concepten als originaliteit, imitatie, authenticiteit, reproductie, uniciteit en herhaling? Waar moeten we de schrijvende hand localiseren als het schrijven niet ‘handmatig’ wordt uitgevoerd maar door een tweede medium? En wat is de relatie van het handschrift tot dit tweede medium waarin het wordt afgebeeld, gereproduceerd of misschien zelfs verbeterd? In Sign Here! gaan de auteurs in op deze en andere vragen over de toekomst van het handschrift.

Khwira, Z. H. T. (2010). [e-Book]  Strategies and Motivations in Translated Children’s Literature: Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe as a Case Study. Nablus, Palestine., Najah National University. Texto completo: http://scholar.najah.edu/sites/scholar.najah.edu/files/all-thesis/815.pdf

The study investigates the translation of children’s literature, in general, and the translations of Defoe’s ‘Robinson Crusoe’, in specific. It highlights mistranslations and likely breakdowns caused by cultural and ideological differences among Arab and foreign cultures. Owing to this, the breakdowns are categorized into: a- ideological, and b- cultural. The study also examines the various strategies obtained by the translators in dealing with these breakdowns. Analyses show that the translators have attempted to bridge the gap that might result from literal translation. The findings reveal that

Koehn, P., M. Federico, et al. (2007). [e-Book]  Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation: Factored Translation Models and Confusion Network Decoding, Johns Hopkins University. Texto completo: http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~ccb/publications/open-source-toolkit-for-statistical-machine-translation.pdf

The 2006 Language Engineering Workshop Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation had the objective to advance the current state-of-the-art in statistical machine translation through richer input and richer annotation of the training data. The workshop focused on three topics: factored translation models, confusion network decoding, and the development of an open source toolkit that incorporates this advancements. This report describes the scientific goals, the novel methods, and experimental results of the workshop. It also documents details of the implementation of the open source toolkit.

Koetsenruijter, W., J. Jong de, et al. (2011). [e-Book]  Bending Opinion : Essays on Persuasion in the Public Domain. Leiden, Leiden University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14612

With communication playing an increasingly important role in contemporary society, rhetoric appears to have gained in influence and importance. The ancients knew all along: power belongs to those who know how to use their words. Nowadays, we know that rhetoric pervades all discourse. There is no communication without rhetoric. In a society with ever-increasing amounts of information, and with media whose significance cannot be overestimated, we need to know all the mechanisms playing a role in the gathering, making and reporting of information and opinions, and its processing by an audience. Rhetoric is, from both a practical and a theoretical perspective, essential to the conduct, analysis and evaluation of public debates. After all, the idea of democracy is closely intertwined with the ideal of transparent decision-making on the basis of open, informed discussions in the public domain, in political, organizational and journalistic discourse. Bending Opinion cites a host of relevant examples, from Barack Obama to Geert Wilders, as well as compelling case studies.<p>Het belang van communicatie neemt steeds verder toe in de huidige samenleving, en daarmee blijkt ook retoriek aan invloed te winnen. Het was al bekend in de Oudheid: de macht behoort hen toe die weten hoe ze hun woorden moeten gebruiken. Tegenwoordig beheerst retoriek het publieke debat, en is er geen communicatie zonder retoriek. In een samenleving die wordt gekenmerkt door een overvloed aan informatie en zeer invloedrijke media, is het van groot belang belang inzicht te krijgen in de mechanismen die een rol spelen bij het verzamelen, maken en het overbrengen van informatie en meningen, en de manier waarop het publiek deze verwerkt. Retoriek is, zowel vanuit praktisch als theoretisch oogpunt, essentieel voor de uitwerking, analyse en evaluatie van het publieke debat. Uiteindelijk is het idee van democratie nauw vervlochten met het ideaal van transparante besluitvorming op basis van open, goed-ge nformeerderde discussies in het publieke domein en het politieke en journalistieke discours.

Korsten, F.-W. and J. Bloemendal (2012). [e-Book]  Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) : Dutch Playwright in the Golden Age, Brill Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14625

Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) was the most prolific poet and playwright of his age. During his long life, roughly coincinding with the Dutch Golden Age, he wrote over thirty tragedies. He was a famous figure in political and artistic circles of Amsterdam, a contemporary and acquaintance of Grotius and Rembrandt, but in general well acquainted with Latin humanists, Dutch scholars, authors and Amsterdam burgomasters. He fuelled literary, religious and political debates. His tragedy ‘Gysbreght van Aemstel’, which was played on the occasion of the opening of the stone city theatre in 1638, was to become the most famous play in Dutch history, and can probably boast holding the record for the longest tradition of annual performance in Europe. In general, Vondel’s texts are literary works in the full sense of the word, complex and inexhasutive; attracting attention throughout the centuries. Contributors include: Eddy Grootes, Riet Schenkeveld-van der Dussen, Mieke B. Smits-Veldt, Marijke Spies, Judith Pollmann, Bettina Noak, Louis Peter Grijp, Guillaume van Gemert, Jürgen Pieters, Nina Geerdink, Madeleine Kasten, Marco Prandoni, Peter Eversmann, Mieke Bal, Maaike Bleeker, Bennett Carpenter, James A. Parente, Jr., Stefan van der Lecq, Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen, Helmer Helmers, Kristine Steenbergh, Yasco Horsman, Jeanne Gaakeer and Wiep van Bunge

Kraak, A. (2006). [e-Book]  Homo loquens en homo scribens : Over natuur en cultuur bij de taal. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=13257

Dutch and Flemish language; Philosophy; Psychology<p>De gesproken taal komt vóór de geschreven taal, zowel bij het taallerende kind als in de geschiedenis van de mensheid. De homo loquens was er eerst, pas veel later werd hij ook homo scribens. Daarom beschouwt de taalwetenschap de gesproken taal ook als haar primaire object van onderzoek. We, de taalgebruiker maar ook de taalwetenschapper, zijn echter zo vertrouwd met de geschreven taal, dat we de gesproken taal steeds waarnemen door de bril van die geschreven taal. Dat heeft tot gevolg dat we allerlei kenmerken van de geschreven taal op de gesproken taal projecteren. Zo zouden letters corresponderen met afzonderlijke klanken en zouden zinnen gedachten uitdrukken. In dit boek worden vraagtekens geplaatst bij deze aannames die we voor ‘natuurlijk’ houden maar die in feite ‘cultuurlijk’ zijn. Het boek laat ook zien hoe onze visie op het ontstaan van het schrift en op het proces van leren lezen en schrijven door de schriftelijke bril gekleurd wordt. Dat maakt dit boek tegelijk een kritische reflectie op de taalwetenschap en haar geschiedenis.

Kramer, A. and J. Röhnert (2010). [e-Book]  Literatur – Universalie und Kulturenspezifikum, Universitätsverlag Göttingen Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14576

The debate on universals has been stimulated by advances in cultural studies and the humanities in general. Considering literature as a universal feature that can be found in any culture, the question is: a) what are the characteristics of literature as an anthropological constant? b) which specific occurrences of literature can be found in different times, cultures and languages – and how is it possible to compare them? c) How has literature been able to mediate over time between different cultures and their often opposing concepts? The wide field of literature transgressing and bridging borders comes into play here, e.g. translations, multilingual and “intercultural” literatures, travel journals and ethnographic interpretations. The main part of the anthology highlights the interplay of cultural impregnation and a universal motivation to express oneself by means of literature – by theoretical approaches as well as by studies with a view on German literature from the outside and/or a focus on the representation of the world in German literary texts. The closing chapter, “intercultural text workshop” enables the reader to gain insight into an ever more important feature of present-day literature: texts from authors who deliberately opted for German as their literary language – Marica Bodro i , Tzveta Sofronieva, Yoko Tawada, José F.A. Oliver and Ilija Trojanow.<p>Die Kultur- und Geisteswissenschaften haben in jüngster Zeit die Debatte um sogenannte Universalien neu angeregt: Betrachten wir auch Literatur als Universalie, die in jeder Kultur anzutreffen ist, so können wir uns fragen: a) was zeichnet Literatur als anthropologische Konstante aus; b) welche spezifischen Prägungen von Literatur sind in den verschiedenen Sprach-, Zeit- und Kulturräumen anzutreffen und wie lassen sie sich vergleichen; c) wie ist es der Literatur im Verlauf der Kontaktgeschichte menschlicher Kulturen gelungen, zwischen verschiedenen, oft divergierenden Auffassungen zu vermitteln? Dabei wird auch das weite Feld literarischer Grenzenüberschreitungen und Brückengänge angeschnitten: Übersetzungen, polyglotte oder interkulturelle Literaturen, Reise- und ethnographische Berichte. Der Hauptteil des Bandes widmet sich dem Wechselspiel von kultureller Geprägtheit und universalem literarischen Ausdruckswillen theoretisch fundiert; in Beispielanalysen mit Blick von außen auf die deutschsprachige Literatur sowie in der Frage nach der Repräsentation von Welt in Texten der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Das Schlusskapitel Interkulturelle Textwerkstatt gibt Einblick in einen zunehmend zentral werdenden Aspekt der Gegenwartsliteratur: Vorgestellt werden Gedichte und Erzählungen von Autorinnen und Autoren, die sich bewusst für Deutsch als ihre Schreibsprache entschieden haben – Marica Bodroiæ, Tzveta Sofronieva, Yoko Tawada, José F.A. Oliver und Ilija Trojanow.

Lassaque, L. F. (2006). [e-Book]  La traducción de los contratos (inglés – castellano y castellano – inglés) : elementos teóricos y traducciones comentadas. Buenos Aires, Luisa Fernanda Lassaque. Texto completo: http://www.avlt.com.ar/archivos/libro/11_LTC.pdf

El presente libro no pretende ser otra cosa que la recopilación de todos los conocimientos que se nos imparte a los futuros traductores en las aulas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, en la carrera de Traductorado de Inglés, y que quedan como conocimientos que se  transmiten en forma meramente oral o con apuntes sueltos. Creo que ya es hora de que todo ese valioso conocimiento quede reunido –por lo menos, de manera preliminar, y sujeto a ampliaciones y modificaciones– en un volumen.

Lira Dias, M. M. (2010). [e-Book]  Los conectores discursivos desde la retórica contrastiva: uso y contraste español-portugués. Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca. Texto completo: http://gredos.usal.es/jspui/bitstream/10366/83132/1/DLE_LiraDiasMM_Losconectoresdiscursivos.pdf

[ES]La presente tesis de doctorado se centra en un an??lisis de tres grupos de conectores discursivos en espa??ol y en portugu??s: los opositivos, los causales-consecutivos y los aditivos, desde una perspectiva ret??rico-contrastiva (RC), fundamentada en las contribuciones te??ricas de Portol??s (1998;1999,2004); Montol??o (2001); Mart??n Zorraquino y Portol??s (1999), Dom??nguez (2002;2007), Connor (1996;2001) y Trujillo (2001,2002 y 2003), con el fin validar o matizar la hip??tesis de la RC cuando sostiene que existen diferencias significativas en la organizaci??n de los textos escritos en distintas lenguas y en diferentes contextos culturales. Por tanto, el objetivo fundamental de ese trabajo ha sido el de identificar las semejanzas y diferencias existentes en el uso de los conectores que marcan relaciones argumentativas en esas dos lenguas, en el g??nero discursivo cartas. Para ello, se analiz?? una muestra compuesta 240 cartas: un corpus de referencia textual en lengua espa??ola, con 120 cartas escritas por estudiantes brasile??os para el examen de Diploma de Espa??ol Lengua Extranjera – DELE, en el nivel superior (DSE), y el otro, con 120 cartas escritas por lectores de una revista de circulaci??n nacional en Brasil, la Revista Veja. Con base en esos corpora se han seleccionado los conectores y analizado su comportamiento discursivo, con el fin de identificar el grado de similitud, las diferencias sem??ntico-pragm??ticas, los valores socioling????sticos relacionados a la frecuencia de uso y las interferencias provocadas por la L1 en el uso de esos elementos en la L2. Concretamente, en el campo de la RC ese estudio discursivo nos ha permitido afirmar que desde el punto de vista de la utilizaci??n de los conectores argumentativos, dichos elementos, en su gran mayor??a, establecen relaciones argumentativas con id??nticos valores y matices sem??ntico-pragm??ticos en espa??ol y en portugu??s, lo que nos permite acercamos m??s al t??rmino transferencia que interferencia en su uso ret??rico-argumentativo.

Lisboa, M. M. (2011). [e-Book]  The End of the World: Apocalypse and its Aftermath in Western Culture, Open Book Publishers Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14496

This book examines historical and imaginary scenarios of apocalypse, the depiction of its likely triggers, and imagined landscapes in the aftermath of global destruction. Its discussion moves effortlessly from classic novels including Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, to blockbuster films such as Blade Runner, Armageddon and The Terminator. The author also takes into account religious doctrine, scientific research and the visual arts to create a penetrating, multi-disciplinary study that provides profound insight into one of Western culture’s darkest and most enduring preoccupations.

López López-Gay, P. (2009). [e-Book]  La autotraducción literaria: traducibilidad, fidelidad, visibilidad. Análisis de las autotraducciones de Agustín Gómez-Arcos y Jorge Semprún, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació. Texto completo: http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/5274/pllg1de1.pdf?sequence=1

Esta tesis engrana las piezas de un trabajo en curso que comenzó hace años. Pretendemos no sólo posicionarnos dentro del campo que nos ocupa, la reflexión sobre autotraducción ñy por ende, también sobre traducción-, sino además sugerir al lector posibles modos de aprehender ese objeto. Uno de nuestros propósitos es ofrecer una lectura crítica de textos teóricos sobre traducción y autotraducción, puestos en diálogo en la primera parte, «La (auto)traducción literaria». Algunos de los puntos ahí tratados resurgirán intermitentemente a través del análisis comparativo entre originales y autotraducciones. La segunda parte, «Estudios de caso», presenta también dos capítulos, cada uno de los cuales analiza una autotraducción literaria contemporánea. La producción de Agustín Gómez-Arcos y la de Jorge Semprún han ocupado siempre lugares muy distantes entre sí, tanto en el campo literario español como en el francés. Ambos autores son, no obstante, sujetos históricos que -adscritos a un mismo contexto, en un momento determinado- tradujeron al español una obra previamente publicada en francés. Uno y otro texto exponen una toma de posición ideológica con respecto del campo cultural español. El estudio de Un pájaro quemado vivo (Gómez-Arcos, 1986) es fruto de varios años de investigación en las Universidades de Granada y París 7 Denis Diderot. Para su realización, contamos en esta última institución con el apoyo financiero del Ministerio de Educación francés. El análisis presentado parte, sin limitarse a ésta, de una síntesis revisada y parcial de (Auto)traducción y (re)creación. El estudio sobre Federico Sánchez se despide de ustedes (Semprún, 1993) fue concebido como otro proyecto, financiado esta vez por la Generalitat de Catalunya y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, en un primer estadio, y por la Universidad de Nueva York, en un segundo estadio. Subrayamos pues la independencia inicial de los capítulos aquí reunidos, sin olvidar que estas páginas son, además, resultado de un trabajo de relectura desde el presente de nuestra investigación. Ubicamos este trabajo en la cartografía de métodos vigentes en investigación literaria de acuerdo con el cuadro sinóptico propuesto por Helena Tanqueiro, reproducido en el apartado «Metodología» de la segunda parte. Baste aquí con apuntar que esta tesis oscila, dentro de los estudios sincrónicos, entre el método no empírico (teorización) y el método hipotético deductivo en los estudios empírico observacionales (se construye en parte sobre la observación y el análisis de estudios de caso). La primera parte es teórica, mientras que la segunda se sitúa entre la teoría y la observación de dos ejemplos de autotraducción literaria contemporánea. Tomadas una a una, guardan gran autonomía. La primera parte, «La (auto)traducción literaria», es la más reciente cronológicamente, y contiene una reflexión sobre la traducción y la autotraducción; sin restringirse a ello, aporta un marco teórico y un posicionamiento en la teoría sobre el que se apoya la relectura de las obras analizadas en la segunda parte, «Estudios de caso». El trabajo que aquí comienza se propone mostrar el desarrollo de una reflexión aún en curso. Aunamos así estudios realizados en distintos momentos de nuestra experiencia investigadora; siendo producto de un engranaje cuyos resortes no escondemos, ambas partes deberían completarse.

Madramany Bonet, C. (2011). [e-Book]  Técnicas de doblaje aplicadas al corto Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man. Valencia, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Texto completo: http://riunet.upv.es/bitstream/handle/10251/14728/Memoria.pdf?sequence=1

El objeto de estudio de esta tesina es el cortometraje “Heartless: The Story of the Tin Man”. Se trata de una producción de la compañía “Whitestone Motion Pictures” ubicada en Atlanta. Esta productora ha autorizado, con   ines educativos, a que se apliquen las técnicas de doblaje y postproducción a su cortometraje, para obtener la versión en español.

Marín Gallego, C. (2007). [e-Book]  La traducción para el doblaje de películas multilingües: Babel. Texto completo: http://acceda.ulpgc.es/bitstream/10553/4064/1/0536366_00000_0000.pdf

¿Cómo traducimos una película en la que aparecen diferentes lenguas? ¿Qué técnicas de traducción adoptamos? ¿Subtitulación o doblaje para una película multilingüe? ¿Adaptamos los referentes culturales? Todas estas preguntas surgirían al encontrarse con un encargo de traducción de este tipo. Posiblemente muchas de ellas las respondería el estudio de doblaje, teniendo en cuenta al cliente y a la audiencia. Sin

embargo, este trabajo intenta responder a estas preguntas teniendo en cuenta también la teoría de la traducción y de los estudios culturales, tomando como ejemplo la película Babel.

Marín García, M. P. (2012). [e-Book]  Los referentes culturales de tipo jurídico en la ficción narrativa: análisis descriptivo en un corpus de novelas en lengua inglesa y su traducción a español (Fecha de defensa: 09-09-2010) Texto completo: http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/10570/marin3.pdf?sequence=1

El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la traducción (inglés-español) de referentes culturales jurídicos en la ficción jurídica, especialmente

en relación con las técnicas de traducción de los referentes culturales. Por ello, realizamos una revisión de las relaciones entre derecho, literatura y traducción. Asimismo, consideramos fundamental la revisión de la noción de técnica de traducción y de sus denominaciones afines así como del concepto de norma de traducción. Ambas nociones constituyen las herramientas teóricas de este trabajo. Su aplicación a los datos obtenidos en nuestro corpus nos permite establecer relaciones entre pares de segmentos y técnicas, lo que a su vez nos permite ofrecer generalizaciones aplicables a la traducción de referentes culturales de tipo jurídico mediante el concepto de norma.

Martín García, M. C. (2011). [e-Book]  Inhibitory control in bilingualism. Granada, Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Experimental y Fisiología del Comportamiento. Texto completo: http://www.tdx.cat/handle/10803/80883

Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Psicología Experimental y Fisiología del Comportamiento. Leída el 4 de noviembre de 2011

Martin, T. (2007). [e-Book]  Culture and Translation: recovering he legacy of R.H Mathews, ANU E Press Texto completo: http://epress.anu.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/whole_book11.pdf

R. H. Mathews (1841-1918) was an Australian-born surveyor and self-taught anthropologist. From 1893 until his death in 1918, he made it his mission to record all ?new and interesting facts? about Aboriginal Australia. Despite falling foul with some of the most powerful figures in British and Australian anthropology, Mathews published some 2200 pages of anthropological reportage in English, French and German. His legacy is an outstanding record of Aboriginal culture in the Federation period. This first edited collection of Mathews? writings represents the many facets of his research, ranging from kinship study to documentation of myth. It include eleven articles translated from French or German that until now have been unavailable in English. Introduced and edited by Martin Thomas, who compellingly analyses the anthropologist, his milieu, and the intrigues that were so costly to his reputation, Culture in Translation is essential reading on the history of cross-cultural research. The translations from the French are by Mathilde de Hauteclocque and from the German by Christine Winter.

Martin, T. (2009). [e-Book]  Culture and Translation: recovering he legacy of R.H Mathews, Australian National Unicersity. Texto completo: http://epress.anu.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/whole_book11.pdf

R. H. Mathews (1841-1918) was an Australian-born surveyor and self-taught anthropologist. From 1893 until his death in 1918, he made it his mission to record all ?new and interesting facts? about Aboriginal Australia. Despite falling foul with some of the most powerful figures in British and Australian anthropology, Mathews published some 2200 pages of anthropological reportage in English, French and German. His legacy is an outstanding record of Aboriginal culture in the Federation period. This first edited collection of Mathews? writings represents the many facets of his research, ranging from kinship study to documentation of myth. It include eleven articles translated from French or German that until now have been unavailable in English. Introduced and edited by Martin Thomas, who compellingly analyses the anthropologist, his milieu, and the intrigues that were so costly to his reputation, Culture in Translation is essential reading on the history of cross-cultural research. The translations from the French are by Mathilde de Hauteclocque and from the German by Christine Winter.

Martino Alba, P., A. Bueno García, et al. (2011). Le Laude de fray Jacopone da Todi en español: tras las huellas del traductor anónimo a través de prólogos y prefacios. Lingua, cultura e discorso nella traduzione dei francescani, Perugia, Pubblicazione dellÙniversità di Perugia/Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio, 2011: 283-311. http://eciencia.urjc.es/handle/10115/6536

La obra del siglo XIII Le Laude, de fray Jacopone da Todi, fue publicada en español, como traducción anónima, en 1576 en Lisboa. En nuestra investigación hemos tratado de sacar a la luz claves para la posible adscripción de esta traducción a uno de los traductores que trabajaron para fray Marcos de Lisboa, promotor de esta edición publicada en Portugal. Para ello nos hemos centrado en los datos que ofrecen prólogos y prefacios de textos religiosos relacionados con esta obra, y hemos tratado de seguir un hilo conductor entre ellos para hacer visible la transparencia de un lienzo magistralmente tejido por el traductor.

Mathijssen, J. W. (2007). [e-Book]  The Breach and the Observance : Theatre retranslation as a strategy of artistic differentiation, with special reference to retranslations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet (1777-2001) Utrecht, Utrecht University. Texto completo: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/dissertations/2007-0724-200650/index.htm

The subject of «The Breach and the Observance» is retranslation for the theatre. Besides offering a model that incorporates the findings of previous scholarship, it casts new light on the motivation behind retranslation, using the case of translations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet on the Dutch stage. The history of Dutch Hamlet performances shows a number of constants in the retranslation of the play. Since the establishment of a Hamlet tradition and the rise of the director’s theatre, the retranslations that functioned within the community of Dutch theatre were the fruit of the collaboration of translators with directors. Each translator changed its strategy towards at least one cardinal norm to be different from his theatrical predecessor. This new strategy formed an intrinsic part of the strategy of the director, who used the new text to support a new interpretation of the play that also differed from his predecessor’s. Staging a retranslation can therefore be said to be a strategy to differentiate a theatre production from previous theatre productions through the application of differing translational norms.

Mayoral Asensio, R. (1997). [e-Book]  La traducción de la variación lingüística. Sevilla, Excma. Diputación Provincial de Soria. Texto completo: http://www.ugr.es/~rasensio/docs/La_traduccion_variacion_linguistica.pdf

La traducción de la variedad lingüística estudia la traducción de las formas de hablar relacionadas con parámetros sociolingüísticos y situacionales, no sólo aquellos aspectos que dependen de la definición del perfil de un texto sino también en los niveles microtextuales señalados por marcadores específicos. La descripción del problema se hace a la luz de las aportaciones anteriores de la lingüística, la sociolingüística y los estudios de traducción. Tras una crítica de estas aportaciones, que todavía encuentran un enorme eco en el análisis de la traducción de nuestros días utilizando modelos lingüísticos que -sorprendentemente- ya van hacia las cuatro décadas de vida, este trabajo ofrece nuevas perspectivas de análisis del problema basadas en estudios empíricos, enfoques cognitivos y aportaciones de la teoría funcionalista de la traducción.

Méndez González, R. (2012). [e-Book]  Traducción & paratraducción de videojuegos: textualidad y paratextualidad en la traducción audiovisual y multimedia. Vigo, Universidad de Vigo. Texto completo: http://www.paratraduccion.com/docu/Tesis_Ramon/Portada-Intro_Tesis-Doctoral_Ramon.pdf

La primera tesis doctoral de la Universidad española sobre traducción y paratraducción de videojuegos tenía que presentarse en la UVigo. Ramón Méndez González, doctorando del Grupo T&P, nos presenta su investigación sobre la textualidad y la paratextualidad en traducción audiovisual y multimedia utilizando los videojuegos como corpus. Un crítico y exhaustivo análisis sobre los aspectos teóricos, formativos y profesionales más sobresalientes del rico mercado de la localización de videojuegos. El doctorando no ha olvidado tratar incluso en su tesis doctoral el importante tema del servicio de interpretación en los encuentros internacionales del sector de los videojuegos.

Mertens, M., A. Pos, et al. (2012). [e-Book]  Ieder zijn eigen Arnon Grunberg. Vertaling, promotie en receptie in Italië, Spanje, Catalonië, Portugal en Roemenië, Academia Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15225

This third volume of Lage Landen Studies offers a glimpse of recent international and internationalizing trends in Dutch Studies. It presents a comparative view of the virtually synchronic dynamics of the translation, promotion and reception of contemporary Dutch author Arnon Grunberg in five Romance languages between 1996 and 2009.This interdisciplinary approach, which focuses on the crossroads of language, literature and culture, as well as on aspects of the sociologies of literature and translation, is combined with views from translation studies, comparative literature, and bibliology in order to build bridges between theory and practice.The first part is devoted to the seldom-heard perspective of the translator and dissects the circumstances in which works by Arnon Grunberg – and by his heteronym Marek van der Jagt – are translated, promoted and received in five Romance languages. The function and ‘visual translation’ of book covers are also analyzed. Notwithstanding the relative homogeneity of the languages, their cultural background and geographical location, remarkable differences come to light. The first part rounds off by looking at the promotional possibilities of writer’s tours and translation workshops in the target countries.

Middeke, A. (2010). [e-Book]  Entwicklungstendenzen germanistischer Studiengänge im Ausland: Sprache – Philologie – Berufsbezug, Universitätsverlag Göttingen Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14579

21 articles give insights into German Studies outside the German-speaking countries. The contributions cover as wide a range as reports country by country, descriptions of individual profiles and local study plans, conceptual cross-country approaches and analyses of specific aspects of general relevance. In all their diversity, the articles demonstrate, besides the basic consensus that German and Germany are to be taught as manifestations of another culture, further similarities: Almost without exception German studies have entered a transitional phase that is not only characterized by curriculum reforms but also by discussions about the identity of German studies themselves. Here, the practical orientation seems to be a central point since, more and more, German Studies are seen as a professional education, too.<p>21 Beiträge beleuchten germanistische Studiengänge im Ausland. Die Palette der Beiträge reicht von Länderberichten zu Standort- und Profilbeschreibungen, von allgemeinen, länderübergreifenden Gesichtspunkten zu spezifischen Einzelaspekten. Bei aller Vielfalt des Gegenstandes zeigen sich neben der elementaren Gemeinsamkeit, dass das Deutsche als Fremdsprache und Deutschland als fremde Kultur vermittelt werden, weitere Übereinstimmungen: Fast ausnahmslos befinden sich die Studiengänge in einer Umbruchsituation, in der über curriculare Reformen auch das Selbstverständnis des Faches neu verhandelt wird. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt dabei der Praxisbezug, da die germanistische Ausbildung zunehmend als berufsvorbereitende Qualifizierung angesehen wird.

Minnaard, L. (2009). [e-Book]  New Germans, New Dutch : Literary Interventions. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12793

In the globalised world of today, traditional definitions of national Self and national Other no longer hold. The unmistakable transformation of German and Dutch societies demands a thorough rethinking of national boundaries on several levels. This book examines how literature of migration intervenes in public discourses on multiculturality in Germany and the Netherlands, epitomised in the strikingly parallel debates on the ‘German Leitkultur’ and the Dutch ‘multicultural drama’ in the year 2000. By juxtaposing detailed analyses of literary work by the Turkish-German writers Emine Sevgi özdamar and Feridun Zaimoglu and the Moroccan-Dutch writers Abdelkader Benali and Hafid Bouazza, New Germans, New Dutch offers crucial insights into the specific ways in which this literature negotiates its national context of writing. This book demonstrates how German literature of migration seeks alternative forms of community outside the national parameters, whereas the Dutch literature negotiates difference and re-imagines Dutchness within the national framework.<p>De etnische transformatie van de Duitse en Nederlandse samenleving vraagt om diepgaande reflectie op het omstreden concept van nationale identiteit. Literatuur levert een belangrijke bijdrage aan dit proces van reflectie. New Germans, New Dutch onderzoekt migratieliteratuur in de Nederlandse en Duitse context. Literaire werken van de Turks Duitse schrijvers Emine Sevgi özdamar en Feridun Zaimoglu en de Marokkaans-Nederlandse schrijvers Abdelkader Benali en Hafid Bouazza worden beschouwd als kritische buiteninterventies in polariserende debatten over het ‘multiculturele drama’ en de ‘deutsche Leitkultur’. De Duits-Nederlandse vergelijking biedt een verrassend inzicht in de nationale specificiteit van zowel deze interventies als van de verbeeldingen van nationale identiteit in deze literatuur. Dit is de eerste uitgave in de reeks Palimpsest: Disorientations.

Mocali, M. C. (2009). [e-Book]  Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e varietà. Firenze, Firenze University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12639

«Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e varietà» applies the terminology and methods of various subfields addressing textual analysis in German, namely textual linguistics, semiotics, pragmatics, speech linguistics and linguistic psychology, which are brought together in this study to attempt to develop, along with the specific research, a methodology for the science of the text in its general characteristics. Some translations of the nineteenth-century humorist Wilhelm Busch, the Italian version of a key test of the Bauhaus and the transcription of the TV electoral duel of 2005 between Angela Merkel and Helmut Schröder illustrate the broad chronological and typological spectrum of the investigation.<p>»Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e varietà» applica la terminologia e i metodi di analisi di diverse discipline che, in area tedesca, si occupano di analisi testuale, ovvero la linguistica testuale, la semiotica, la pragmatica, la linguistica del discorso e la psicologia linguistica, che si ritrovano unite in questo studio per tentare di sviluppare, insieme alla ricerca specifica, una metodologia della scienza del testo nei suoi caratteri generali. Alcune traduzioni dall’umorista ottocentesco Wilhelm Busch, la versione italiana di un testo chiave del Bauhaus e la trascrizione dal duello televisivo elettorale tra Angela Merkel e Helmut Schröder del 2005 documentano l’ampio spettro cronologico e variazionale dell’indagine.

Mocali, M. C. (2009). [e-Book]  Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione: Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e varietà. Firenze, Firenze University Press,. Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12639

Questo volume1 raccoglie saggi e traduzioni da ambiti diversi: il filo rosso che li lega è la lingua tedesca. Scrutata e rivissuta attraverso la traduzione oppure seguita, letta, ascoltata, scavata nei saggi, è studiata con approcci metodologici diversi, quali la linguistica testuale, la pragmatica e la applicazione pratica della teoria della traduzione. Se il tedesco, in varietà diamesiche diverse e attraverso codici differenti è l’unità di fondo attorno a cui si coagulano i tre studi, un secondo legame, meno appariscente ma fecondo, è l’idea di traslazione/traduzione.

Möllers, C., T. Mann, et al. (2011). [e-Book]  Aktuelle Probleme des Wissenschaftsrechts, Universitätsverlag Göttingen Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=13349

to be completed<p>Wissenschaft meint seit jeher nicht nur theoretische Reflexion, sondern immer auch gesellschaftliche Praxis. Heute steht diese Praxis, die Welt der modernen Wissenschaften und ihrer institutionellen Formen mitten im Strom tiefgreifender Veränderungen – Exzellenzinitiativen und Clusterbildung, Studiengebührenfinanzierung und Bologna-Prozess, Wettbewerbsstrukturen, Globalhaushalte und externe Management-Maßstäbe sind hierfür nur einige illustrierende Schlagworte. Den Handlungsdrang der deutschen Hochschulpolitik im Blick gerät naturgemäß auch das Wissenschaftsrecht in Bewegung. Fragen seiner verfassungsrechtlichen Grundierung und seiner verwaltungsrechtlichen Feinzeichnung sind so umstritten wie lange nicht. Das Leitmotiv, ob das heutige Wissenschaftsrecht in erster Linie dem Schutz der individuellen Forschungsleistungen einzelner Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler dient oder ein Baukasten zur Modernisierung der Hochschulen ist, führt wiederkehrend zu den Grundfragen des modernen Öffentlichen Rechts. Diese Entwicklungen vor Augen beging das Institut für Öffentliches Recht an der Juristischen Fakultät der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen seine Neugründung mit einer Arbeitstagung zum Thema „Aktuelle Probleme des Wissenschaftsrechts“. Die Beiträge der Tagung enthält dieser Band. Er ist der erste einer neuen Schriftenreihe zum Öffentlichen Recht.

Mondt, K. and N. Gontier (2006). [e-Book]  Dynamisch Inter(- en Trans)disciplinair TaalOnderzoek. De nieuwe taalwetenschappen, Academia Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=13285

Language research is currently in a state of flux. The phenomenon of language is not merely the topic of investigation in linguistics, it is examined by a multitude of scholars with different scientific backgrounds. In order to examine how these various disciplines approach language, a think-tank was founded in 2002, called DITO, Dynamisch Inter(-en trans)disciplinair onderzoek, or Dynamic Inter- (and trans)disciplinary Research. The think-tank is located at the Belgian Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels). This book provides short introductory articles to the language research conducted by some of the think-tank’s most important members, from within the point of view of the following 5 disciplines: philosophy of evolutionary biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, sign language research and artificial intelligence.

Moneglia, M. and C. Nicolas Martinez (2005). [e-Book]  Computers, Literature and Philology CLiP 2003. Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=13163

The book presents the proceedings of the international conference CLiP 2003, Computer Literacy and Philology, held in Florence on 4 and 5 December 2003 within the framework of the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of Florence University. The aim of the conference was to integrate humanistic disciplines with ICT technologies, and the publication is oriented to issues related to multilingualism. The contributions illustrate different types of IT tools now available to facilitate access to and management and study of the cultural heritage, more specifically that aspect of the heritage with which philologists and linguists are typically concerned.<p>Il volume ospita gli atti della conferenza internazionale CLiP 2003, Computer Literacy and Philology, tenutasi a Firenze il 4 e 5 dicembre 2003 nell’ambito delle manifestazioni degli 80 anni dell’Ateneo Fiorentino. L’obiettivo della conferenza è stato l’integrazione delle discipline umanistiche e delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione, ed il volume è orientato alle tematiche relative al multilinguismo. I contributi raccolti illustrano vari tipi di strumenti informatici oggi disponibili per l’accesso, la gestione e lo studio del patrimonio culturale, in particolare quella parte del patrimonio a cui si interessano tipicamente i filologi e i linguisti.

Morillas, E. and J. Alvarez (2000). [e-Book]  Las herramientas del traductor. Málaga, Ediciones del Grupo de Investigación Traductología. Texto completo: http://traductolog.filosofia.uma.es/textos/herramientas2.pdf

El traductor y el intérprete, cuando trabajan, no están solos. Desde el momento en que asumen el compromiso de verter un texto en una lengua diferente de aquella en que fue creado, hasta aquel otro en que entregan su trabajo para que pase a formar parte del acervo de la cultura destino, su quehacer pasa por una serie de fases que tienen dos objetivos principalmente. El primero de ellos, permitir la comprensión del texto de partida sacando a la luz, de un lado, la estructura y jerarquización de los conceptos en él presentados; de otro, los efectos y relaciones que este artefacto tiene en el entorno cultural en el que se  produjo. El segundo de dichos objetivos será la elaboración de un texto que, respetando las normas de producción textual propias de la cultura destino, traslade a ésta en el mayor grado posible los aspectos anteriormente señalados de la cultura origen. En cualquiera de las dos fases, el traductor y el intérprete recurren a materiales y conocimientos diversos que tienen una función instrumental y a los que nos referimos aquí con el nombre de «herramientas».   Las herramientas del traductor pretende reflexionar, desde un enfoque teórico-práctico ligado a su quehacer habitual, sobre algunas de las características y uso de estas ayudas que facilitan la tarea traslaticia y posibilitan un resultado más feliz. Tras El papel del traductor (MORILLAS, Esther-Juan Pablo ARIAS, eds., Salamanca: Colegio de España, 1997), los integrantes del Grupo de Investigación Traductología proponemos nuevos ensayos para la reflexión y el análisis. Comenzamos por el que puede considerarse el útil por antonomasia del traductor: el diccionario. Su uso está presente en cualquiera de las fases de la traducción y, a menudo, plantea dificultades de todo tipo. De una de ellas, «la palabra inencontrable», se ocupa Carmen Mata Pastor. En su estudio se plantea las razones de que la relación entre traductor y diccionario no sea siempre lo eficaz que sería deseable, analizando en qué medida esto es responsabilidad del propio traductor, de los obstáculos derivados de las características y funcionamiento de las lenguas en juego, de las peculiaridades del texto objeto de traducción, o de las obras de consulta utilizadas.

Mukherjee, D. (2011). [e-Book]  National Language Planning and Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities : Speaking in Many Tongues. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15191

Controversies and problems with regard to language policy and language education still exist in Malaysia. Despite the attempts of language policy makers to promote multilingualism, the implementation has been marred by political and religious affiliations. Malaysia is a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnicities, the three largest being Malay, Chinese and Indian. Therefore, an analysis of the language variation in this polyglot nation will help in understanding the variety of languages and those who speak them. This book gathers the work of researchers working in the field of language change in Malaysia for over two decades. As there is no book published internationally on the language policy in Malaysia and the effects on the language change in urban migrant populations, this book is a timely contribution not only to an understanding of Malaysian linguistic pluralism and its undercurrents, but also to an understanding of the Indian Diaspora.<p>Maleisië is een smeltkroes van veel verschillende culturen en bevolkingsgroepen, waarvan Maleisiërs, Chinezen en Indiase immigranten de drie belangrijkste groepen vormen. Ondanks diverse pogingen van de overheid om meertaligheid te bevorderen, bestaan in Maleisi&amp;#235; nog steeds controverses als het gaat om taal- en educatiebeleid. Bovendien be&amp;#239;nvloedt de politieke en religieuze samenstelling de uitvoering. Dit boek is het enige internationaal gepubliceerde onderzoek naar taalbeleid in Maleisië en de gevolgen van taalverandering in stedelijke migrantenpopulaties.

Mychko-Megrin, I. (2012). [e-Book]  Aproximación pragmática a la traducción de la ironía: Problemas traductológicos en la traslación al castellano de los relatos de M. Zóschenko y M. Bulgákov (Fecha de defensa: 29-09-2011) Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Filologia Romànica. Texto completo: http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/48703/IMM_TESIS.pdf?sequence=1

: El presente estudio está dedicado a la traducción del género satírico y, en particular, de la ironía, como una técnica expresiva (o un recurso retórico) en obras de este tipo. Para el análisis traductológico hemos elegido los relatos satíricos de Mijaíl Zoschenko y Mijaíl Bulgákov, ambientados en la Rusia soviética, posrelovucionaria. Se trata de una época concreta, un público determinado, y un discurso muy especial, sobre todo por factores históricos, políticos y socio-culturales. Ya tuve ocasión de abordar la obra de Mijaíl Bulgákov en el trabajo de la suficiencia investigadora (DEA), leído el 30 de octubre de 2007 y titulado “Traducción e intertextualidad. ‘Voces ajenas’ en la novela de M. Bulgákov El maestro y Margarita y su interpretación en la traducción al castellano de Amaya Lacasa”.

Neuhofer, M. (0206). [e-Book]  «Écrire un seul livre, sans cesse renouvelé», Vittorio Klostermann GmbH Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15332

The study examines Jorge Semprun´s literary reflections on his experiences made in the concentration camp of Buchenwald in «Le grand voyage» (1963), «Quel beau dimanche!» (1980), «L´écriture ou la vie» (1994) and «Le mort qu´il faut» (2001) with the aim to show the development in his retrospective treatment of the past. Therefore the texts are not considered as a unified «ecriture» but as a progressing approximation to his experiences in Buchenwald.The study deals in narratological and poetological terms with Semprun´s growing awareness of what Buchenwald means to him: While «Le grand voyage» is deeply influenced by the authors communistic view. «Quel beau dimanche!» reflects Sempruns disconcertion caused by his awareness of the parallel existence of concentration camps in Nazi-Germany and in the Soviet Union. «L´ecriture ou la vie» and «Le mort qu´il faut», for their part, are written by an author who considers himself as survivor and witness.This process is accompanied by Semprun´s shift to literature as a universe implying sense and creating identity. This becomes vitally important after his dissociation from communism and enables him to speak extensively about his experiences with death. Therefore Semprun´s conception of «witnessship» can be described as diametrically opposed to factual documentation. It is rather intended to function within a literary field: Only the intensive use of intertextuality allowes Semprun to comprehend Buchenwald finally as the centre of his life and as the origin of his own identity as well as to communicate his «truth» to the reader.<p>Die Studie untersucht Jorge Sempruns literarische Gestaltung seiner Erfahrungen des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald in «Le grand voyage (1963), «Quel beau dimanche!» (1980), «L´ecriture ou la vie» (1994) und «Le mort qu´il faut (2001). Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Entwicklungslinien und Tendenzen in der retrospektiven Auseinandersetzung und literarischen Bearbeitung des persönlich Erlebten aufzuzeigen. Demzufolge werden die Texte nicht als einheitliches Sprechen, sondern als fortschreitende erzählerische Annäherung an den miterlebten Tod von Buchenwald betrachtet. Die narratologisch und poetologisch ausgerichtete Studie fokussiert den Bewusstwerdungsprozess, der in den Texten zum Ausdruck gelangt: Während «Le grand voyage» noch deutlich vom kommunistischen Weltbild des Autors geprägt ist, spiegelt sich in «Quel beau dimanche!» – geschrieben im Bewusstsein über die gleichzeitige Existenz nationalsozialistischer und stalinistischer Lager – die existentielle Verunsicherung Sempruns, wohingegen in «L´ecriture ou la vie» und «Le mort qu´il faut» die Selbstdefinierung als Überlebender und Zeuge dominiert.Paralell zu dieser Entwicklung vollzieht sich Sempruns Hinwendung zur Literatur als identitäts- und sinnstiftendem Universum, das, insbesondere nach der Lossage vom Kommunismus, verstärkt in den Vordergrund rückt und erst die umfassende Sagbarkeit der Erfahrung ermöglicht. Sempruns Konzeption von Zeugenschaft steht folglich in direkter Opposition zu einem dokumentarischen Bezeugen und bewegt sich stattdessen innerhalb eines genuin literarischen Feldes. Nur durch den intensiven Einsatz intertextueller Bezugnahmen gelingt es dem Autor, die Erfahrung von Buchenwald als Zentrum seines Lebens sowie als Ursprung seines Ichs zu begreifen und diese «Wahrheit» dem Leser mitzuteilen.

Neves, J. (2005). [e-Book]  Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

Surrey University of Surrey . School of Arts, Roehampton University. Texto completo: http://roehampton.openrepository.com/roehampton/bitstream/10142/12580/1/neves%20audiovisual.pdf

The present thesis is a study of Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) with special focus on the Portuguese context. On the one hand, it accounts for a descriptive analysis of SDH in various European countries with the aim of arriving at the norms that govern present practices and that may be found in the form of guidelines and / or in actual subtitled products. On the other hand, it is the result of an Action Research project that aimed at contributing towards the improvement of SDH practices in Portugal. These two lines of research are brought together in the proposal of a set of guidelines – Sistema de Legendagem vKv – for the provision of SDH on Portuguese television. This research positions itself within the theoretical framework of Translation Studies (TS) by taking a descriptive approach to its subject. Nonetheless, it takes a step beyond to seek reasons and to propose change rather than to simply describe objects and actions. Given its topic and methodological approach, this research also drank from other fields of knowledge such as Deaf Studies, Sociology, Linguistics and Cinema Studies, among others. In this context, SDH is addressed as a service to Deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers, thus implying a functional approach to all that it entails. In order to arrive at an encompassing understanding of the subject, in the body of this work, we may find a summary of the history of SDH, as well as an overview of the overriding and specific issues that characterise this type of subtitling. Following this, the Portuguese situation is made known through the account of five case studies that were carried out in the course of 2002 and 2003.

Nolan, J. (2005). [e-Book]  Interpretation Techniques and Exercises Clevedon. Texto completo: http://tienganhdhm.com/Images/file/Intepretation-Techniques%20and%20Exercises.pdf

Over recent decades the explosive growth of globalization and regional integration has fueled parallel growth in multi-lingual conferences. Although conference interpreting has come of age as a profession, interpreter training programs have had varied success, pointing to the need for an instructional manual which covers the subject comprehensively. This book seeks to fill that need by providing a structured syllabus and an overview of interpretation accompanied by exercises, developed for the classroom, in the main aspects of the art. It is meant to serve as a practical guide for interpreters and as a complement to interpreter training programs, particularly those for students preparing for conference interpreting in international governmental and business settings.

Nuss, A., D. Engster, et al. (2012). [e-Book]  Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption, Universitätsverlag Göttingen Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14594

to be completed<p>Der erste Band der Schriftenreihe „Syngramma“ umfasst Vorträge aus demSommersemester 2008 sowie Wintersemester 2008/09, die im Rahmender altertumswissenschaftlichen Vortragsreihe am Althistorischen Seminar derGeorg-August-Universität Göttingen präsentiert worden sind.Die thematische Spannweite der einzelnen Beiträge reicht in diesem Band geographischvon der eurasischen Seidenstraße bis zu dem prominenten Kampfplatzvon Kalkriese (mit Spuren einer römisch-germanischen Auseinandersetzung inder augusteischen Ära) und chronologisch von den Zeiten des bronzezeitlichenWestkleinasien und des hethitischen Großreiches bis zur Rezeptionsgeschichteder „klassischen Antike“ im 18. Jahrhundert.

O’Mara, M. (2007). Traducción de fraseología/metáforas coloquiales en «The Catcher in the Rye»: comparación de la retención del significado metafórico en los textos españoles y catalanes. Translating colloquial idioms/metaphors in «The Catcher in the Rye»: a comparison of metaphorical meaning retention in the Spanish and Catalan texts. 35: 57-76. http://www.miscelaneajournal.net/images/stories/articulos/vol35/57_.pdf

El uso de los modismos coloquiales es uno de los aspectos más singulares y característicos del idiolecto de Holden Caulfield en El guardián entre el centeno, de J. D. Salinger. Esta investigación intenta comparar la retención de significado figurado/metafórico en las representaciones de estos modismos en los textos en español y catalán. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la traducción al catalán retiene más significado figurado/metafórico, pues representa con más frecuencia los modismos originales mediante estructuras lexicalizadas que comunican un sentido metafórico similar aunque con una estructura diferente. Por el contrario, la traducción al español, en considerablemente más ocasiones, representa el modismo mediante una paráfrasis/explicación de su significado. El artículo que presentamos resulta novedoso dado que, hasta donde sabemos, no existe ningún estudio que compare la retención de significado figurado/metafórico en las representaciones de los modismos coloquiales de Holden Caulfield en los textos en español y catalán. (A)

Pavan, S. (2009). [e-Book]  Gli anni Sessanta a Leningrado. Firenze, Firenze University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12630

This book offers a portrait of Leningrad in the 1960s, of its cultural life in those years permeated by a great hope for change. Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, is the heir and witness of the rise and fall of the ‘Soviet hope’ for an authentic change, its evolution and its inevitable decline. Through an analysis of the poems of Iosif Brodskij, Stefania Pavan maps out the process that led the intelligencija of Leningrad to disclose their claims, to give shape to the intellectual conscience of the city, and that subsequently constrained them to adopt the opposite approach, concealing – in a semi-visible space and in the myriad modes of the ‘samizdat’ – the values, names and images of the hope of change. Through an analysis of the linguistic peculiarities of The dregs , one of the ‘classic’ short stories of Boris Ivanov, Simonetta Signorini proposes a micro-history of the Russian language in the 60s, to which the study carried out by Ljudmila Zubova on the poems of Viktor Sosnora makes a useful contribution. The essay by Irina Dvizova highlights an aspect of the culture of Leningrad that can be considered extremely topical, in terms both of argument and as a method of reading literary history: the relation between the city and the Dostoevskij museum.<p>Il volume propone un ritratto di Leningrado degli anni Sessanta, della sua vita culturale nell’Unione Sovietica, in quegli anni attraversata da una forte speranza di cambiamento. Leningrado, oggi San Pietroburgo, è erede e testimone della parabola della ‘speranza sovietica’ di un mutamento autentico, del suo evolversi e inevitabile esaurirsi. Stefania Pavan, attraverso l’analisi dei versi di Iosif Brodskij, disegna il percorso che ha condotto l’intelligencija di Leningrado nel ‘disvelare’ le proprie istanze, nel dare forma alla coscienza intellettuale della Città, e che l’ha vista costretta ad adottare successivamente la via inversa, a ‘celare’ in uno spazio semivisibile e tramite infinite modalità del ‘samizdat’, i valori, i nomi e le immagini della speranza del cambiamento. Con l’analisi delle particolarità linguistiche di La feccia, uno dei racconti ‘classici’ di Boris Ivanov, Simonetta Signorini propone una micro-storia della lingua russa negli anni Sessanta, alla quale lo studio di Ljudmila Zubova condotto sui versi di Viktor Sosnora dà un utile contributo. Il saggio di Irina Dvizova mette in evidenza un aspetto della cultura di Leningrado che è da considerare molto attuale sia come argomento che come metodo di lettura della storia letteraria: il rapporto fra la città e il Museo Dostoevskij.

Pérez Velasco, J. M. (2001). Los falsos amigos: Adquisición de lenguas y cambio linguístico. Presencia y renovación de la lingüistica francesa, Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2001: 377-384. http://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/600474.pdf

En el mundo de la pedagogía y en el de la traductología, especialmente, se viene hablando desde hace casi un siglo del fenómeno de los falsos amigos. Definidos como palabras de dos lenguas diferentes que presentan semejanzas formales y significados diferentes 1 (fr. table, esp. tabla ; fr. large, esp. largo ; fr. manège, esp. manejo…), los falsos amigos no han pasado de ser considerados como un fenómeno curioso que produce efectos más o menos graciosos o anecdóticos

Pietzuch, J. and K. Peuschel (2001). [e-Book]  Kaleidoskop der jungen DaF-/DaZ-Forschung, Universitätsverlag Göttingen Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14582

The articles in this anthology display the diversity of innovative approaches chosen in ongoing or concluded PhD and professorial dissertations in the field of German as a Foreign or Second language. They include studies in text comprehension research, critical needs analysis, discourse analysis, empirical didactics and analyses of the learning process in its cultural context. In line with the characteristics of the kaleidoscope, the editors do without any systematic classification of the contributions and do not claim to establish some kind of carthography of the current state of young GFL/GSL reaearch. They would rather invite the reader to look optimistically on the development of young GFL/GSL research and reflect upon the structure and the instruments of support to young GFL/GSL researchers.<p>Die Beiträge des Sammelbands bieten einen kaleidoskopischen Blick auf innovative Forschungsfragen und -instrumentarien laufender oder abgeschlossener Qualifikationsprojekte im Wissenschaftsbereich Deutsch als Fremd-/Zweitsprache. Unter anderem werden Studien aus der Textverstehensforschung, der critical needs analysis, der sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskursanalyse, der empirischen Didaktik und der kulturbezogenen Lernprozessforschung zur Diskussion gestellt. Dem Prinzip der lebendig-bunten Bilderfolge eines Kaleidoskops entsprechend, verzichten die Herausgeber auf eine fachsystematische Einordnung der Beiträge und erheben keinen Anspruch auf eine ‚Kartografie‘ des derzeitigen Stands junger DaF-/DaZ-Forschung. Vielmehr betont das Bild des Kaleidoskops das Fragmentarische der Dokumentation, ermuntert aber auch dazu, die Funktionsweise eines solchen optischen Spielzeugs als Leseperspektive anzunehmen. Im Sinne des „Schönbildschauers“ (kalós: schön; e dos: Gestalt, Bild; skope n: schauen) eröffnet der Band einen optimistischen Blick auf die Entwicklung der jungen DaF-/DaZ-Forschung und regt dazu an, den Dialog über Struktur und Instrumente der DaF-/DaZ-Nachwuchsförderung zu intensivieren.

Pöchhacker, F. (2003). [e-Book]  Introducing interpreting studies, Routledge. Texto completo: http://books.google.es/books?hl=es&lr=&id=HreH56AfbDkC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=%22court+interpreting%22&ots=dhHv0In3i3&sig=xSLXxjwgnu8JU7h6SuKslWaSiN8

Pormeister, E., S. Pasewalck, et al. (2011). [e-Book]  Nationalepen zwischen Fakten und Fiktionen. Tartu, University of Tartu Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15212

Since the 19th century national epics have had an important function in the cultural scene of almost every nation, and the same is true for the Central and East European countries that have regained their independence after 1989. The programmatic national epic was brought to life by the German Romanticism, especially by writers such as Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The contributions in this volume analyse the development, relationship, and reception of European national epics. They rely on a wide concept of epic and offer studies on various texts, such as the Icelandic sagas, the „Nibelungenlied“, the „Poems of Ossian“, the „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“ of the Grimm brothers, Schiller’s „Wilhelm Tell“, Bo ena N mcová’s „Babi ka“, Esaias Tegnér’s verse epic „Frit(h)iofs saga“, the Finnish national epic „Kalevala“ and the Estonian national epic „Kalevipoeg“.<p>Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert übernehmen Nationalepen eine wichtige Funktion im kulturellen Haushalt fast jeder Nation – wie sich nicht zuletzt in den nach 1989 neu entstandenen Ländern (Mittel-)Osteuropas eindrücklich bestätigt hat. Installiert worden ist das nationalepische Programm von der deutschen Romantik, insbesondere von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm. Die in diesem Band versammelten Aufsätze analysieren die Entstehung, die Vernetzung und die Rezeption von europäischen Nationalepen. Ausgehend von einem weiten Epos-Begriff wenden sich die Beiträge solchen Texten zu, die für die Nationsbildung konstitutive Bedeutung erhalten sollten, wie den Isländersagas, dem „Nibelungenlied“, den „Poems of Ossian“, den „Kinder- und Hausmärchen“ der Brüder Grimm, Schillers „Wilhelm Tell“, Bo ena N mcovás „Babi ka“, Esaias Tegnérs Versepos „Frit(h)iofs saga“, dem finnischen Nationalepos „Kalevala“ und dem estnischen Nationalepos „Kalevipoeg“.

Printz-Påhlson, G. (2011). [e-Book]  Letters of Blood and other English works by Göran Printz-Påhlson, Open Book Publishers Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14495

This collection brings together for the first time select works in English by the major Swedish modernist poet and critic Göran Printz-Påhlson. It was Printz-Påhlson who introduced poetic modernism to Scandinavia, and his essays and poems delve deeply into English, American, and continental modernist traditions. The volume includes Printz-Påhlson’s poetic tour de force, Letters of Blood, as well as some of his most erudite academic essays on style, irony, realism and American poetry.

PWC (2012). [e-Book]  Translation Bureau Benchmarking and Comparative Analysis : Final Report May 15, 2012. Otawa, PWC. Texto completo: http://www.btb.gc.ca/publications/documents/rapport-report-benchmarking-eng.pdf

The Government of Canada’s Translation Bureau (‘the Bureau’) engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (‘PwC’) between January 16 and May 15, 2012 to conduct a benchmarking and comparative analysis study.  The objectives of the comparative analysis study were to provide: • Information and analysis on the capacity of the Canadian industry to meet national and government demand; and • Benchmarks for good practices in linguistic services with other organizations of comparable size at the national and international level.

Pym, A. (2012). [e-Book]  Teorías contemporáneas de la traducción (exploraciones pedagógicas) London, Intercultural Studies Group. Texto completo: http://isg.urv.es/publicity/isg/publications/2011_teorias/pym_teorias_traduccion_web.pdf

El presente libro describe muchas teorías en términos de pocos paradigmas. Así ofrece un marco a la vez pluralista y orientador para el estudio de la traducción. Nuestro enfoque se limita a teorías occidentales, principalmente de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Demostramos que buena  parte de las teorías pueden organizarse alrededor de cinco conceptos centrales: la equivalencia, la finalidad (Skopos), la descripción, el indeterminismo y la localización. El libro tiene sus raíces en un curso de Máster que impartimos por primera vez en la Monash University de Melbourne, Australia, en 2003. Hemos repetido y desarrollado los materiales cada año desde entonces, en contextos muy diversos, que van desde la formación avanzada de traductores e intérpretes en Monterey, California, a los cursos de Máster y de Doctorado que impartimos  en Tarragona, España. A cada paso hemos intentado integrar las reacciones de los numerosos alumnos que hemos tenido en el transcurso de los años. Como buena parte del libro es fruto de la interacción con estudiantes, agradecemos sinceramente sus comentarios, críticas y animada participación. Huelga decir que la enseñanza  de la teoría debería basarse, a nuestro juicio, en una invitación constante a la discusión, de preferencia entre  alumnos, y con el profesor preparado para aprender. Intentamos extender la misma invitación en este libro, presentando por una parte una serie de datos e ideas de referencia, y reproduciendo por otra parte la naturaleza dialéctica de los debates, actuales o posibles, en las secciones “Discusiones frecuentes” que cierran la mayoría de los capítulos. Así esperemos ofrecer un libro a la vez útil para la enseñanza, estimulante para la lectura más profesional, e informativo para quien pensara que la traducción no es más que un asunto de técnicas lingüísticas.

Pym, A., F. Grin, et al. (2012 ). [e-Book]  The status of the translation profession in the European Union. Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/publications/studies/translation_profession_en.pdf

This report is a study of the mechanisms by which the status of translators is signalled in the European Union in 2011-12, with comparisons with the United States, Canada and Australia. The report is based on previous surveys and input from some 100 experts and informants. It offers sociological and economic modelling of the way signalling mechanisms affect markets in this field, with specific reference to academic qualifications, professional certifications, membership of associations and years of experience. The report proposes criteria for actions that might be taken to enhance the signalling of status. Status is understood as the presumed value of expert skills, rather than the skills themselves. An individual or group with high status is ideally attributed trustworthiness, prestige, authority, higher pay and a degree of professional exclusivity. However, when the signals of status are weak or confusing, those values are low, market disorder results, and good translators may leave the market. The process of professionalisation can then be seen as the production of efficient signals of status such that good translators stay in the market

Pym, A., A. Perekrestenko, et al. (2006). [e-Book]  Translation Technology and its Teaching (with much mention of localization). Tarragona, Intercultural Studies Group. Texto completo: http://isg.urv.es/library/papers/isgbook.pdf

More people than ever are being trained to translate. However, the most dynamic sector of the labor market requires more than mere translation. The demand is increasingly for professional competence in a range of new technologies. Translators now need professional competence in the use of programs for translation memories, terminology management, sometimes content management, and increasingly the integration of various forms of automatic or semi-automatic translation. At the same time, the use of these technologies is being associated, rightly or wrongly, with the development of what is known as the “localization industry”. Faced with these new technologies, and with the new terms, many of the institutions that traditionally train translators are asking how, and to what extent, the existing curricula need be changed. The papers brought together in this volume seek to address this question in various ways. All have been drawn from various activities organized by the Intercultural Studies Group in recent years. The first papers seek to give a general background to the recent developments in translation technology. The paper on “Technology and Translation”, by José Ramón Biau Gil and Anthony Pym, was first written as a chapter of a university-level coursebook in translation, to be published in Italy. Its aim is not only to introduce the range of new tools available, but to encourage critical thought about the use of electronic technologies. The second paper in this introductory section, Bert Esselink’s “The Evolution of Localization”, was first published in 2003 and has been updated for this volume. It tells a similar story of technology, but this time from within the industry. Esselink traces the expansion of the localization industry from a narrow concern with software to a major way of thinking about the marketing of products across borders. Section two of this volume is drawn from the online conference on Localization and Translator Training, which took place on the ITIT list (Innovations in Translator Training) from 19 to 29 November 2003, with about 530 participants. The conference was based on number of position papers written by representatives of some of the main translator-training institutions. In most cases, those papers were responses to a brief questionnaire designed to explore the relations between the terms “translation” and “localization” with specific reference to training needs. The replies reproduced here are by Minako O’Hagan from Dublin City University in Ireland, Bob Clark, Jo Drugan, Tony Hartley and Daming Wu from the University of Leeds, UK, and Patrick Drouin from the University of Montreal. The online discussions that followed those papers can be seen on the ITIT  list (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/itit/). What we present here are summaries of some of the main topics, written up by students in the Tarragona PhD program

Ramírez Zúñiga, A. (2003). [e-Book]  Doblaje versus subtitulaje : Comparación traductológica, Universidad Nacional. Texto completo: http://www.mogap.net/pmt/AndreaRamirez.pdf

El presente trabajo consiste en una investigación acerca del doblaje y subtitulaje audiovisual a través de la comparación de ambas modalidades en términos de género y contexto diferentes. El propósito del análisis se hará en función de determinar los procesos traductológicos empleados como lo es definir la labor del traductor dentro de un área muy moderna y por tanto flexible para poner en práctica la traducción profesional. Esta monografía se basa en la traducción audiovisual, que contrasta el doblaje y el subtitulaje como modalidades traductológicas distintas que tienen por meta dar a conocer a miles de espectadores, películas producidas en países extranjeros. La idea consistió en escoger dos películas, Shrek y The Sound of Music de las cuales se seleccionaron tres pasajes o diálogos. Luego, se procedió

a escribir las transcripciones, utilizando la versión original en inglés, la subtitulada y la versión doblada al español, de manera que se delimitara el proceso y trabajo traductológico, el tipo de acepción, el contexto o ambiente y más; todo esto con el único objetivo de determinar cual modalidad requiere de más trabajo por parte del traductor. Como resultado se da la búsqueda de equivalencias según contextos socio culturales y se destaca el tiempo como factor indispensable en el desarrollo de la traducción audiovisual, sin dejar de lado consideraciones respecto a políticas lingüísticas o restricciones sociales, léxico, mensaje, cliente y público meta. La investigación en sí, fue favorable al revelar muchos detalles ocultos en la traducción de películas, la variación de género cinematográfico cambia el tipo de léxico y la intencionalidad y a grandes rasgos se puede decir que el doblaje en términos traductológicos es mucho mejor en las dos películas estudiadas, aunque cabe destacar que la idea original del subtitulaje, es decir en pocas palabras lo que sucede en una imagen junto con el diálogo, y el doblaje por su parte consiste en cambiar la banda sonora, es decir, las voces serán al español y deberán ir sincronizadas con los movimientos visuales y gestuales de un actor.

Salvadori, B. and L. Brandi (2004). [e-Book]  Dal suono alla parola. Firenze, Firenze University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=13171

An up-to-date manual conceived to guide the reader through the most interesting and recent theories in the vast field of psycho-neuro-linguistics. After a review of the latest theories on the perception and production of language in adult and developmental age, the most recent studies on the relations between anatomy and cerebral functions are also discussed, opening up new perspectives on the study of language too.<p>Manuale aggiornato che si prefigge di orientare il lettore tra le teorie più interessanti e recenti del vasto campo della psico-neuro-linguistica. Dopo aver passato in rassegna le ultime teorie sulla percezione e produzione del linguaggio in età adulta ed evolutiva, vengono illustrati gli studi più recenti sul rapporto fra anatomia e funzioni cerebrali che aprono nuove prospettive anche sullo studio del linguaggio.

Samuelsson-Brown, G. (2009). [e-Book]  A Practical Guide for Translators (Topics in Translation) London Multilingual Matters. Texto completo: http://www.traduccionperfecta.com/Guide.pdf

This is the fourth revised edtion of «A Practical Guide for Translators». It looks at the profession of translator on the basis of developments in the late 20th/early 21st centuries and encourages both practitioners and buyers of translation services to view translation as a highly-qualified, skilled profession and not just a cost-led word mill.

Schweiger, I. and H. Casper-Hehne (2010). [e-Book]  Kulturelle Vielfalt deutscher Literatur, Sprache und Medien, Universitätsverlag Göttingen Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=13122

This book is a documentation of the alumni summer school„Kulturelle Vielfalt deutscher Literatur, Sprache und Medien“. The collected articles explain the discussion about education in multi-cultural societies in providing an insight into intercultural didactics and intercultur in different texts and media.<p>Für die Georg-August-Universität Göttingen sind ihre ehemaligen Studierenden, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler wichtige Partner auf dem Weg hin zu einer der führenden Forschungsuniversitäten in Europa, an der begabte junge Menschen für die großen Herausforderungen der Zukunft gerüstet werden. Mit Förderung durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austausch Dienst (DAAD) bietet die Georgia Augusta ihren ausländischen Ehemaligen in Sommerschulen und Expertenseminaren regelmäßig die Möglichkeit zur wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung und zum akademischen Austausch mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen an ihrem ehemaligen Studienort. Der vorliegende Band ist eine Dokumentation der Alumni-Sommerschule Kulturelle Vielfalt deutscher Literatur, Sprache und Medien, zu der die Interkulturelle Germanistik der Georg-August-Universität eingeladen hatte. Veränderungen durch Migration und mehrfach kulturell geprägte Gesellschaften sind längst ein europäisches Phänomen geworden, was die wissenschaftliche Analyse und Erforschung aber auch die bildungspolitische Praxis und die Umsetzung gewonnener Erkenntnisse notwendig macht. Die versammelten Beiträge sind Dokumentationen dieser Auseinandersetzungen, wenn sie Interkulturalität in unterschiedlichen Texten und Medien nachspüren oder aber Einblicke in interkulturelle Didaktikkonzepte geben.

Shiyab, S. M., M. G. Rose, et al. (2010). [e-Book]  Globalization and Aspects of Translation. Cambridge Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Texto completo: http://www.c-s-p.org/flyers/978-1-4438-1965-7-sample.pdf

The present book came to light as a result of the ideas discussed during our 1st International Conference on Translation/Interpretation and the Impact of Globalization, held at the United Arab Emirates University. I am grateful to Marilyn Gaddis Rose, Juliane House, and John Duval for their dedication, efforts and professionalism. Their vision and every-present energy helped me understand and in fact appreciate the many venues within the fields of language, linguistics and translation. This book has attempted to capture the quintessence or the epitome embodied in the concepts of translation and globalization. It also attempted to bridge the gap between the globalizing and globalized realms. Above all, it brings to light the diversity of areas in globalization and aspects of translation that have impacted the notions of cultural  communication, translator’s code of ethics, metaphorical meaning, code switching, media, etc. Scholars from all over the world contributed to this book, representing counties such USA, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Tunisia, Bahrain, Jordan, and United Arab Emirates. Those scholars have done their research in their home countries on other parts of the world. Because of this diversity, I believe this book genuinely offers an international experience. In Chapter 1, Said Shiyab examines different aspects of globalization in relation to translation. Faces of globalization are highlighted to make the point that globalization does not only evolve around language and/or translation changes, but also around information technology. One of the most significant points that this chapter addresses is that scholars, including translators and interpreters, cannot control how languages change as globalization is a result of technological advancements our society is witnessing these days and, as a consequence of this, our languages changes in accordance with the translation market needs and those who use it for marketing purposes.

Sijs van der, N. (2009). [e-Book]  Cookies, Coleslaw, and Stoops : The Influence of Dutch on the North American Languages. Amsterdam University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12627

In 1609, the first Dutch settlers arrived in America and established trading posts, small towns, and forts up and down what we now call the Hudson River. To this day, American children are taught the thrilling history of the transformation of this settlement, New Netherland, and its capital, New Amsterdam, from landmark port into present-day New York State and the island of Manhattan. But, the Dutch legacy extended far beyond New York, as Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops reveals. From Santa Claus (after the Dutch folklore saint Sinterklaas) and his sleigh (the pronunciation of the Dutch slee is almost identical) to a dumbhead talking poppycock, the contributions of the Dutch language to American English are indelibly embedded to some of our most vernacular terms and expressions. The menu in most of our restaurants sports some originally Dutch names, and even our dollar is named after a Dutch coin (daalder). In this captivating volume, the renowned linguist Nicoline van der Sijs glosses over 300 Dutch loan words like these that travelled to the New World on board the Dutch ship the Halve Maan, captained by Henry Hudson, which dropped anchor in Manhattan more than 400 years ago. Surprisingly, the Dutch also gave several Native American languages words for everyday things like «pants», «cat» and «turkey». Lively and accessible, the information presented in this volume charts the journey of these words into the American territory and languages, from more obscure uses which maybe have survived in only regional dialects to such ubiquitous contributions to our language like Yankee, cookie, and dope. Each entry marks the original arrival of its term into American English and adds up-to-date information on its evolving meaning, etymology, and regional spread. Not to be missed by anyone with a passion for the history behind our everyday expressions, Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops is the perfect gift for the linguistic adventurer in us all.<p>Van Santa Claus (Sinterklaas) en zijn slee (sleigh) tot aan de dollar (vernoemd naar de daalder) en Yankees (Jan Kees), de Nederlandse taal is van grote invloed geweest op het Amerikaans-Engels. Yankees, cookies en dollars laat zien hoe de Nederlandse erfenis tot ver buiten New York reikt en zelfs terug te vinden is in de indianentalen. Dit jaar wordt herdacht dat vierhonderd jaar geleden, in 1609, Henry Hudson met zijn VOC-schip voor anker ging bij Manhattan. In zijn kielzog landden Nederlandse kolonisten op het eiland die de stad Nieuw-Amsterdam stichtten. In de loop van vierhonderd jaar is het gebied getransformeerd van landbouwgrond naar de huidige wereldstad New York. Hoewel er veel is veranderd, is de invloed van de Nederlandse taal nog steeds hoorbaar. Wat is de ontwikkeling geweest van het Nederlands in de Verenigde Staten? Hoelang is dit gesproken en is het ongewijzigd gebleven? Hoe groot was en is de invloed van het Nederlands op het Amerikaans-Engels? Welke Nederlandse woorden zijn door indianentalen overgenomen? In dit boek gaat taalkundige Nicoline van der Sijs in op deze en andere vragen. Ze geeft up-to-date informatie over de veranderende betekenis, de etymologie en de regionale spreiding van de Nederlandse leenwoorden. Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops verschijnt ook in het Nederlands als «http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&amp;isbn=9789089641304«>Yankees, cookies en dollars. In het kader van Holland on the Hudson (400 jaar handelsrelaties tussen Nederland en New York) wordt het boek op 10 september gepresenteerd op Columbia University te New York. Onder andere minister Ronald Plasterk van OC&amp;W is hierbij aanwezig. «As a kid in New York’s Mohawk Valley I played along the laag kill, called out Kip, Kip, Kip! to our chickens at feeding time, talked to friends on their stoeps after school, and got winklehawks in my blue jeans from scrambling through barbed wire fences. It wasn’t until years later that I realized how many Dutch expressions survived in my dialect. This book is a linguistic treasure chest for anyone who grew up in the area covered by the Dutch colony of New etherland.» Charles Gehring, New Netherland Project, New York State Library

Simon, E. (2010). [e-Book]  Voicing in Contrast. Acquiring a Second Language Laryngeal System, Academia Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=13336

Drawing on both rule-based and constraint-based approaches, Voicing in Contrast examines typological differences in the laryngeal systems of Dutch and English and investigates the extent to which native speakers of Dutch acquire English obstruent voicing. The analysis is based on a substantial new data collection of conversational Dutch and English speech by speakers of different varieties of Dutch. The results of the study show that the English interlanguage of advanced learners contains a mixed laryngeal system with elements from Dutch as well as from English. The book discusses how this system could emerge and analyses the extent to which learners succeeded in suppressing neutralizing processes of devoicing and voice assimilation. The results of the empirical analysis are examined in the light of existing theoretical approaches to laryngeal systems. Although the focus is on Dutch and English, the frequent references to other languages invite the reader to carry out comparable analyses for other languages with similar laryngeal systems. A detailed description of the methodology also makes the book of interest to scholars working with large databases of spoken first and second language speech. A sample of the data is available on a CD-rom accompanying the book.

Sitaru, L. M., A. I. Anamaria, et al. (2010). [e-Book]  Translations from Arabic into Romanian (1990-2010) Texto completo: http://www.npage.org/IMG/pdf/Arabic-Romanian-corr.pdf

According to Ioana Feodorov in her study “The Arab World in the Romanian Culture (1957-2001)” , in Romania, the systematical study of the Arabic language and literature was initiated in 1957, although the Arabic language had been taught and learned sporadically here, at different times, in certain high-schools with a special profile (for instance, at the Muslim Theological Seminar). In short, we may say that it is possible to speak of a translation activity directly from Arabic and a research activity in the field of Arabic language and literature in Romania since the beginning of the ‘60-‘70 of 20th century, though attempts worthy of mentioning were made as early as the 19th century, and first of all those of Timotei Cipariu (1805-1887), a great philologist, with a good mastery of the Arabic language. However, the great number of the publications reflects the special interest paid to the Arabic cultural area, to the Islamic world, by the researchers, writers, journalists in Romania, as well as the interest of a wide range of readers, which led most of the translations and works dedicated to this area to become out of print in a short delay.

Slavitt, D. R. (2012). [e-Book]  The Metabolism of Desire: The Poetry of Guido Cavalcanti. Athabasca, Athabasca University Press Texto completo: http://www.aupress.ca/books/120211/ebook/99Z_Slavitt-The_Metabolism_of_Desire.pdf

The fact that Cavlacanti?s friend, Dante Alighieri, was a supremely fine poet ought not blind us to Cavalcanti?s own, rather different excellence. Both men were attracted to the dolce stil nuovo, the ?sweet new style? that emerged in thirteenth-century Florence. While Dante?s poetry was devoted to his childhood sweetheart, Beatrice, Cavalcanti?s poetry had more the tang of real-world experience: he struggled against unruly passions and sought instead to overcome love ? a source of torment and despair. It is chiefly through the translations of Rossetti and Pound that English-speaking readers have encountered Cavalcanti?s work. Pound?s famous translation, now viewed by some as antiquated, is remarkably different from the translation provided here in the graceful voice of poet David Slavitt. Working under the significant restraints of Cavalcanti?s elaborate formal structures, Slavitt renders an English translation faithful to the original poetry in both rhyme and rhythm.

Soler Caamaño, E., M. Tricás Preckler, et al. (2007). [e-Book]  La calidad en formación especializada en interpretación: análisis de los criterios de evaluación de un jurado en un posgrado de interpretación de conferencia médica. Texto completo: http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/exttes?codigo=6229

Lavaluació de la qualitat en interpretació al final del procés formatiu de postgrau hauria de coincidir, si més no majoritàriament, amb les expectatives de qualitat professionals respecte a un intèrpret novell. Partint daquesta hipòtesi, i inspirant-nos tan en estudis de satisfacció o expectatives de qualitat dusuaris dinterpretació (perspectiva professional) com en els protocols davaluació aplicats a diverses universitats (perspectiva acadèmica), així com en els Models dels esforços de Daniel Gile, la nostra recerca empírica i observacional suposa una contribució a la identificació dels criteris de qualitat en interpretació.Es va enregistrar i transcriure un ampli corpus amb un total de 69 avaluacions de 18 estudiants davant dun total de 7 examinadors en un postgrau dinterpretació de conferència mèdica. Després didentificar els indicadors de qualitat (67) considerats pels avaluadors, es va dur a terme una anàlisi estadística, lestabliment de categories (6) i la identificació de trets distintius entre els avaluadors. La innovació rau en el fet dhaver desgranat els criteris de qualitat implícits a partir del corpus (avaluacions en un postgrau despecialitat), en el mètode emprat per identificar les categories i en el seu processament. Els resultats mostren, entre altres qüestions, que la quantitat de comentaris positius o negatius fets pels avaluadors pràcticament no influeixen en la puntuació atorgada als estudiants.Resumen La evaluación de la calidad en interpretación al final del proceso formativo de posgrado debería coincidir, al menos mayoritariamente, con las expectativas de calidad profesionales respecto a un intérprete novel. Partiendo de esta hipótesis, e inspirándonos tanto en estudios sobre satisfacción o expectativas de calidad de usuarios de interpretación (perspectiva profesional) como en los protocolos de evaluación aplicados en distintas universidades (perspectiva académica), así como en los Modelos de los esfuerzos de Daniel Gile, nuestra investigación empírica y observacional supone una contribución a la identificación de los criterios de calidad en interpretación.Se grabó y se transcribió un amplio corpus con un total de 69 evaluaciones de 18 estudiantes ante un total de 7 examinadores en un posgrado de interpretación de conferencia médica. Tras identificar los indicadores de calidad (67) considerados por los evaluadores, se procedió a un análisis estadístico, al establecimiento de categorías (6) y a la identificación de rasgos distintivos entre los evaluadores. La innovación radica en haber desgranado los criterios de calidad implícitos a partir del corpus (evaluaciones en un posgrado de especialidad), en el método utilizado para identificar las categorías y en su procesamiento. Los resultados muestran, entre otros extremos, que la cantidad de comentarios positivos o negativos realizados apenas influyen en la puntuación que otorgan a los estudiantes.

Somssich, R., J. Várnai, et al. (2010). [e-Book]  Lawmaking in the EU multilingual environment Luxemburg, European Commission. Texto completo: http://bookshop.europa.eu/en/study-on-lawmaking-in-the-eu-multilingual-environment-pbHC3110678/downloads/HC-31-10-678-EN-C/HC3110678ENC_002.pdf?FileName=HC3110678ENC_002.pdf&SKU=HC3110678ENC_PDF&CatalogueNumber=HC-31-10-678-EN-C

La politique du multilinguisme de l’Union européenne poursuit trois objectifs: – Encourager l’apprentissage des langues et promouvoir la diversité linguistique dans la société; – Favoriser une économie multilingue performante; – Donner aux citoyens un accès à la législation, aux procédures et aux informations de l’Union européenne dans leur propre langue. La présente étude aborde le troisième volet de cette politique, et plus précisément le processus d’élaboration multilingue du droit européen, le rôle des différents acteurs institutionnels dans ce processus et les méthodes visant à assurer la bonne qualité rédactionnelle, juridique et linguistique des actes juridiques produits par les institutions européennes.

Stewart, K., A. Witter-Merithew, et al. (2009). [e-Book]  Best Practices: American Sign Language and English Interpretation Within Legal Settings. New York, National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers. Legal Interpreting Workgroup. Texto completo: http://www.interpretereducation.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/LegalBestPractices_NCIEC2009.pdf

: This document sets forth the Best Practices and Protocols for American Sign Language interpreters working within legal settings. The mission of the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC) is to build and promote effective practices in interpreting education. The NCIEC draws upon the wisdom and energy of experts, consumers and other stakeholders to advance the field. The NCIEC is dedicated to challenging the status quo by promoting innovation, strong partner networks and multiculturalism throughout its programming. As responsible stewards of public funding, NCIEC is committed to products, programs and services that maximize resources and are replicable, measurable, sustainable and non-proprietary. Towards the goal of increasing the number of qualified interpreters and advance the field of interpreting education, the NCIEC has established a number of work teams dedicated to a specific area of specialization. One such workgroup is the NCIEC Legal Interpreting Workgroup, comprised of a group of core and expert members focused on defining the best and effective practices associated with legal interpreting. Interpreting in the legal setting is a long-recognized area of specialization in the field of ASL-English interpreting. Tradition from the field of spoken language interpreting and legal community contribute to the conventional way legal interpreting work is performed. As well, practices have been conceived by ASL-English interpreter practitioners over time through a process of application of theory drawn from the profession’s scholarship. As more scholarship and research emerge, practices evolve, improve, and change.

Svandrlik, R. (2008). [e-Book]  Elfriede Jelinek. Firenze, Firenze University Press Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=12631

This volume consists of a collection of essays by five German scholars from various Italian universities – R. Calabrese, R. Caruzzi, M. Fancelli, L. Perrone Capano, R. Svandrlik (editor) – and N. Šlibar from the University of Lubiana, that meld formal research and musical pace and structure with the pitiless radicalism and the consistency of the issues addressed, first and foremost the oppression inherent to power relations. In the commitment to reveal the mechanisms of manipulation, from the most obvious to the most subtle, the author herself becomes a manipulator of language of exceptional creativity and daring, with the guiding thread of the gender perspective. The volume is completed by the translation of the speech made by the Austrian writer when she was awarded the Nobel prize in 2004, and by a bibliography (edited by Claudia Vitale), focused in particular on the reception in Italy and on the scarcity of Italian scientific studies.<p>Elfriede Jelinek. Una prosa altra, un altro teatro è una raccolta di saggi, di cinque germaniste di varie università italiane, R. Calabrese, R. Caruzzi, M. Fancelli, L. Perrone Capano, R. Svandrlik (curatrice), e N. Šlibar dell’Università di Lubiana. Le autrici evidenziano come ricerca formale, struttura e andamento musicale si coniugano con la radicalità spietata e con la coerenza dei temi, in primo luogo con la denuncia della sopraffazione all’interno dei rapporti di potere. Nell’impegno a svelare i meccanismi manipolatori, da quelli più evidenti a quelli più sottili, l’autrice diventa essa stessa una manipolatrice di linguaggio dall’eccezionale creatività e audacia, con il filo conduttore del punto di vista di genere. Il volume si chiude con la traduzione del discorso che la scrittrice austriaca tenne in occasione del conferimento del Nobel nel 2004, e con una bibliografia (a cura di Claudia Vitale) che dà conto in particolare della ricezione in Italia e della scarsità di studi scientifici in ambito italiano.

Takeda, K. (2006). [e-Book]  Sociopolitical aspects of interpreting at the international military tribunal for the far east (1946-1948), Bar Ilan University. Texto completo: http://isg.urv.es/publicity/doctorate/tribunal_unic_2006/Takeda_ResearchDesign.pdf

Team, N. and M. P. Pustakalaya [e-Book]  Guide to Localization of Open Source Software Lahore, Pakistan, Center for Research in Urdu Language Processing. Texto completo: http://www.panl10n.net/english/outputs/GLOSS.pdf

The release of NepaLinux 1.0 in December 2005, by Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya was a major breakthrough for software localization in Nepal. The open source nature and no licensing cost of NepaLinux provided a viable alternative to more costly proprietary software in Nepali. This localization work was based on existing open source distributions in Linux. While the open source movement has provided free, open and easy access to the source code, accelerating localization development, the need to document the processes involved has also become equally important to trigger further localization for under-resourced languages. This Linux localization guide is a compilation of the experiences of the Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya localization team while they worked on the localization of Debian and Morphix based GNU/Linux Distribution in Nepali. Special attention has been given in making the content useful to those undertaking the localization work for the first time for other languages in their respective languages. Illustrations in most cases are based on the works in the Nepali language. However, information about the basic steps and procedures for localization has been made as generic as possible, in order to ensure that any language may fit into the description provided. During the preparation of this guide, a large number of resources invaluable to both beginners and experts of localization have been consulted. References have been provided for further reading for these topics.

Thomson-Wohlgemuth, G. (1998). [e-Book]  Children’s Literature and its Translation. Surrey, University of Surrey. Texto completo: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/g.i.thomson/gaby-thomson/ChL_Translation.pdf

This paper describes the status of translation and publication of East German children’s literature during the period of the Cold War. It briefly gives an indication of the high value placed on translation and translators in the socialist regime. Finally it focuses on the main criteria influencing the translation and publication of children’s books with the economic and ideological factors being the most significant and gives brief examples from the East German censorship files.

Venuti, L. (2000). [e-Book]  The Translation Studies Reader. London and New York. Texto completo: http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/19493185/382697959/name/venuti-translation%2Bstudies,%2Breader.pdf

THIS READER GATHERS essays, articles, and book chapters that represent many of the main approaches to the study of translation developed during the twentieth century, focusing particularly on the past thirty years. It was during this period that translation studies emerged as a new academic field, at once international and interdisciplinary. The need for a reader is thus partly institutional, created by the rapid growth of the discipline, especially as evidenced by the proliferation of translator training programs worldwide. Recent surveys indicate more than 250, offering a variety of certificates and degrees, undergraduate and graduate, training not only professional translators, but also scholar-teachers of translation and of foreign languages and literatures (Caminade and Pym 1995; Harris 1997). This growth has been accompanied by diverse forms of translation research and commentary, some oriented toward pedagogy, yet most falling within­or crossing­traditional academic disciplines, such as linguistics, literary criticism, philosophy, and anthropology. The aim of the reader is to bring together a substantial selection from this varied mass of writing, but in the form of a historical survey that invites sustained examination of key theoretical developments. Of course, edited volumes always work to define a field, a body of knowledge,a textbook market, and so they create as much as satisfy institutional needs,especially in the case of emergent disciplines. In translation studies, the broad spectrum of theories and research methodologies may doom any assessment of its “current state” to partial representation, superficial synthesis, optimistic canonization. This Reader is intended to be an introduction to the field recognizable to the scholars who work within it. But the intention is also to challenge any disciplinary complacency, to produce a consolidation that is interrogative, to show what translation studies have been and to suggest what they might be. The readings are organized into five chronological sections, divided into the century’s decades and the date of publication for each reading appears at the foot of its first page. Whether a decade stands on its own or is combined with others depends solely on the volume of translation commentary published within it, sheer bibliographical quantity (cf. the bibliographies in Morgan 1959, Steiner 1975, Schulte and Biguenet 1992). The sections are each prefaced by introductory essays which present a history of main trends in translation studies, establishing a context for concise expositions of the readings and calling attention to the work of influential writers, theorists, and scholars who are not represented by a reading. The section introductions are historical narratives that refer to theoretical and methodological advances and occasionally offer critical evaluations. Yet the stories they tell avoid any evolutionary model of progress, as well as any systematic critique. I wanted to outline, however rapidly, the history of the present moment in translation studies. And to some degree this meant asking questions of the past raised by the latest tendencies in theory and research.

Völker, H. and A. Schrott (2005). [e-Book]  Historische Pragmatik und historische Varietätenlinguistik in den romanischen Sprachen, Universitätsverlag Göttingen Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=14569

Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beiträge gehen aus der Sektion »Historische Pragmatik und historische Varietätenlinguistik. Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie – Divergenzen und Konvergenzen« hervor, die am 29. und 30. September 2003 auf dem XXVIII. Deutschen Romanistentag in Kiel stattfand. Konzeption und Planung dieser Sektion waren getragen von der Einsicht, dass historische Pragmatik und historische Varietätenlinguistik in ihren Objekten und Methoden zahlreiche Berührungspunkte und Überschneidungen aufweisen, sich aber institutionell und in ihren Forschungstraditionen auf recht unterschiedlichen Wegen entwickelt haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Beiträge der Sektion zum Ziel, Konvergenzen und Divergenzen der beiden Disziplinen im Rahmen eines reflektierten Dialogs zu benennen und zu kommentieren. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde für dieses Unterfangen auf die enge Verzahnung von Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie gelegt.

Welie, M. v. (2009). [e-Book]  (How) Does One Tell The Truth? Utecht, University of Utecht. Texto completo: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/student-theses/2009-0403-200608/MarijavanWelie_MA_UTC.pdf

The research question of this MA thesis is «How do the different translations and adaptations of «Uncle Tom’s Cabin» in Dutch reflect the contemporary opinions about the child, children’s literature, and society?» In the thesis the translation history of «Uncle Tom’s Cabin» in Dutch is analysed. Besides,it is briefly investigated whether the publication of «Uncle Tom’s Cabin» influenced the abolition of slavery in the Netherlands. As the thesis focusses on adaptations of «Uncle Tom’s Cabin» for children, it analyses how writing and translating for children is described within Translation Studies. Besides, three representative translations are analysed in-depth, namely A.G. Bruinses'»Een kijkje in de hut van oom Tom» (1853), P. de Zeeuw’s «De hut van oom Tom» (1939) and E. Franck’s «De hut van oom Tom» (2003). The analyses show how the translators faced a dilemma, as maintaining the historically faithful account of slavery often conflicts with conservative norms about children’s literature. The translations are representative of the time they appeared in and reflect contemporary opinions about children’s literature and society.

Wolf, M. (2012). [e-Book]  Die vielsprachige Seele Kakaniens. Berlin, Böhlau Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15374

In the last few decades, the discipline of Translation Studies has been characterized by a considerable increase of interdisciplinary approaches which both helped to sharpen its profiling and to promote its multilayered epistemological discussions. The contribution of this book to these developments is located on various levels. I claim that in view of its multifaceted forms, translation as practiced in the late Habsburg Empire to a high degree contributed to the construction of cultures in the pluri-cultural space of the Habsburg Monarchy: on the one hand, I have revealed the various layers of translation’s constructive character and then – on the basis of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological framework – shed light on the various construction processes on behalf of detailed analyses which focus on the agents involved in these processes. These considerations are then reflected in the delineation of a model which I call the “pluri-cultural communication space of the Habsburg Monarchy”. In terms of methodology, I have drawn on post-colonial theoretical frameworks. On such a basis, I have sketched a concept of culture which aims to correspond to the hybrid constellations characteristic to vast parts of the Monarchy and which claims to detect the symbolic forms of ethnically articulated dominance. The metaphorically inspired translation concept developed in the wake of these reflections (“cultural translation”) results in conceptualizing a typology of various translation forms which claim to do justice to the complexity of the Monarchy’s translatorial practices in the continuum between “communication” and “translation”. Primarily on the basis of archival sources, the analysis covers the translatorial practice in the various ministries (“Commission of Terminology “,“Bureau of Redaction of the Imperial Law Gazette”, “Section of Ciphering and Translatorial Work”), in court (sworn interpreters), and in the diplomatic service, among others. On the other hand, I have worked on extensive corpora analyzing the translation flows both between various languages of the crown lands and with countries outside the Monarchy by adopting numerous parameters (focus: translations into German). Finally, the focus is laid on the translations from Italian, with a particular emphasis on laying bare the construction processes operating in the selection, production, distribution and reception of these translations. The features which make up the construction of culture in the Habsburg context can be particularly detected in two instances: first, in the tensions related to national conflicts which are inscribed in all translation types dealt with in the period under investigation. Secondly, in the phenomenon of bi- and multilingualism which – according to the territory and the legal situation respectively – represented a basic prerequisite for the translation and interpreting activity and as such in many cases made a professional and qualitatively differentiated formation in translation at least at first sight avoidable. Nevertheless, it has been able to reconstruct a gradual institutionalization of the translatorial activity.<p>Die Translationswissenschaft der vergangenen Jahre ist durch eine zunehmende interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung gekennzeichnet, die der Disziplin zu einer ausgeprägten Profilierung verhalf und vielschichtige wissenschaftstheoretische Diskussionen vorantrieb. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit zu dieser Konturierung ist auf mehreren Ebenen zu orten: Zum einen werden, ausgehend von der These, dass das Phänomen der Übersetzung in seinen vielfachen Ausformungen wesentlich zur Konstituierung des plurikulturellen Raumes der Habsburgermonarchie beitrug, verschiedene Schichten des Konstruktcharakters von Übersetzung freigelegt, zum anderen auf der Grundlage des kultursoziologischen Theorierahmens von Pierre Bourdieu die einzelnen Konstruktionsprozesse vor dem Hintergrund detaillierter akteurInnenbezogener Analysen ausgeleuchtet und in die Skizzierung eines „plurikulturellen Kommunika ionsraumes der Habsburgermonarchie“ übergeleitet.Zur Bestimmung des Beitrages des übersetzerischen Phänomens zur Konstruktion der habsburgischen Kultur im Untersuchungszeitraum 1848-1918 wird in der postkolonialen Theorie Anleihe genommen und ein Kulturkonzept skizziert, das der auf weite Teile der Monarchie zutreffenden hybriden Befindlichkeit zu entsprechen und die symbolischen Formen ethnisch artikulierter Herrschaft zu erfassen sucht. Unter Anwendung des daraus konzipierten metaphorischen Translationsbegriffs („kulturelle Übersetzung“) wird anschließend auf der Basis der translatorischen Praktiken der Habsburgermonarchie eine Typologie der verschiedenen Übersetzungsformen entworfen, die der Vielschichtigkeit dieser Praktiken entlang der Bandbreite von „Kommunikation“ bis „Translation“ entsprechen. Untersucht wird – vorrangig auf der Grundlage von Archivquellen – zum einen die translatorische Praxis in den Ministerien („Terminologiekommission“, „Redaktionsbureau des Reichsgesetzblattes“, „Sektion für Chiffrewesen und translatorische Arbeiten“), bei Gericht (gerichtliche beeidete Dolmetscher), im diplomatischen Dienst etc., zum anderen werden anhand umfangreicher Korpora die Übersetzungsströme zwischen den einzelnen Sprachen der Kronländer und auch mit Ländern außerhalb der Monarchie nach zahlreichen Parametern aufgearbeitet (Schwerpunkt: Übersetzungen ins Deutsche). Der Fokus dieser letztgenannten Untersuchungen wird schließlich auf die Übersetzungen aus dem Italienischen gelegt, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die durch Selektion, Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption dieser Übersetzungen vorgenommenen Konstruktionsprozesse gelegt wird. Der kulturkonstruierende Charakter der Translationspraktiken im habsburgischen Kontext ist an zwei wesentlichen Momenten festzumachen: Zum einen an den nationalitätenbezogenen Spannungen, die allen genannten Translationstypen im Untersuchungszeitraum eingeschrieben sind; zum anderen an der Bi- und Plurilingualität, die, je nach Territorium und jeweiliger gesetzlicher Lage, eine grundsätzliche Voraussetzung für die Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschtätigkeit darstellte und als solche eine professionelle und qualitativ differenzierte translatorische Ausbildung vordergründig nicht erforderlich machte. Dennoch ist eine sukzessiv erfolgende Institutionalisierung der translatorischen Tätigkeit rekonstruierbar.

Wolf, M. (2012). [e-Book]  Die vielsprachige Seele Kakaniens, Böhlau Texto completo: http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=fulltext&rid=15374

In the last few decades, the discipline of Translation Studies has been characterized by a considerable increase of interdisciplinary approaches which both helped to sharpen its profiling and to promote its multilayered epistemological discussions. The contribution of this book to these developments is located on various levels. I claim that in view of its multifaceted forms, translation as practiced in the late Habsburg Empire to a high degree contributed to the construction of cultures in the pluri-cultural space of the Habsburg Monarchy: on the one hand, I have revealed the various layers of translation’s constructive character and then – on the basis of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological framework – shed light on the various construction processes on behalf of detailed analyses which focus on the agents involved in these processes. These considerations are then reflected in the delineation of a model which I call the “pluri-cultural communication space of the Habsburg Monarchy”. In terms of methodology, I have drawn on post-colonial theoretical frameworks. On such a basis, I have sketched a concept of culture which aims to correspond to the hybrid constellations characteristic to vast parts of the Monarchy and which claims to detect the symbolic forms of ethnically articulated dominance. The metaphorically inspired translation concept developed in the wake of these reflections (“cultural translation”) results in conceptualizing a typology of various translation forms which claim to do justice to the complexity of the Monarchy’s translatorial practices in the continuum between “communication” and “translation”. Primarily on the basis of archival sources, the analysis covers the translatorial practice in the various ministries (“Commission of Terminology “,“Bureau of Redaction of the Imperial Law Gazette”, “Section of Ciphering and Translatorial Work”), in court (sworn interpreters), and in the diplomatic service, among others. On the other hand, I have worked on extensive corpora analyzing the translation flows both between various languages of the crown lands and with countries outside the Monarchy by adopting numerous parameters (focus: translations into German). Finally, the focus is laid on the translations from Italian, with a particular emphasis on laying bare the construction processes operating in the selection, production, distribution and reception of these translations. The features which make up the construction of culture in the Habsburg context can be particularly detected in two instances: first, in the tensions related to national conflicts which are inscribed in all translation types dealt with in the period under investigation. Secondly, in the phenomenon of bi- and multilingualism which – according to the territory and the legal situation respectively – represented a basic prerequisite for the translation and interpreting activity and as such in many cases made a professional and qualitatively differentiated formation in translation at least at first sight avoidable. Nevertheless, it has been able to reconstruct a gradual institutionalization of the translatorial activity.<p>Die Translationswissenschaft der vergangenen Jahre ist durch eine zunehmende interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung gekennzeichnet, die der Disziplin zu einer ausgeprägten Profilierung verhalf und vielschichtige wissenschaftstheoretische Diskussionen vorantrieb. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit zu dieser Konturierung ist auf mehreren Ebenen zu orten: Zum einen werden, ausgehend von der These, dass das Phänomen der Übersetzung in seinen vielfachen Ausformungen wesentlich zur Konstituierung des plurikulturellen Raumes der Habsburgermonarchie beitrug, verschiedene Schichten des Konstruktcharakters von Übersetzung freigelegt, zum anderen auf der Grundlage des kultursoziologischen Theorierahmens von Pierre Bourdieu die einzelnen Konstruktionsprozesse vor dem Hintergrund detaillierter akteurInnenbezogener Analysen ausgeleuchtet und in die Skizzierung eines „plurikulturellen Kommunika ionsraumes der Habsburgermonarchie“ übergeleitet.Zur Bestimmung des Beitrages des übersetzerischen Phänomens zur Konstruktion der habsburgischen Kultur im Untersuchungszeitraum 1848-1918 wird in der postkolonialen Theorie Anleihe genommen und ein Kulturkonzept skizziert, das der auf weite Teile der Monarchie zutreffenden hybriden Befindlichkeit zu entsprechen und die symbolischen Formen ethnisch artikulierter Herrschaft zu erfassen sucht. Unter Anwendung des daraus konzipierten metaphorischen Translationsbegriffs („kulturelle Übersetzung“) wird anschließend auf der Basis der translatorischen Praktiken der Habsburgermonarchie eine Typologie der verschiedenen Übersetzungsformen entworfen, die der Vielschichtigkeit dieser Praktiken entlang der Bandbreite von „Kommunikation“ bis „Translation“ entsprechen. Untersucht wird – vorrangig auf der Grundlage von Archivquellen – zum einen die translatorische Praxis in den Ministerien („Terminologiekommission“, „Redaktionsbureau des Reichsgesetzblattes“, „Sektion für Chiffrewesen und translatorische Arbeiten“), bei Gericht (gerichtliche beeidete Dolmetscher), im diplomatischen Dienst etc., zum anderen werden anhand umfangreicher Korpora die Übersetzungsströme zwischen den einzelnen Sprachen der Kronländer und auch mit Ländern außerhalb der Monarchie nach zahlreichen Parametern aufgearbeitet (Schwerpunkt: Übersetzungen ins Deutsche). Der Fokus dieser letztgenannten Untersuchungen wird schließlich auf die Übersetzungen aus dem Italienischen gelegt, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die durch Selektion, Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption dieser Übersetzungen vorgenommenen Konstruktionsprozesse gelegt wird. Der kulturkonstruierende Charakter der Translationspraktiken im habsburgischen Kontext ist an zwei wesentlichen Momenten festzumachen: Zum einen an den nationalitätenbezogenen Spannungen, die allen genannten Translationstypen im Untersuchungszeitraum eingeschrieben sind; zum anderen an der Bi- und Plurilingualität, die, je nach Territorium und jeweiliger gesetzlicher Lage, eine grundsätzliche Voraussetzung für die Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschtätigkeit darstellte und als solche eine professionelle und qualitativ differenzierte translatorische Ausbildung vordergründig nicht erforderlich machte. Dennoch ist eine sukzessiv erfolgende Institutionalisierung der translatorischen Tätigkeit rekonstruierbar.

Yin Fong Sin, I. (2011). [e-Book]  Insights from book translations on the international diffusion of knowledge. Stanford Stanford University. Texto completo: https://stacks.stanford.edu/file/druid:df340nb1179/Dissertation_submitted-augmented.pdf

Increases in the stock of ideas possessed by societies are central to modern economic growth. The implications of idea ows are striking: Klenow and Rodr__guez-Clare (2005) estimate world production would be just 6% of its current level if countries did not share ideas. Yet, although theoretical economists have studied ideas and their di usion extensively, empirical studies are scarce because ideas are inherently di_cult to measure. Previous empirical studies of idea  ows have tended to use proxies such as trade  ows, foreign direct investment, migration, and patent citations. However, with the exception of the latter, these measures are not pure idea ows, and do not capture the key properties of ideas, namely non-rivalry and disembodiedness. My research proposes a novel measure of idea ows, namely book translations,and uses it to study the factors that a ect the international di usion of ideas. Book translations are an attractive way to quantify idea ows because they are both non-rival and disembodied; they are a pure measure of idea ows rather than a by-product of a process such as trade or migration, and their key purpose is to make the ideas contained in the book accessible to speakers of another language

Yueh-Wen, F. (2012). [e-Book]  Falsos amigos español-inglés en estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera: el caso de taiwanés. Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca. Texto completo: http://gredos.usal.es/jspui/bitstream/10366/115556/1/DTI_YuehWenF_FalsosAmigosEspa%c3%b1olIngl%c3%a9s.pdf

[ES] Esta tesis estudia los falsos amigos entre los idiomas espa??ol-ingl??s que se le presentan a estudiantes taiwaneses en el proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua espa??ola, y se proporcionan algunas soluciones a este tipo de problemas.

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