Archivo mensual: marzo 2017

Patrimonio y Humanidades digitales: de la vieja a la nueva filología.


 Património Textual e Humanidades Digitais : Da antiga à nova Filologia. [e-Book] Évora, Publicações do Cidehus, 2016

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El universo digital trajo a la esfera del libro y el texto a una dimensión global, permitiendo que las bibliotecas centenarias se estén disponibles a través de bibliotecas virtuales, cuya accesibilidad convirtió la actividad investigadora en un proceso menos arduo y más inmediatamente accesible. Con medios de investigación y difusión de información inimaginables hace unas décadas. Con este libro, titulado  Património Textual e Humanidades Digitais : Da antiga à nova Filologia, se pretende, en primer lugar, recuperar y valor, no sólo las fuentes de la memoria textual de los textos clásicos portugueses desconocidos u olvidados, también destacar el interés cultural y filológico de manuscritos de la fase final de la época clásica; y, en segundo lugar, mostrar la forma en que ahora es posible utilizar el medio digital de fuentes antiguas y cuáles son las soluciones a los casos concretos. Los textos reunidos en este volumen representan, por tanto, una ruta de la antigua a la nueva filología, que se asume como un Filología digital, que representan algunas de las áreas de investigación que se encuentran en la tangencial de acción de las llamadas Humanidades Digitales – historia del libro y la lectura, el inventario, el rescate de los textos clásicos y fuentes escasamente estudiadas. Siendo de interés tanto para las disciplina filológica, lingüística y la historiografía, como para la informática y la lingüística computacional.

Traducir al oído: versiones en español de la prosa y el teatro francés poética (1890-1930).


Carandell, Z. (2017). [e-Book] Traduire pour l’oreille : Versions espagnoles de la prose et du théâtre poétiques français (1890-1930). Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2017

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Les avatars espagnols du Symbolisme et des Avant-gardes se sont enrichis, durant une période particulièrement féconde des lettres hispaniques, grâce à l’ « or étranger » apporté, selon Díez-Canedo, par d’autres littératures et notamment par les traductions du français. Ces dernières sont ici envisagées comme de nouvelles créations qui puisent, dans la langue d’origine, un souffle métrique et rythmique susceptible de déplacer les frontières entre prose et poésie. Les œuvres choisies par les traducteurs espagnols (romantiques et symbolistes pour la plupart) témoignent d’un vif intérêt pour les questions de prosodie. Mais une fidélité au rythme et aux sonorités de l’original est-elle observée dans ces traductions ? Existe-t-il dans la langue espagnole, à l’instar de ce que Miguel Gallego Roca nomme la « poésie importée », une musique importée du français dont les traducteurs seraient les passeurs et les artisans ? Les adaptations écrites pour la scène sonnent-elles autrement que les traductions destinées à la lecture silencieuse ? Les neuf contributions réunies dans ce volume abordent les effets acoustiques des textes, tout en proposant une réflexion sur l’histoire culturelle et littéraire du premier tiers du XXe siècle espagnol.

Los idiomas más hablados en el mundo



Los idiomas más hablados en el mundo en millones de personas

Liberté: libro de texto de francés de primer año de universidad con enfoque comunicativo.


Gretchen Angelo, California State University, 2015

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This French book is aimed at a first-year college student. Its features include:

  1. Each chapter is built around communicative strategies. Clearly defined objectives in communi- cation, culture, and grammar are given at the start of each chapter, and summary exercises at the end allow students to measure their mastery of these objectives.
  2. The exercises in the in-class (A) sections are composed mainly of guided practice and extension activities, along with occasional comprehension checks and comprehensible input. Some further activities are indicated in the instructor’s marginal notes. The teacher can provide teacher- directed “setting-the-stage” activities, comprehension checks, and further comprehensible input before beginning each section. Many models are provided to the students to give them a secure context in which to practice their vocabulary before they are asked to produce independent language.
  3. The grammar included is explained in a more narrative form and in more detail than is typical for first-year textbooks. The grammar (B) sections should be read by the students outside of class before the communicative activities requiring those grammar points are done in class. By providing more explicit grammatical detail than is usual in a first-year book, the author hopes to stimulate students to reflect on the grammar of their own language as well as of French, helping students to become aware that their study of French is not just about mastery of a new language and culture, but about a more critical view of their own.
  4. The amount of grammar is less than is typically contained in a first-year text. The grammar included has been chosen to meet the needs of the communicative goals of each chapter, and these have been selected based on what a student ranking intermediate-low to -mid on the ACTFL oral proficiency scale should be able to accomplish. The grammatical concepts included in this book focus on those that will be needed for the sentences and questions that a typical low-intermediate speaker can form, and those are emphasized repeatedly.
  5. The book implicitly and explicitly recycles material from previous chapters on a regular basis, so that students can see their learning as a continual progression rather than as a rush from one grammar point to the next.
  6. The book is ideally used in a classroom with internet and projection capabilities; the PDF version of the book contains hyperlinks to video and audio-based activities as well as navigational links to referenced exercises within the text itself.


Le Littéraire dans le quotidien: libro de texto abierto para uso en cursos de francés


Le Littéraire dans le quotidien
Joanna Gay Luks, Cornell University, 2015

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Le Littéraire dans le quotidien is an open textbook for use in French courses. The Literary in the Everyday represents a new pedagogical approach to reading and writing at the lower levels and is applicable to all languages.

Últimos avances en Escritura Científica


International Advances in Writing Research: Cultures, Places, Measures
Amanda Stansell, University of California, Santa Barbara
Charles Bazerman, University of California, Santa Barbara
Chris Dean, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jessica Singer Early, Arizona State University
Karen Lunsford, University of California, Santa Barbara
Paul Rogers, George Mason University
Suzie Null, Fort Lewis College, 2012

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The thirty chapters in this edited collection were selected from the more than 500 presentations at the Writing Research Across Borders II Conference in 2011.With representatives from more than forty countries, this conference gave rise to the International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research.

Guía de árabe coloquial para principiantes

FROM MSA to CA: A Beginner’s Guide to Transitioning to Colloquial Arabic
Lina Gomaa, Portland State University


This book is for students who have studied Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) for one year or more and would like to learn colloquial Arabic basics using their knowledge of MSA.

Francés interactivo


Français interactif
Carl Blyth, University of Texas, Austin
Karen Kelton, University of Texas, Austin
Nancy Guilloteau, University of Texas, Austin, 2015

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This textbook of classroom activities and homework accompanies Français interactif.

Prácticas fundamentales de escritura en línea


Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction, Parlor Press, 2015

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Foundational Practices of Online Writing Instruction addresses the questions and decisions that administrators and instructors most need to consider when developing online writing programs and courses.

Deutsch im Blick


Deutsch im Blick
Zsuzsanna Abrams, University of Texas, Austin, 2016


This textbook of classroom activities and homework accompanies Deutsch im Blick, the web-based German program developed and in use at the University of Texas since 2004, and its companion site, Grimm Grammar.