Archivos por Etiqueta: Multilingüismo

Traducción y multilingüismo

Comisión Europea, Dirección General de Traducción, Traducción y multilingüismo, Oficina de Publicaciones, 2014,

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La Dirección General de Traducción de la Comisión Europea (DGT) es uno de los mayores servicios de traducción del mundo. Su cometido es: cubrir las necesidades de traducción y asesoramiento en cuestiones lingüísticas de la Comisión para todo tipo de comunicación escrita; promover y asentar el multilingüismo en la Unión Europea (UE); y acercar la política de la UE a los ciudadanos de modo comprensible.

El multilingüismo y la traducción jurídica en el derecho de la unión europea: un derecho del ciudadano, un desafío para el lingüista

Campos Carrión, Miriam. El multilingüismo y la traducción jurídica en el derecho de la unión europea: un derecho del ciudadano, un desafío para el lingüista. Trabajo fin de Grado dirigido por María Teresa Fuentes Morán. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, Facultad de Traducción y Documentación, 2017

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En el presente trabajo se estudia la historia y el estado actual del multilingüismo en el seno de la Unión Europea y, en concreto, su manifestación en la traducción jurídica de los textos legislativos producidos por esta organización supranacional. Se analizan, para ello, los principales rasgos de la traducción jurídica institucional europea: su multilingüismo, el principio de igual autenticidad de las lenguas oficiales, el particular concepto de equivalencia en este ámbito, la ambigüedad deliberada y la desculturización de las lenguas de redacción. Asimismo, se expone el papel interpretativo y correctivo del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea en los casos de divergencias lingüísticas entre varias versiones de un mismo texto legislativo, así como cuál es el método que dicho Tribunal emplea en esta labor. A continuación, se explican y evalúan varias propuestas de reforma del multilingüismo jurídico de la Unión Europea. Por último, se extraen unas conclusiones sobre el presente y futuro del multilingüismo europeo en el ámbito jurídico.

Sitios de traducción: lo que los multilingües pueden enseñarnos sobre la escritura y la retórica digitales

Gonzales, Laura. Sites of Translation: What Multilinguals Can Teach Us about Digital Writing and Rhetoric. University of Michigan Press, 2018.

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Winner of the 2016 Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Book Prize Sites of Translation illustrates the intricate rhetorical work that multilingual communicators engage in as they translate information for their communities. Blending ethnographic and empirical methods from multiple disciplines, Laura Gonzales provides methodological examples of how linguistic diversity can be studied in practice, both in and outside the classroom, and provides insights into the rhetorical labor that is often unacknowledged and made invisible in multilingual communication. Sites of Translation is relevant to researchers and teachers of writing as well as technology designers interested in creating systems, pedagogies, and platforms that will be more accessible and useful to multilingual audiences. Gonzales presents multilingual communication as intellectual labor that should be further valued in both academic and professional spaces, and supported by multilingual technologies and pedagogies that center the expertise of linguistically diverse communicators.

Multilingüismo creativo: un manifiesto.

Kohl, K., Dudrah, R., Gosler, A., Graham, S., Maiden, M., & Reynolds (eds), W. O. and M. (s. f.). Creative Multilingualism: A Manifesto. Open Edition,

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Multilingualism is integral to the human condition. Hinging on the concept of Creative Multilingualism – the idea that language diversity and creativity are mutually enriching – this timely and thought-provoking volume shows how the concept provides a matrix for experimentation with ideas, approaches and methods.

The book presents four years of joint research on Creative Multilingualism conducted across disciplines, from the humanities through to the social and natural sciences. It is structured as a manifesto, comprising ten major statements which are unpacked and explored through various case studies across ten chapters. They encompass areas including the rich relationship between language diversity and diversity of identity, thought and expression; the interaction between language diversity and biodiversity; the ‘prismatic’ unfolding of meaning in translation; the benefits of linguistic creativity in a classroom-setting; and the ingenuity underpinning ‘conlangs’ (‘constructed languages’) such as Tolkien’s Quenya and Sindarin, designed to give imagined peoples a distinctive medium capable of expressing their cultural identity.

Creative Multilingualism: A Manifesto is a welcome contribution to the field of modern languages, highlighting the intricate relationship between multilingualism and creativity, and, crucially, reaching beyond an Anglo-centric view of the world. Intended to spark further research and discussion, this book appeals to young people interested in languages, language learning and cultural exchange. It will be a valuable resource for academics, educators, policy makers and parents of bilingual or multilingual children. Its accessible style also speaks to general readers interested in the role of language diversity in our everyday lives, and the untapped creative potential of multilingualism.

El lenguaje de Europa. Multilingüismo y traducción en las instituciones de la UE: Práctica, problemas y perspectivas.


Barroso, J. M., D. Cosmai, et al. (2014). [e-Book] The Language of Europe. Multilingualism and Translation in the EU Institutions: Practice, Problems and Perspectives. Bruxelles, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles.

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This book offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the policy area of multilingualism and to translation practice within the EU institutions.

Webs de traducción: Lo que los multilingües pueden enseñarnos sobre la escritura digital y la retórica



Gonzales, Laura. Sites of Translation: What Multilinguals Can Teach Us about Digital Writing and Rhetoric. An Arbor, Mibhigan: University of Michigan Press, 2016

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Sites of Translation illustrates the intricate rhetorical work that multilingual communicators engage in as they translate information for their communities. Blending ethnographic and empirical methods from multiple disciplines, Laura Gonzales provides methodological examples of how linguistic diversity can be studied in practice, both in and outside the classroom, and provides insights into the rhetorical labor that is often unacknowledged and made invisible in multilingual communication. Sites of Translation is relevant to researchers and teachers of writing as well as technology designers interested in creating systems, pedagogies, and platforms that will be more accessible and useful to multilingual audiences. Gonzales presents multilingual communication as intellectual labor that should be further valued in both academic and professional spaces, and supported by multilingual technologies and pedagogies that center the expertise of linguistically diverse communicators.


Estudios de Multilingüismo, Lingua Franca y Lingua Sacra



Braarvig, J. and M. J. Geller. [e-Book] Studies in Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra, Max Planck Institute, 2018

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The present book comprises a number of studies centered around the topic of how knowledge diffuses from one culture to another, and how knowledge diffusion is connected with the spread of languages and the conceptual systems they carry by translation. This diffusion also takes place also over linguistic borders, in the way that a given receiving language may also absorb systems of knowledge from languages that are linguistically quite unrelated but culturally connected with respect to knowledge transfer. Thus we find that Sumerian concepts with considerable impact were moved into the Akkadian language, along with writing-systems, religion, science and literature, even though linguistically the languages are completely unrelated. Another example is how Chinese culture and writing systems spread throughout East Asia into Korea, Japan and Vietnam, though the languages of these countries were linguistically unrelated to Chinese. The same case can be made for Buddhist ways of thinking when it was clothed in the garb of Chinese or Tibetan, or one of the other languages along the Silk Road. This is also true for the spread of Manicheism, as it was portrayed in a great number of languages, related or unrelated. German and Latin are linguistically related, but when Latin learning was communicated in Old High German, many of its terms were created in Middle German to accommodate the Latin conceptual world, and the German language was lastingly enriched with novisms denoting concepts of the Classical traditions of learning, in a process parallel to the spread of Greek Christianity into the East European cultures and languages. The book describes some cases of such knowledge transfer and what kind of mechanisms are involved in the ensuing language changes in the receiving languages and cultures.

Agenda Estratégica de Investigación para una Europa Multilingüe 2020.



Georg, R. and U. Hans (2013). [e-Book]  META-NET Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020. Berlin, Springer, 2013.

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In everyday communication, Europe’s citizens, business partners and politicians are inevitably confronted with language barriers. Language technology has the potential to overcome these barriers and to provide innovative interfaces to technologies and knowledge. This document presents a Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020. The agenda was prepared by META-NET, a European Network of Excellence. META-NET consists of 60 research centres in 34 countries, who cooperate with stakeholders from economy, government agencies, research organisations, non-governmental organisations, language communities and European universities. META-NET’s vision is high-quality language technology for all European languages.

Estudio sobre la traducción en servicios públicos en la asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza



Angelelli, Claudia V. Study on public service translation in cross-border healthcare. European Commission., 2015


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Linguistic diversity permeates every thread of the European Union fabric. Cross-border healthcare is increasing among EU citizens and residents who seek care under Directive 2011/24/EU or Regulation (EC) N° 883/2004. In a multilingual and intercultural society like the EU, patients and providers may not share a language. If patients cannot access healthcare services in a language they fully understand, equal access to safe and high-quality healthcare is not guaranteed. Through the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods, this exploratory study examines language policies as well as responses provided (or lack thereof) to linguistically diverse patients in areas of Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. The cost of language provision as well as good practices are also studied. Results show that a variety of responses, ranging from professional translation and interpreting support to informal and unprofessional ad-hoc solutions, are used to address the language needs of patients. In the absence of formal language guidance in EU legislation, in most observed cases appropriate language services are not provided for patients who do not speak the language of the Member State in which they seek healthcare. This study has implications for policy makers, healthcare providers, educators, translators and interpreters serving the needs of linguistically and culturally diverse patients

Plurilingüismo y Multialfabetización: Investigación Internacional sobre la Construcción de la Identidad en la Educación de Idiomas


 Plurilingualism and Multiliteracies : International Research on Identity Construction in Language Education  [e-Book]. Berna, Suiza: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers

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LANGSCAPE is a plurilingual and multicultural international research network on language acquisition and language education. The current research focus is on Identity Construction in Language Education. This volume summarizes some research results of the last four years by presenting empirical research projects as well as theoretical concepts. The contributions all deal with topics linked to plurilingualism or to certain aspects of the concept of multiliteracies like globalization, language policy, multiculturalism, multimodal communication processes, intercultural learning etc. The authors conceptualize or analyse identity construction processes of learners and educators in different plurilingual and multicultural learning environments or media based settings.